Correction: Second paragraph, word should be *undocumented* not documented. It’s been corrected.

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Where were these giants of industry four weeks ago, four months ago, four years ago?

Are they like the giants of industry that were up in arms after Jan 6… and then conveniently forgot and went crawling back?

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Corporate America is not known for its bravery.

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However they are known for their greed. This is part two of the corporate plan. First get Trump in so that Lina Khan would be gone, and any kind of controls, or taxes, then, once Trump has won, start whining about the things that would effect their bottom line, which is everything Trump plans, except for regulations and taxes. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO SYMPATHY for these cretins, and would like to boycott them all. Easier for me to do when I am mostly living abroad. I am also glad that my friend sold his Tesla and said no more. On Black Friday a weekend of striking against AMAZON in at least 8 countries including the USA. https://open.substack.com/pub/snyder/p/a-third-world-war?r=f0qfn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I hope you can give a shout out to them in your column.

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I was thinking the exact same thing. They want Lina Kahn and other regulatory agencies disappeared and they want the tax cuts. Some are all in on the culture wars.

Honestly? I wish there was a way for Trump's policies to be implemented only harming corporations, so we could laugh. But, the suffering will be widespread.

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The corporation heads and owners will have to live in a nation they are helping to destroy, with no regulations on air and water, food, and that is the world they will help to create. They may be able to regulate the cleanliness of their own water, but their air will not be good. The climate will heat up and they may have air conditioning but that does not protect them from floods or fires that will be more frequent. They too will not get warnings of catastrophic events.

I remember how Ronald Reagan fired the air traffic controllers when they went on strike, and now the industry has never caught up to replacing them.

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"The corporation heads and owners will have to live in a nation they are helping to destroy,"

No, they won't. Many of them are already living somewhere else, and doing business virtually. Even if they have to appear in person, they fly in, and back out again. They are parasites - the money is here, so they suck it out and invest it globally. As long as they get their bonuses and their investments pan out, they don't really care about a particular country.

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There are those, but many do live in the USA. They may have other homes though. Wonder how many celebs with homes in other countries will be spending more time abroad.

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That is EXACTLY what the plan was!

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And neither is Congress!

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Actually Corporate America is full of cowards.

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Exactly! They don't care about politics, only their bonuses.

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And tax breaks

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Took the words right off my keyboard. As for the companies themselves, I could give a rat’s patootie. I wish with all my heart that Texas construction would implode. But my heart cries for the millions of innocents caught up in all this. You know, even if the mass deportations don’t happen, the terror being struck in the minds of these people is already damage.

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Reminds me of when Melania wore a jacket emblazoned with "I really don't care, do you?" during a trip to a migrant child detention center. The trumps do not care about anything or anyone other than themselves and their money.

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Nov 26
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Empty worthless rotten souls.

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They all need to move north or west to make the deportation effort harder to implement. Let Texas see how well it does after all of these people -- who Anglo Texans know very well are not all insane criminals -- are no longer there to plant and pick crops, build houses, work in meat packing and cleaning and hospitality.

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Probably people they know and are friendly with voted for those policies. It's going to have to take innocent people suffering to bring the suffering to the voters. They don't understand anything but their own pain.

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Margaret, going further, I bet a lot of relatives and family members voted for trump as well. I’ve already seen a few columns where Latinos were interviewed — “I didn’t think they’d really do it. I thought it was just campaign talk.”

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They are fools. Even if some is campaign talk - the number is way higher than the actual number of migrants in the country - they do intend to deport people with little judicial process. I guess they are getting what they voted for.

Also, like Operation Wetback in the 50's, it's absolutely assured that some US citizens (either born here or naturalized) will be rounded up and deported as well. These are not careful people.

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They were donating to Trump's campaign.

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They’ll get an exemption from tariffs.

