Who did these bastards vote for?? And where the FUCK was the media when rump was shouting this during the campaign?? Oh right, all of it was smoke and mirrors to get the “low info voters” riled up and vote for him so the billionaires can have their way with us and the zealots can install christian nationalism too.
Who did these bastards vote for?? And where the FUCK was the media when rump was shouting this during the campaign?? Oh right, all of it was smoke and mirrors to get the “low info voters” riled up and vote for him so the billionaires can have their way with us and the zealots can install christian nationalism too.
Who did these bastards vote for?? And where the FUCK was the media when rump was shouting this during the campaign?? Oh right, all of it was smoke and mirrors to get the “low info voters” riled up and vote for him so the billionaires can have their way with us and the zealots can install christian nationalism too.