Biden might be boring to some but I welcome it as compared to the nutty chaos of Trump. I too, would rather see a fresh face and someone younger, but then, ageism is discrimination and I have been a victim of it myself. I see on Twitter how people point out Mick Jagger, Harrison Ford, Paul McCartney are all still quite successful and "old"... there is a whole lot to be said for experience and Biden is a seasoned career politician with a steady hand. Also, the fact there are still people who would vote for Trump is a concerning reflection on society. He's been a liar and a cheat all his life... is there a decent statesman in the GOP with morals, integrity, and ethics? All that said, I'm riding' with Biden. 👍

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George Takei is 6 years older than Biden and just performed 8x a week on a stage in London. Age is a matter of perspective, and it varies tremendously from person to person.

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I agree but his forgetfulness is extremely worrisome.


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Let's not forget the ladies! Helen Mirren, Maggie Smith, Judi Dench! Gloria Steinem, Linda Rondstadt, Diane Keaton, Dolly Parton! Who wouldn't want to see a Parton-Steinem ticket?!

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Absolutely right!

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And Keith!

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And Willie Nelson is 90! 😳

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Long may he reign !!🥰🥰🥰🥰

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How did I forget Keith!? He'll outlive us all! 😂❤️

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Why do we hears so much about Biden’s low approval ratings and not about Trump’s approval ratings when he was president? The highest Trump ever got was 45%, and that didn’t last long. He was down to 38% and 35% and as low as 29% when he left office according to Pew research.

And why do we hear so much and so often about Biden‘s age when Trump is only a few years younger? I have never seen photos of Trump riding a bicycle. Come on now, can you imagine Donald Trump riding a bike? So I ask you, who is in better shape?

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I don't need to imagine DJT riding a bike, my brain can't handle the view from behind.

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Eeewwww ! There is something unsettling about that image !!🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

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Right? We all have to follow the spandex warriors in our cars these days, but imagine being behind that road block! (?) !

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It would have to be an electric tricycle.

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This comment is gold!🤣🤣

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Since Biden fell maybe he needs that.

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Biden doesn't need a tricycle, his toes got caught in a clip on his pedal. I've seen that happen so many times. I've fallen with my bike as well. I doubt trump ever learned how to ride a bike, so I doubt his balance is good enough for a two wheeler.

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Hmm maybe, focus on Georgia and track if possible, voter registration of younger people, use abortion as the main driver first, young people lost their right to their body and young men need to be reminded it effects them too indirectly and eventually directly, if they get someone pregnant and both are not ready, they will struggle and the embryo that will eventually be a baby will struggle causing their futures to be very difficult for years to come. Older men need to be reminded it could be their daughter or granddaughter, niece or any loved one. As for women it’s obvious their body, their choice is afforded to them by the 14th amendment and the Supreme Court destroyed that using 12th century law. So reframe it as they took your rights away but now you can become empowered to restore them. You have the power by registering to vote and then vote. No one can do it but you. Seize this moment in time and become part of a new future that will be remembered in our history.

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We also know the repugnants will not stop at making women brood mares , they will also get rid of the right to vote or even work outside of the home !! It will come if they are not stopped !!

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Republicans need to embrace that freedom for women is so vital, yes while being a mother and giving life is important to our survival but women need the freedom to choose so they can also improve the economy by pursuing their careers, women are half the country and often the foundation of the family and they voice is important to our future. They are the caregivers of our children when they decide to be. If you improve the conditions of health care, day care, education, the economy as a whole, women will decide to have more children because they have the freedom to do so without the financial constraints.

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I agree with this except people need to use birth control to prevent getting pregnant.

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Better idea is to always use protection to prevent unwanted pregnancies!

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As usual, excellent, Jay. One thing I can't abide is the ageism being directed at Biden and not TFG. In my community there is a sizeable population of elderly folk living in two communities. Many are in their 90s, one or two in their 100s, and those that are still active in the community are in full possession of their faculties. Sometimes scarily so. I know two who are Biden's age that still do Ironman competitions. Comparing TFG and Biden (who has not visibly aged in office, unlike most of his predecessors), I have to ask. Consider the two men's physical fitness, physical form, and behavior.

IMO, and that only, TFG is showing his age far more than Biden. That diet of his, his morbid obesity, and clearly scattered brain are enough for me.

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The one other factor you did not mention in this current edition of Status Kuo (which I love) is that the 34 felony indictments out of Manhattan are just the beginning of this felony fiesta. As you noted yesterday, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is playing the long game by waiting until this summer to drop the mountain of evidence she already has against The Donald and his minions. My point here is that, along with the items you have highlighted today, I simply don't understand the party's band that continues to play Happy Days Will Be Here Again on the Titanic-like Trump Cruise Line.

