Happy Birthday. I'm glad you were born!

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This is adorable! What a lovely tribute to your Ma! (And happy birthday too).

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Ma convinced me to pay :-)

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What a wonderful tribute to the woman who made this your birthday! Happy birthday! And MA, I’m a paid subscriber thanks to you.

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Happy Birthday! You and Heather are my go to reads every day, and well worth the price.

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Happy Birthday Jay, from a grateful subscriber!🎂

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Happy Happy Birthday, Jay! Many thanks for your contribution to our world! <3

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Happy happy birthday Jay! Thank you for bringing some sense to this madness surrounding us. Have a fabulous day!

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Happy Birthday 🎂 and a beautiful picture of you and MA. My wish for you is to have a wonderful day and good health! Much admiration!

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This is sweet. And yes, I’m a paid subscriber.

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Happy Birthday! You will always have your mother with you. Today is also my mother's birthday and she's been gone for 34 years and I still talk to her.

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Happy Birthday, Jay! I have conversations in my head with my dad too! I believe it's totally normal and comforting in a way. Don't forget to speak out loud to Ma too...just in case she can't hear your thoughts like we think they can. <3

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Happy birthday!😊

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I love the picture with your Mom, I miss mine every day❤️

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Hope your birthday was memorable, and I finally subscribed in honor of your special day! So glad you're safely back in NYC and enjoying all that carrot cake - take good care of your painful neck, back and other assorted ailments! We need you healthy and keeping us "up to date". Hugs from an ex-New Yorker, living in Germany for the past 40 years.

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