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They were being the typical corrupt cowards they usually are. Now they have to overtly suck up, so it's more obvious. Ethics, morals, and spines are VERY RARE in the C-suite scumwaddery. Their fixation has always been short-term personal profit, screw everyone and everything else . . .

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I totally agree with you. This country is a disgrace.

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They got their tax cuts and corporate power, and are just now pushing back on the rest. It was the plan all along.

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Texas is already offering thousands of acres to build detention centers for migrants. And in no way would they allow those detention centers to become slavery camps, right? Wink, wink. Great big fenced off prisons where prisoners are allowed to work the fields in exchange for food and shelter. So the taxpayers will fund the prisons, and the corporations will benefit from the free "labor". This was always the goal.

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Camps once built often are used for purposes beyond what they were built for.

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And pretty much throughout history, the camp builders and maintainers are not the "good guys" once judged by history.

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You rely on lower level workers to maintain "law and order" and all too often often those workers are the type who are itching to lord over someone in their lives. It will not be pretty.

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Definitely, expect US citizens to be caught in the round ups and some of them will have voted for trump.

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The Nazi hunters pursued even low level guards in the concentration camps. In America, we don’t hold our traitors accountable.

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Tell that to my maternal grandparents who were gassed at the camp called Chelmno in 1942.

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This entire scheme REEKS of Nazi Germany!

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Nov 26
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Break out your Shaleighlies!

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I suppose that the undocumented laborers will construct the prisons for their roundup - how German.

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So they’ll let them build the detention centers they’ll live in…. What a great country.

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And likely they will contract them out to local employers to fill jobs they can't find Americans to do. I'm sure they will pay them - maybe 2 or 3 cents per hour.

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Military"barracks" are already under construction in TX along the border. Pushed under the guise that they would house troops sent to do border patrols. 😉

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Well we know the confederacy will do anything to bring slavery back.

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This time instead of Waging a Second Civil War, we should allow them to Secede!

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Yes! Should have the first time.

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I assume the initial "inmates" in these camps will be the ones building them in the first place, as seen in Schindler's List...

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Will the gates have a metalwork sign saying "Work Will Make You Free"

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Nov 25
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And I'm sure that Program will result in "lower" price's for Produce, Meat and Groceries!

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😂😂😂😂 Good one!

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So let me get this straight: companies that rely on migrant labor supported the guy who wanted to deport millions, and NOW they're complaining about possible tariffs and mass deportations?

I have a tiny violin that plays "My Heart Cries for You" but I'm not inclined to break it out for those assholes who completely enabled the Orange Menace and are now whining because a leopard ate their faces.

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Wait till all those hispanic men realize these camps are for them!

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They always think it will be for the other guys. They don't realize that jackbooted thugs don't make distinctions. Just like in Operation Wetback in the 50's, American citizens will be deported "accidentally" except it's no accident.

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Leopards, meet the faces of Texas construction company CEOs who voted for Trump. Please don't video tape the face eating contest. I've seen enough horror for one year.

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Stephen Miller won't care one bit what these construction companies want or need. He WANTS to incarcerated, torture, and then deport every black and brown body he can, and any collateral damage is a bonus!

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He has a one track mind, and has since his high school days when he published a letter to the editor complaining about the horrors of immigration.

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Stephen Miller is a Jew.

He better watch his back.

Jews are on the orange blob list also

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As a Jew, that’s what terrifies me the most. dipshit is hitler personified. Concentration camps are coming. I was brought up to “never forget.” WTF?!

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What happened to "Never Again " as well?

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Not only is he a Jew, he lost relatives in the camps. Wonder how his family feel about his Hitlerian P.O.V.? I'd change my name or make him change his. Didn't hear about the horrors when he was growing up? Or is he so warped, the thought of that kind of power just encouraged him? He is totally despicable.

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His family is as horrified by his BS as the rest of us - they do not understand how he could have come to his positions on anything.

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Special kind of Stockholm syndrome.

