Thank you for all your work, Jay. You have shown over and over that your cool, collected takes are the way to go, instead of the incendiary takes we get from most sources these days. You are a valued part of my day, typically arriving in my notifications right when my work day is getting crazy, and it's a helpful thing to read and reset my own energy before going back in to the rest of the day.

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This captured my feelings perfectly. This subscription is definitely the one I get the most value from and I’m so glad I can support the thoughtful analyses you provide every morning. I am so much more informed because of this community.

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I literally look forward to your daily posts. I think you threw me a lifeline this year. May the Universe be kind to you and your beloveds.

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Thank you for enabling us fixed-income freeloaders to post comments...fully appreciate the newsletter and effort you put into it...live long and prosper, as a wise man once said.

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"...so that those who could not afford to pay could still receive all of my content. After all, what’s most important is that as many readers are armed with knowledge, clear in the danger that confronts us, and unified in our resolve."

You will never know how much I appreciate that sentiment. I subscribe to many substacks, but most cut me out of a lot of content. But not you. You always let me have the full story, and for that I am grateful. I am on such a limited retirement income that if it were not for assistance, I would literally be homeless; when others ask for money and then deprive me because I can't contribute, I feel awful, rather like watching PBS but never giving a donation. But you always make me feel that, even though I cannot give you what you so rightly deserve, I am still important to you and your work, and that I merit consideration, whether I pay you or not.

If I am ever in a position to subscribe in full to your endeavors, I will, with a happy heart. But until then, know that I value you, your role in keeping our country informed and in the know, your expertise in assessing the dangers, and most of all your week-ending "Just for Xeets and Giggles", which always bring me some much needed laughter.

Ma must have been incredibly proud of you; you are a good son, a good man, and a wonderful American. Thank you for allowing me to be here. <3

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I'm on a limited income, too, so I'm another ditto to your message (per another comment above). Since I can't subscribe, I recommend Jay's Substack to everyone I can. I hope that I can at least get a couple of paid subscriptions for him somehow to make up for my freeloading.

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Ditto. Limited income.

But I too recommend Jay's Substack to everyone-especially those who are really negative because they apparently aren't reading anything level-headed and intelligent and pay far too much attention to all the disinformation on social media.

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Thank you for you. What you do for democracy matters.

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Thank you, Jay, for all you do for us. If not for you, Heather, Joyce, Simon, George, and a few more, I'm not sure I'd have a full understanding of what's going on in this crazy world right now.

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Hey, Daniel...Ditto to all you said about Jay... I read his SubStack religiously ...please add to your SubStack Robert Hubbell and Rick Wilson and Charlie Sykes... the last two being ex Repugs supporting Dems & Biden !

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Hi Gail! I actually DO follow Robert and Rick, I just thought, well, there I go thinking again! But I will add Charlie to my list. I see and admire him on MSNBC, so thanks for the invite, and may you have a peaceful and productive weekend!

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Simon? I’m not familiar with that one. TIA!

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Simon Rosenberg’s Hopium Chronicles!

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Thanks! Interesting that I see Letters to America and think “Heather”, America, America and think “Stephen”, etc, but see Hopium Chronicles and think.... “Hopium”. I do already subscribe to Simon’s Substack. And, thanks to this thread, I’ve added a few more to my list.

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You set a very high bar, Jay, for all news analysts. It is my pleasure -- and to my immense benefit -- to learn from you every day. Karma to you.

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You are like that really smart friend whose grasp and articulation of the issues helps us make sense of the crazy 🤪 world we live in right now. Grateful for your hard work. 😓 Happy New Year!

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Thank you, Jay, for your clear voice in making sense of what’s happening. You and Heather Cox Richardson are my must read every day.

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Thank you, Jay. I look forward to your missives every day and also wanted to let you know I just finished "Ma in ALL CAPS" and it was wonderful. Proud to be a fixed-income paid supporter!!

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You are on of my favs! You give all of us a gift with your knowledge and perspective. Thank you!

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Thank you for all that you do for democracy 🙏

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Thank you! Proud to be a paid supporter.

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Thanks to George Takei's bet with a friend, I was prompted to fund a subscription to his Stack. That prompted me to fund yours and other subscriptions. Let's show Jay and others that we support their efforts by helping them fund their great work.

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I think it was a bet with his husband! I hopped on then, too!

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Happy Anniversary! You go get'em Jay!

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So proud of you, Jo! I love you. Thank you for all you do ❤️

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