I'm not at all surprised he announced. His primary goal is to make money, and now he can start fundraising for his campaign. I actually think his political career is secondary for him - it is ALL about making money. (which makes the Confidential files all the scarier.)

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Still trying to get past "Trumpster fire". LOL!!!

Jay you are a priceless ally for democracy and America!!

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He is a 💩 stain on American history and we do not need a second round of his lies and rhetoric. I’m so over this buffoon of a conman he is Hell bent on destroying what is left of this country and given a chance will do what he can to make it a theocratic dictatorship I hope he is arrested soon we can’t do another 4 years of this fool.

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Did I get that right, "Trump to try for 3rd Impeachment." , Andy Borowitz.

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NY Post was good, too: "Florida Man to make an announcement, p.26"

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Great closing: "Trump himself mistakenly may believe that his announcement confers upon him greater legal protection by dissuading Merrick Garland from continuing the investigation. But the very opposite may be true: Garland has said, unequivocally, that he will pursue the facts and the evidence up as high as they might go. By strongly implying that Garland would not do this, Trump is essentially calling Garland’s bluff. And you really should never do this when the other side already knows it has the winning hand."

But the problem is HOW and WHEN will Garland play that winning hand? While the J6 Committee clearly knew that their time was running out, they still blew the timing on the *trump subpoena. That subpoena should have been issued a year ago. *trump has delayed and will continue to run out their clock. He won and they lost, all because of terrible timing. Will Garland, too, blow his "winning hand" by letting *trump ride?

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I don’t think the J6 committee ever seriously believed that Trump would appear or that they would successfully litigate his appearance. They know how long it takes, and the move was performative to make a point, in my view.

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I agree. If they had seriously believed Donald would actually show up they likely would've requested his presence sooner.

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I agree. The failure to appear for a lawful depsition AND the tfg's failure to produce documents goes to the larger bucket of obstruction, intent & other matters.

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The DeSantis factor makes me wonder if there could be an, "Et tu, Brute?"

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Don’t get complacent. Don’t get over confident. We may have gotten an indication some folks don’t like election deniers or rights being taken away from us, and do like things which give us increased freedoms (MJ decriminalization etc), and, just seeing him on TV announcing makes me want to wretch, but the crazies have cunning and play dirty and their conspiracy theorists know exactly how to wind them up. And they vote. Just because we succeeded better than expected in midterms doesn’t mean the slime won’t come to the surface again without CONTINUED & PROTRACTED DILIGENCE. We must continue to support the team which isn’t willing to do ANYTHING to win, or they will. Its a razor edge..a widespread one, but still a razors edge.

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Thank you for always providing great analysis. I feel as though if I read you and Heather Cox Richardson I have a good grasp on what’s going on. I *so* hope this move backfires - in GA and in general.

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I will personally deleted any reference to his name! DT is a stain on our democracy, not interested in going to his circus! The voters raised their voices!

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Thank you for that tRumpster fire image! You always give us a reason to smile and/or chuckle with Hudson, and with 45, a reason to laugh manically in hopes that he DOES, indeed, get his just rewards (before he takes the whole country down with him). Then you get right to the nitty gritty explaining the latest news with such finely tuned precision!

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I have a question about campaign finance disclosure forms as mandated by law. Trump is under investigation for financial shenanigans in New York State because he fiddled the numbers. Well his forms reflect reality and leave him open to perjury charges or fantasy which will leave him open to federal charges?

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Your last paragraph, about 'the other side having the winning hand,' indicating Garland. I wish so desperately that I can have your confidence in presuming that Garland has the 'winning hand,' and that he will go after tRump, whether or not he stays in the presidential race. This announcement of candidacy only makes me glance over at the hourglass. The sand is falling through, and at some point, it will run out. Yes, I want Garland to make sure he has all his ducks in a row. Yes, I want Garland to have an absolute airtight case against him. YES, I want him to move forward and indict. But I fear that the longer this takes (the closer to the 2024 election), the more chaos will ensue from tRump's batsh!t base. I fear another J6, and it's not a stretch to say that even if the indictment came down tomorrow, there will be bloodshed. I kind of want this whole thing overwith. That's really what I'm saying. Overwith, and start the long, painful road to healing.

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I was kind of hoping it would be over with before he could announce. His announcing, IMO, just fires up his base of ignorants. We need to stop firing up his base, it's time to put out the fire. I'm so tired of this clown being front page news... the only headline I want to see with him in it is one that has him in handcuffs

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Watching Republicans eat their own will be endlessly entertaining.

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