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I didn’t specifically get into the likely charges, but I did mention that his likely soon to be found civilly liable for rape and multiply indicted on state and federal charges.

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Love "felony fiesta" and the "Titanic-like Trump Cruise line." The latter can only be improved with the replacement of "Cruise" with "Cruz."

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That is a perfect improvement, thank you.

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“Felony fiesta” 🤣

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I just listened to a news clip where they were negatively talking about Biden’s age being pro for the orange guy. But, and I’m serious, why? Biden and orange guy are only 4 years apart. When your 19 and your date is 15… this is cause for serious concern, but when one is 76 and the other 80? And though the red side would argue this… orange guy definitely has a harder time getting his words right. Biden at least talks in complete coherent sentences.

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Even on the left many folk are complaining about Biden's age. Therefore it is important for Progressives to understand how valuable Kamala Harris is. However, we hear nothing about her from the media. I would appreciate it if in your writings you could keep your huge following up to date with what she is doing. It would provide a sense of security that if Biden falls ill during his next term, she would be fabulous at stepping up. Too many people conceive of the presidency as one person, when in fact it is a whole team.

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I voted for Biden and I will vote for him again. I don't know of any other Democratic leader that can do the job he is doing at this point. One of the tasks of the Democratic party is to grow mature leaders for the following election who would be willing to run. If Biden didn't run this round, who would, that stands a chance of winning?

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The risk is higher with an unknown candidate, for sure.

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Left, right, center, clear headed or nutjob I still can't believe ANY American would still vote for Trump. Only the most asinine imbecile could want this traitorous fiend to head our nation.

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Sadly, "most asinine imbecile" is a pretty fair description of the beliefs and behavior of so many of the willfully ignorant addicts of Fox Noise (and their other GQP propaganda outlets like Newsmax & OANN and so much of AM radio). . .

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Brilliant analysis, Jay. Up with Optimism!! You made one observation for which I am asking further explanation: "From Trump’s perspective, the woke left has seized control of the levers of government at all levels and has weaponized them against the GOP."

From where I sit in Michigan, the biggest struggles we face are those at the lower levels of government -- county councils and school boards especially. Example: In Ottawa County (Grand Haven area of Lake Michigan, western Michigan), the County Commission has gone GOP MAGA rogue. It is absolutely stunning. Right now they are locked in a fierce legal battle with the head of public health, whom they fired illegally for doing her job. Turns out, she pissed off these MAGA parents when she ordered schools closed during the height of the pandemic (following the Governor's mandate). It's truly crazy.

Then, we watch state legislatures across the country propose and enact anti-democratic anti-voting bills and anti-women bills and anti-LBGTQ+ bills ... the list goes on. So, rather than the "woke left" seizing control of government, I think it has been the opposite? The GOP has achieved its 40-year goal of "owning all levers of government" so they can impose their minority will on the majority of voters. Including the hyper-hypocrisy of Jim Jordan trying to swing the federal government against the Manhattan DA through subpoenas etc.? Your take? Thank you!

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It very much has been the opposite, but the right acts as if it’s not true. Gerrymandering has left extremists in power in places like Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, and Tennessee. But to hear them tell it, they are the victims.

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Left being a verb here, not an adjective

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Thank you, Jay! I appreciate your additional explanation. Classic gaslighting from the GOP! Ugh

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And NC.

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Allegan County has emerged as another takeover county in the past few days or so. See if you can get anything from searching, but I think it was the county board that recently put out a manifesto that sounds like it came from the same playbook as the Ottawa County takeover. Better check your own county governments, folks. This is getting scary.

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I like Joe... but I do worry: do the Democrats have a backup plan , should anything happen? There needs to be one. If 2016 had taught us ANYTHING [shudders] it's that we can't take anything for granted.

As for the GOP, if they had half a brain cell left as a party, they would do a 180 and rush to the middle. Pick a nice, moderate, sensible ticket - like, say, Romney-Kinsinger. But we know they won't. What I still don't understand is - how can ANY woman, ANY person of color, ANY immigrant, or ANY LGBTQ+ vote Republican anymore, the way the party is today. Once upon a time, I used to vote mixed ticket myself.... and then the GOP appears to have completely lost its ever-loving mind. Being against them is no longer a simple matter of opinion, it's a matter of being a decent human being, because what they presently stand for no longer amounts to decency or humanity.

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The back-up plan is Kamala Harris, currently.

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“From Biden’s perspective,...” here’s a list of true things that have made things better for Americans.

