I realize you mentioned you are reading Strongman. I admire ben-Ghiat, for a lot of reasons including that my late husband's adopted mother was a Swiss woman born and raised in Italy under Mussolini. She used to frequently say "it can happen here. Always be careful."

However, I encourage you to explore Timothy Snyder's take on the eastern part of Europe. Between the two of them, it is pretty well clear we are rushing headlong into a very frightening short term future.

Blending the two of them with your ability for critical analysis might paint an even bigger picture.

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Demand recounts - audits - especially if you are living in a “swing” state. The Democrats aren’t doing them in every state. Just keep calling people (Democrats) state and federal (but it must be ordered by the state) to demand recounts. The Presidential race was lost in the swing states (by perhaps less than 250,000 votes)even though down ballot Democrats were elected.

We have a choice of going along or fighting before the authoritarians take control. Look at what happened in Hong Kong and Hungary.

Everything Trump said he will do - he obviously plans to carry out. His patrons are already calling in their markers.

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Yes! demand recounts. Read Stephen Spoonamore's letter to Kamala Harris with a duty to warn: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151721941 if you need a nudge to do so.

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An awful lot of DJT's voters were 'low information voters.' Aside from using and supporting sources information, what can be done to get such voters to become better informed?

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Most probably, AFTER said individuals lose some, or all, of their creature comforts and freedoms. Of course, it'd be far too late by then.

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Check out Braver Angels for some ideas, especially community level engagement. https://braverangels.org/our-mission/

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His need for absolute control of the Military was thwarted last time. "We" cannot lose this final leash on the Madman's power trip.

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Wouldn't miss it! Subscribed some time ago.

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When I click on a link in comments section it disappears. What’s up with that?

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Love to read it but can't subscribe to another Substack.. That is why I subed here.

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Completely relate to your position here. FWIW (at the risk of sounding like a salesman for either Jay or Big Picture), Big Picture is a free subscription, and, like Jay's newsletter, you are able to comment if you are paying or non-paying subber. I think every substacker should take this position toward comments, but I also understand those who don't because requiring paid comments keeps the volume of trolling much lower (trolls don't like to pay to troll). If you just don't like getting your email cluttered with yet another subscription, I'm pretty sure Big Picture (and other substacks) have free archives of posts that are sent via email, so you can just check it tonight and read it on the web/substack app if you wish.

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Contentment brings happiness, dissatisfaction fuels anticipation. A healthy balance of contentment is the key to genuine happiness.

——The Thorn Birds (written by Colleen McCullough)

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I’ve been on two calls, where I won’t name them, there was an indication that the pro Trump speakers, who were fast talking a lot of misinformation and anti democrat slurs were being paid on the side for their lies. One mentioned in passing how coming into a million wasn’t a bad deal. (Musk?)

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See you there.

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