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At the beginning of the Nazi Regime, many German Jews thought they would be spared because they were “good Jews”, assimilated. History shows how that went.

The same will be true for any minority group members who voted for Trump. Their turn will come.

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And Oviously a Self Hating Jew as well!

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I have no sympathy for the whining of these business leaders. They could have spoken out against all of this months ago but chose to stay silent because they want the convicted felon in office so he can lower their taxes and repeal regulations. They are as much a part of the problem as the convicted felon is.

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They are not coming to save us, just themselves. But in saving themselves, they might curb some of the excesses of Trumpism.

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They really shouldn't. This is what they wanted. They should get what they wanted.

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This would truly qualify as an Unforseen Consequence!

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Ler's face it: Trump is a genious at twisting government policy in ways that benefit Trump, only Trump. The corruption is staggering.

But since so much about Trump is staggering, most goes unnoticed and unchallenged.

I am 87, so I will, Thank God, never see the depths to which Trump will plunge this nation.

Your children and grandchildren will.

God Help Them

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My thought was, as I read you post, that you would outlive the Felon. I think you can. I hope you do.

All we need to do is keep the pressure on, make sure he never has a moment's peace - even if he has evaded Jack Smith, always make him worry about what will happen to him.....he is not a well man, his mental capabilities are somewhere around those of an 8 year old and that is what makes him dangerous. Time to feed him another cheeseburger.

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Then there would be JD Vance taking over and right behind him is Mike Johnson. We’re doomed.

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Glad I'm old and childless - just not old enough...

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I'm repeating myself but once again we are experiencing this SHITSHOW because Joe Biden refused to replace his Attorney General Merrick Garland who from the very beginning Stalled the investigation and Prosecution of the Major Culprits! Instead, Garland chose to Prosecute the Small Prey!

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I dig

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I agree...I'm 80, and hope to outlive him, but I'm not in charge of my exit date. I worry more about my adult children, and their children.

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I'm having some cognitive dissonance here (am I using that term correctly?). Aren't/Weren't people in Texas ranting about the "migrant invasion"??? It seems ironic that now Texans are saying deporting migrants is a bad thing.

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Some in Texas with a financial stake in the continued use of undocumented labor are finally speaking up.

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It's too late now. They started this boulder rolling down the hill and they are going to have to spend a pretty penny avoiding that boulder.

I'm vindictive, I hope they get what they voted for. Sure, innocents will suffer but that was the appeal for the trump voter.

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There are A LOT of people in Texas. Some people said "migrant invasion" and others said "actually our economy depends on them."

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People who know how things work are saying “it will ruin our economy.” Others are screaming about an invasion. And they all shrug as Abbott drowns human beings in the Rio Grande for having the audacity of dreaming of a future.

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The same applies to the California Agriculture industry! If Trump's plan for Mass Deportions becomes a Reality Crops will be Rotting in the Fields because very few Americans will engage in this type of employment!

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California was not a big trump supporter, so they get a tiny pass. The agricultural valleys is where the trump supporters are though. So they should enjoy putting their own kids to work in the field. It's what they voted for.

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Abbott has visions of Labor Camps of Undocumented Worker's forced to work in Agriculture, Oil and Industry to pay for their Shelter and Food! There's going to be a lot of Unemployed Rednecks!

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This is what I came here to say!! Build the wall! The bs that comes out of Texas concerning immigrant and now they’re like wait, hey guys, we need those people!

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“But we’re going to arrest, harass, drown a few for show before we hire them for less than minimum wage…”

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Hire them to build the prisons they will then be relegated to live in.

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It's amusing that you think they will pay them anywhere close to minimum wage. It's likely to be paid in pennies for the hours.

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It’s equally amusing that you don’t understand the concept of “less than.”

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I've been having that same conversation in my head too.

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Tariff exemption for profit, completely disgusting. So it still does not make me any less afraid of losing my job as my current company has not never been an asshat supporter. And yet this kind of thing just slips through as ok. I still am reeling that any of this nightmare is reality.

