That’s what my brain feels like, after being up for much of the night working on a bear of a piece for The Big Picture about Crossfire Hurricane and the Case of the Missing Russian Binder.
Jay, take care! I did sign up for The Big Picture paid subscription this week. I read so many Substacks now to get real information and I wish I could pay for them all. So, I chose that one to support. You all do a wonderful job encapsulating the news.
Thank you, Jay, for your tireless service to those of us who want democracy to not just survive but thrive for generations to come. You are doing a great service for your country. Please take care of yourself, we very selfishly need you!
Jay, please rest and thank you for all the work you put into these newsletters. Your ability to explain legal issues to non-lawyers is worthy of an award. We appreciate you.
Listen to your body and rest. “We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don't allow our bodies to heal, and we don't allow our minds and hearts to heal.” Thich Nhat Hanh
It is important to many people that you continue the work you do, and taking good care of yourself is essential to you being able to continue. I think that your readers understand this, and support you fully when you need some "R and R".
Love you! Seriously. In that agape way. Nap on; Paula Poundstone said the surest way to know you are a grownup is to want to sleep.
I got great sleep!
Woo hoo!
Take good care of yourself--we need you!
Jay, take care! I did sign up for The Big Picture paid subscription this week. I read so many Substacks now to get real information and I wish I could pay for them all. So, I chose that one to support. You all do a wonderful job encapsulating the news.
Thank you so much for your support. My team really appreciates it!
Well deserved rest. And as was said, we need you! Take care of you!!
Insights take brain power. We rely on both from you. Recharge, then charge ahead!
Thank you, Jay, for your tireless service to those of us who want democracy to not just survive but thrive for generations to come. You are doing a great service for your country. Please take care of yourself, we very selfishly need you!
May your rest be peaceful and absent of binders.
Take care of yourself first !!!!
Jay, please rest and thank you for all the work you put into these newsletters. Your ability to explain legal issues to non-lawyers is worthy of an award. We appreciate you.
If you are well rested I will sleep better!💕🎶
You have incredible stamina… get some sleep and chill! We need you and this community really cares about your work. ✌️
Jay you really need to take a moment for yourself especially at this time of year when everyone is in go mode.
Listen to your body and rest. “We humans have lost the wisdom of genuinely resting and relaxing. We worry too much. We don't allow our bodies to heal, and we don't allow our minds and hearts to heal.” Thich Nhat Hanh
One of my favorite sages.
Glad you're taking care of yourself.
You amaze me--and probably every one of us. PLEASE sleep.
It is important to many people that you continue the work you do, and taking good care of yourself is essential to you being able to continue. I think that your readers understand this, and support you fully when you need some "R and R".