Wishing you peace on this Mother's Day. Thank you for listening to your better self. Have a restorative day.

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I highly recommend MA IN ALL CAPS. Bonus is the background history on China and Taiwan political history. Fun, interesting and relatable.

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Enjoy your day!

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The book is outstanding. Highly recommend it. Enjoy your day.

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Putting MA on my to-buy list. Thanks for the reminder. Enjoy!

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Wonderful book--you really will laugh, cry and be mesmerized by Jay's family stories.

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Very interesting book.

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Have a great day!

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Have fun!

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Peace to you Jay. You are a good one.

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Happy Ma Day to you! You soon will be starring in the role of MaPa and I can say that I was was both (in many ways to my offspring) its the most exhilarating role! Enjoy your moments of less schedule.

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Have a fun day!! Hope to see pics tomorrow of all the fabulous eats you find!

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Wishing you all a lovely, work-free, day full of good memories, good company and good eats.

All my best ~ Kasumii

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I’m so glad you listened to all of our advice and took the day off. Having family around you is one of the best refreshers for most of us, enjoy!

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a well deserved day off. Enjoy your family!!!

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Thanks for the laugh, i needed that. Happy mothers day, we’re all mothers of something. ❤️

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When we were there in November we stayed on the edge of the Bowery and Chinatown. Ate at a place in Chinatown called Joe’s Shanghai. We loved it….but might not be what you are looking for. Enjoy your visitors AND taking a much-needed break!!!

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Happy you're taking a break!! We all need breaks for our brains and our bodies.

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