Thank you for choosing this topic to analyze for the non-legal among us.

A phrase that you have used many times, "run out the clock," is beginning to resonate some alarm for me. Run out the clock for.....what? Simply the next election, then the one after that, and so on? At some point the changing demographics of this country are going to render that strategy ineffective. UNLESS....there is a tacit underlying conviction that they only have to delay just long enough to get a white supremacist autocracy established in Washington, at which point their actions will no longer be challenged by anyone and elections themselves become superfluous.

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Great question. What these legislators do in the short term is “run out the clock” until it’s too late to use any OTHER maps for the midterms or the state legislative elections. They intentionally keep putting up non-compliant maps and fighting the courts until there simply isn’t enough time left to use anything BUT the new map. SCOTUS has been instrumental in assisting this conduct, but I hope they see now where it is leading.

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You’ve described their plan perfectly.

The Republican Party is using gerrymandering and voter suppression to stay in power so that they can poison the judiciary by installing judges who make decisions based in ideology rather than the law. With their districting plans and the oppressive laws they pass approved by their crooked judges, they can then stay in power forever claiming they are “following the law”.

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Sep 6, 2023
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Please do not use this page to hawk and merchandise. Thank you.

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Imagine not getting spammed with ads!

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Sep 7, 2023
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They've been cropping up everywhere. Several of the Substackers I follow are just blocking them outright. (Yea!)

I report and then block any I come across (like the one above)

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‘That is judge-speak, by the way, for “Seriously, WTF are you trying to pull?”’

This is why I love your pieces😂😂😂

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And not just because you’re my sister? How is SARDINIA?!

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Well of course because I’m your sister 🥰 (I’ve always been your number one fan, right?!). Sardinia is dreamy. The days are flying by though!

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This was my favorite line in this article as well 🙃

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A rerun of post Brown v Board of Education - "Resistance!". Southern states went through years of end-runs around desegregation - remember all-white "academies - and court orders, George Wallace, Orville Faubus, etc., until reality and the 1965 Civil Rights Act finally brought (limited) conformation to federal laws and the courts. So AL, LA, perhaps GA, will game out Milligan for as many election cycles as they can get away with, and it will be very interesting to see how these states will respond to redistricting in the hands of appointed masters, and how deep their "resistance" really lies. It ain't over 'til it's over, as they say.

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"Hey, Justice Kavanaugh. We know it's tough. But here's a chance to do the right thing and support us. Imagine how you can make the libs head explode." --Alabama, probably.

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This seems to be their strategy.

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Commenting from OH...many of us suspect that Yost is trying to run oht the clock on the abortion language for the Nov 2023 election.

Why is sort of a mystery. Issue 1 got trounced so abortion will keep getting on the ballot.

That said, next year is a presidential year and they may try to have abortion and the gerrymander* on the ballot at the same time and then just keep running the clock on the voting districts. It is a ridiculous way to govern.

* just after Issue 1 fell, Common Cause OH announced they had enough valid signatures submitted... to gather enough signatures (yes you read that right) to put citizen redistricting on the ballot in 2024

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This seems crazy!!

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So, What are the chances that the SCOTUS simply refuses to hear the case at all? Kind of a FU we already told you what to do.

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I think it’s shadow docket smack down time, yes.

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I sure hope so.

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Thumbing one's nose at the court in an effort to persuade said court to rule in one's favor does not appear to be a winning strategy, but maybe they are sending Clarence lots of art for his camper.

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That’s “RV” to you!

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About Alabama and Mr. Tuberville giving the USA the finger.

Here is what I say the DOD should do. Announce that:

Since the number of available officers has shrunk the missions of the five military bases in Alabama are being redefined. Move the missions in Alabama to other states to be consolidated (except to Florida and Texas - they may be next.)

Through some odd coincidence the other states do not have bans on abortion.

The bases will not be closed. Move personnel and equipment to the out of state bases.

Just leave them empty until the DOD can figure out what to do with them and they have more officers. Leave them with MPs guarding the bases to keep the civilians out.

Since the bases are not closed they will not be available for private development.

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I like it! Unfortunately, too many in Congress will not - even if they wish Tommy would knock off the dumbass shit. Start down that road, and that can happen to any one of them who happen to somehow cross SecDef and/or DoD. Therefore, not gonna happen - but it really IS fun to think about.

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Yes it is.

But someone should tell Florida that having three Senators represent them is a no-no. One of them has to go.

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Well I pray you’re right - and it gives hope for those of us in Ohio stuck voting in admittedly unconstitutional districts.

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Alabama appears to be in a second civil war (without the shooting)

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Perhaps the correct path here is for SCOTUS to revisit its decision based on "no one is racist anymore, so this is no longer needed", under the light of this trove of new evidence that their basis was incorrect, and overturn their own unjust ruling. (i.e. fix their own mistakes)

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Wouldn't that be nice. I like your shiny happy world. . .

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Is there any chance for sanctions? Here in Washington, our Supreme Court fined the Legislature for every day they did not follow the Court's Order that required them to fully fund education.

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I don’t think so here…

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Sep 7, 2023
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High court undermined? Lol. Scotus is proven corrupt and has lost any credibility, thanks to von trump and his goons from gop. Unless somebody cleans this mess, things are going more and more south. No good at all. Good luck.

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What happens next??? See Florida!

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I'm curious who drafted all this nonsense for Alabama? They surely didn't come up with plan on how to buck the Supreme Court on their own.

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Heritage Foundation, among others. It's an ongoing project - been ongoing for about 30 years or so. IIRC, Newt Gingrich gave it a swift kick to speed it along. A big part of it was always to elect low-level officers - school boards, township officers, city officers, etc. Gets the grassroots organized on the down-low, and has the bonus effect of electing clerks and treasurers - those in charge of elections and budgets. But the Heritage has been in charge of the intellectual and legal basis for all the things.

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They need to go after Texas for gerrymandering, too.

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