I also hope you are right Jay. But having faith in speaker Johnson is not a guarantee. As you said he gave in on foreign policy, but that’s because he doesn’t have a personal stake and it’s just money. I don’t think he will side against Trump, because he is afraid of the Trump Crime mob and for his family’s safety. Also, he clearly wants the United States to become a Christian Nation, and if he thinks getting Trump in will do that, he may decide that doing the wrong thing to progress God‘s will is the “right” thing to do. The corrupt Scotus needs to somehow be controlled before the election because Clarence Thomas and Scalia clearly have no objection to going against the constitution, their responsibilities and anything else to accomplish their corrupt and immoral results. But again, I hope you’re right.

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I Hope I’m right, too!

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From your lips to God's ears!

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I’m hoping you are correct, Jay. However, the butwhataboutthewordsatthetime legal logic, anythingeverwrititeninhumanhistory supporting evidence standards and the headsIwintailsyoulose preordained judgment formats written into the SCUFCR (Supreme Court Ultimate Fighting Cage Rules) created and used by the current biased and corrupted SCOTUS members are formidable obstacles to overcome.

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Von trump and all his corrupted friends will do everything to steal the november election. Everything! Dems must definitely step up their game. Against gangsters and morons who blantly do not respect the democratic rules you cannot fight with just the usual tools. Brace brace

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Perish the thought that we should ever have another Pandemic! I;m certain that nobody in this country or elsewhere wants to go through THAT again, especially the Nurses! If that ever did happen, though, whom would you want in charge? Joe the Capable or Donnie the Incompetent?

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(1) Another masterful legal analyses by Jay together with an informed and logical evaluation of Johnson's possible motivations and likely actions. The problem in 2024 is Trump is more desperate and even less rational than he was in 2020 and is no longer part of a government structure with some officials who just said no. (2) And it's worth recalling that drumpf and a separate collection of militia and legal misfits had already organized a violent option at the Capitol. (3) Thus, I think it's possible this time they'll focus on the physical, and forgo another complicated Constitutional coup attempt.

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Great post, Jay. Your assessment of MJ opting for the long game and waiting for better circumstances in 2026 makes an excellent point. On the other hand, the puppet masters who write the checks have been playing the long game for a long time, and I wonder if they won't see their best shot fading before their eyes. Trump is probably reaching his expiration date, and he is all that holds the party together. If Trump loses, or if he doesn't even make it to the finish line, I don't see anyone else who could hold things together because nobody energizes the base like Trump does. If he falls out, he won't leave the party the way he found it, and the party bosses won't be able to go back to the plan they had before he showed up--at least not easily. The votes where MJ bucked the party were not existential. If the bosses tell him "Win now," it's hard for me to see him taking a pass. But then again, the dark money was able to pivot toward Trump when it appeared he would win in 2016 despite his many flaws, so maybe they can pivot back and delay Armageddon for another couple of years. You certainly have given me something to think about. I promise I won't sweat this issue just yet.

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Just when we think we have the Orange Turd cornered, in rides SCOTUS to save the day! Just like a bad 'The Apprentice' script!

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You my sir-are absurd

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Thank you, Randy! One likes to know that his efforts are appreciated!

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