I have no sympathy for the whining of these business leaders. They could have spoken out against all of this months ago but chose to stay silent because they want the convicted felon in office so he can lower their taxes and repeal regulations. They are as much a part of the problem as the convicted felon is.
I have no sympathy for the whining of these business leaders. They could have spoken out against all of this months ago but chose to stay silent because they want the convicted felon in office so he can lower their taxes and repeal regulations. They are as much a part of the problem as the convicted felon is.
I have no sympathy for the whining of these business leaders. They could have spoken out against all of this months ago but chose to stay silent because they want the convicted felon in office so he can lower their taxes and repeal regulations. They are as much a part of the problem as the convicted felon is.
They are not coming to save us, just themselves. But in saving themselves, they might curb some of the excesses of Trumpism.
They really shouldn't. This is what they wanted. They should get what they wanted.
This would truly qualify as an Unforseen Consequence!