Question: Does HRC have a postcarding arm? We do postcarding as an active contribution to voting via Common Ground--which targets people of color--but we'd be willing to add some effort to other marginalized communities. Thanks for your insights and activism.

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I will ask!

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After thinking about this, the Common Ground use of voting lists is made possible by breakdowns by race. It would seem there'd be serious security risks with identifying others and subjecting them to a breach which makes them targets for mischief and even violence. If there IS a way to help get out the vote and you find out, please let us know as there seems to be a fair amount of support just within this community. Thanks.

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Done. Jay, I have contributed $100 monthly to HRC for many years. Best, Bob

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Done. Jay, you’re an inspiration; thank you for all you do to advance justice and equality. BTW, my niece is a lawyer in Iowa working for the state government in civil-rights enforcement. Yep; you read that right. And, she’s married to a transgender person who’s about to be the lucky recipient of Iowa’s draconian, medieval legislation. You can’t make this stuff up.

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Thank your niece for her work, and let her know we have her and her spouse’s back!!

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Done in honor of my grandchildren and their amazing social responsibility and commitment! And for Bean in particular with love from Mimi.

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Thank you for doing this. I contributed a one-time amount. I don’t normally respond to solicitations but I trust you and the issue is so important; we must activate the youth vote. I recently encountered a 20–something in a medical office setting who told me she doesn’t vote because she doesn’t understand what is going on in our government and finds the news coverage too overwhelming. But it was clear to me she was not the type of person to vote Republican, so there you have an example of a lost vote for Democrats. We can’t lose any votes; the stakes are too high.

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We need to try to get every vote, especially among the younger folks!

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You might recommend Heather Cox Richardson's daily letter to her - not only a capsule of the important events of the day, but she also grounds the events in history.

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Yes, good idea. I wish I had thought of it at the time. I wouldn't be able to identify her again, as the encounter was brief. But in the future, if I am in a similar situation, I will suggest the HOC letter, (I am a subscriber and find it very helpful).

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Done. There is nothing that makes me more outraged than anti queer bigotry. Love is Love.

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Done, and gladly! Happy Year of the Dragon, Jay. May this be a year where love triumphs.

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donated. I hope by the time I get to take the deduction the whole Iowa thing will be smacked down.

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Done yesterday with gratitude for all you and the HRC do

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Done. Gong hei fat choy! And, thank you.

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Done and bought a sweatshirt + hat!

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I love their swag!!

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When I first saw the red envelope notice yesterday, I immediately thought.. you guys send Howlers for Lunar New Year? 😀 sorry, just a Harry Potter fan.

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Done! Born in 1940, a Year of the Dragon! ⛩️

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Happy Chinese Zodiac Cycle year!

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