“From Trump’s perspective,...” here’s a list of lies and petty grievances.

Please stop presenting these two perspectives as if they were in any way equivalent. The differences between what Biden is trying to accomplish and what Trump wants to do are stark. It is a disservice to your readers to treat those as if they were just differences in points of view between two equally reasonable people.

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For clarity’s sake, I am not presenting them as if they were equal. I am merely presenting the cases the two men are making, and then I conclude by saying it is the positive message of hope that will prevail.

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Whatever your intent, the way you chose to present them DOES treat them as equally valid points of view. Even after your initial paragraphs you continue to normalize Trump's position by repeating what his position is ("Trump’s MAGA movement believes Democrats are seeking to displace traditionally white, Christian, male, conservative power with minorities, women and LGBTQs.") without once even suggesting that none of what he claims there is true.

Even in concluding "Biden's is more hopeful" you've avoided noting "Trump's is lies".

It's akin to saying "There is a climate scientists who published a paper saying we're in serious trouble, and another who published a paper saying it's all a hoax." without ever noting that one claiming it's a hoax had to self-publish on their blog because every legitimate science journal rejected his baseless claims.

This ridiculous resistance people have to calling Republicans out, the tendency they have to treat Republicans as if they are legitimate contributors to the debate, the strict adherence to "If you can't say something nice" that keeps you from acknowledging "Trump's is lies" is what that aids and abets them. It's adding to the problem rather than shining a light on it.

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Assuming Biden gets the Democratic nomination, the next Democratic presidential candidate has to emerge nationally by 2025-6.

So far that person isn't clearly identified, it seems to me. Lots of individuals I'd like to see in the WH, but do you think there's one that should stand in the coming primaries to elevate their visibility for the next cycle?

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My heart goes to Buttigeig, but I'm not sure after all the anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, this country is ready to elect him.

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It’s not a nation that elects, it’s battleground states. Do I think Buttigieg can win in Florida and Mississippi? Probably not. Can he win in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin? Absolutely.

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Yeah. Then there's the electoral college. I'm going to hold my breath on this one, because I really *do* think he's right for the job. Watch, wait, and see what happens.

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Gavin Newsom? Gretchen Whitmer? Amy Klobuchar? Hakeem Jeffries? Cory Booker? Lots of good options, I think ...

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I was going to say Gavin Newsom! He has done an amazing job as our governor!

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Don't forget Governor Beshear in Kentucky.

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I would not count Kamala Harris out. She remains an unwrapped gift and I’m pretty sure for good reason. Pretty sure, in a lifetime of politicking, Biden has paid attention.

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I wish that we had ranked choice voting for the primaries. Then we wouldn’t have to be wondering “who could win” or “would the anti-LGBTQ” sentiment eliminate Pete. People like who they like. Hopefully for their policy positions, as well as their character. Interesting that none of you mentioned Kamala. Joe’s first ad out features Black people a LOT. And Black America is hopeful about Kamala, even if White America ignores her.

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Jay's state-by-state analysis, as we stand today, is probably correct. I think two factors will determine the WH when it's time to vote: 1) the economy. If we're in a recession or gas prices spike up again, and groceries are very expensive, Biden is in deep trouble. Undecideds will vote for Trump thinking he's the better "businessman." (hard to swallow that line, I know). 2) reproductive rights, as Jay points out. Very crucial for millennial women to get out and vote in purple states. Not sure how big this cohort is, but my guess is that it will be a significant factor.

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The economy, in the midst of untamed inflation and gas price surges, was 100% irrelevant in 2020 and 2022. Biden was right to focus on freedom and democracy in both, and is right to do so again. Economy was the battleground of the 90s.

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Gen Z could tip the balance for Democrats, voting for reproductive rights. We witnessed just that -- and hugely benefitted -- in Michigan in 2022.

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People need to realize that Biden is not running this country alone. He has a vast .knowledge.of good people to surround him. They are proven.people.in their field. I have no doubt that if something happened to Biden that his administration.would.continue on in a productive way.

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"Trump’s MAGA movement believes Democrats are seeking to displace traditionally white, Christian, male, conservative power with minorities, women and LGBTQs."

Well, on this count, I gotta say, Trump is correct (probably the only thing with which I agree with him).

Isn't that the whole idea? To make our highest government system look more like the people it serves and represents? To inject more diversity into the branches? The more progressive, liberal, and Democratic minorities, women, and LBGTQs there are in our governments at the federal, state, and local levels, the better off our country will be. A lot of our problems will be solved when the reign of the white straight Christian conservative male is over.

Now if we could only lose Capitalism...

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