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And the Finding Out phase starts really kicking off... January is going to be something.

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And how many of those construction moguls voted for Trump hmmmmmmm? Could someone do a count and publish it?

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I continue to make the case that tRump's "mass deportation/build the camps/mobilize the NG"

stuff was just campaign fodder, BUT there will be a few high- profile "raids" and "round-ups" accompanied by heavy doses of propaganda to convince the MAGA cult that tRump actually "means what he says" but with an asterisk.

A few thousand unlucky immigrants will get the push, but the remaining 11 million will just get on with their lives, all the while looking over their shoulders for "La migra".

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It’s a very expensive proposition to deport so many. But I worry about the prison/industrial complex that could rise out of this and become its own priority.

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I wouldn't count on that. Your vision is way too kind/gentle for those assholes. Remember, right off the bat in trump 1.0, he asked why we couldn't just shoot people coming across the border. He hasn't changed. I know that because he NEVER changes, except for the worse.

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I'd expect them to start in blue states, like Aurora Colorado. Wouldn't want to damage the economy of a red state, now would they.

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I will bet you just about anything that you're right.

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Problem is that they will get pushback. They actually should start in red states so they get government buy in and cooperation. They want to start off with a bang and getting bogged down in legal cases isn't going to make them look good. It will make them look weak. They need to avoid looking weak.

But they definitely want to punish blue states, but starting there could end their whole operation.

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You make a good point. His crew isn't very rational. Cruelty is the point so we shall see what plays out in short order. Business is finally awakening to the fact that they have a problem.

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Really makes me wonder about business that they didn't see around this corner. The rest of us were telling them that it wasn't going to be good. But they decided they knew better. Now they got what they wanted and they are starting to realize what that means. But hey, lower taxes less regulations. I guess that will make them feel better as their companies fail.

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Texas turns out to be a state that depends heavily on asylum seekers to build the housing and infrastructure for all those magats moving to Elmo Land. 🍿🍿🍿

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It's funny how they pretend that isn't the reality of the situation. Unfortunately, the only way to get through to them is for trump to start the roundups in TX.

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That Governor has something to say so that will turn very ugly too

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Denver mayor came out swinging and now whole segments on Fox have been devoted to how Denver is going to go down. FFS.

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That actually sounds about right.

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Probably in California Lance.

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Second paragraph last sentence: should it notread UN-documented labor?

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Yes, thank you, it was an oversight and has been corrected.

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I trusted that you would be on it. Thank you.

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I think so because undocumented was used consistently there on. But at first I thought it referred to EAD (i.e., green card) workers who may not be exempt from Trump's big sweep intentions.

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Keep in mind that trump has boasted that they know exactly where the people are that they want to deport. So that tells me that they aren't going after "criminals." Who they will target first are people in government programs - DACA, people awaiting green cards, foreign spouses of citizens. It's going to be people who are easy to find. Which means they have a government connection

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We can only hope that it's not that extreme. I think many of us are aligned with an effort to ferret out the criminals. But the rest is a black boot in the gut for hope of citizenship for those seeking a legitimate path.

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The trump administration doesn't care if anyone is a criminal. It was never about criminals.

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Who did these bastards vote for?? And where the FUCK was the media when rump was shouting this during the campaign?? Oh right, all of it was smoke and mirrors to get the “low info voters” riled up and vote for him so the billionaires can have their way with us and the zealots can install christian nationalism too.

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Clearly there was no thinking to figure out what the ramifications would be! Duh.

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There never seems to be thinking about anything.

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Conservatives never think things through.

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What I don't understand is Texas has plans to build deportation centers for....wait for it!.....undocumented immigrant laborers! WHO is going to build all these camps? Oh wait, maybe they'll make the immigrants build their own prisons? Slave labor? It just occurred to me.

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