Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Here is my story…

Twenty years ago today in the country of Luxembourg, I stood among a sea of dead soldiers, many of them teenagers. It was Independence Day, and my best friend and I were told that we were the only Americans there that day in General Patton’s cemetery. We silently honored and thanked them. They sacrificed it all to fight fascism.

A couple of days later, we were on a walking tour in Munich, Germany. The guide gestured to some graffiti under a bridge and told us it said “Liberated” with the date that the Nazis surrendered. “Liberated?” I questioned. And he responded yes, that’s when the German people were freed. It really struck me because until then, I had never considered that there were Germans opposed to the Nazis. I’ve come to learn that in any given population, only 30% have authoritarian tendencies. How did the rest of the Germans allow this to happen to their country? Were they complacent? Were they unaware? Did they not take the threat seriously? Whatever it was, they lost the election of 1933 and then they lost everything. Hitler rose to power and obliterated their democratic institutions. He went on to slaughter 11 million people who he decided were “unworthy of life” including Jews, black people, gypsies, gay people, political opponents, trade unionists, disabled adults and disabled children.

This week, the MAGA Supreme Court arbitrarily decided that Presidents can freely commit crimes as long as they agree said crimes are part of “official acts”. They ignored 248 years of precedent and the principles of our founding. Last week, they overrode 40 years of authority of Federal Agencies that protect us, like the FDA and the EPA. They removed 50 years of protections for women. They masqueraded as conservatives but ruled as radicals to dismantle our democracy and pave the way for Project 2025. The leader of Project 2025 threatened this week that “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”. Trump is literally calling for the rounding up of 15 million people into “deportation camps” and the persecution of his political opponents. History is repeating itself right before our eyes. How could this happen here?

Seventy-nine years ago, we saved the world from Fascism. Now who is going to save us?


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An important lesson.

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Thank you for your story. I believe people can't imagine our democracy would die. They think we're just exaggerating and have Trump Derangement Syndrome. But the Germans didn't think it could happen either. Palestinians believed the lies of Hamas. Republicans are saying the quiet part out loud and still people (according to polls) think Trump would be better than the old guy. Vote Blue.

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I absolutely agree.

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It can happen here. It can happen anywhere. Why?? Because we are people!!!!! We--people--homo sapiens--we are the problem. It is the ultimate and very sad truth. For mankind: Nothing is beyond destruction. I say this out of a profound sense of realism. That is why we all must take action--great action or small action to defeat Tump and the Republicans. We can do it.

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We can do what and accomplish what? We can never eliminate ignorance, hate and greed but like roaches we can control it somewhat using pesticides that also affect our own health.

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Well Jim--right now--in the present moment-- we can defeat Trump and alot of Republicans. That's huge--in this moment. In the long term, the consciousness of the human race has to evolve into one that prizes peace, love, empathy, tolerance and the welfare of others above all other things. Above money, above power, above status, above religion.

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Well Lori—I’m in complex agreement with you. I typed complete but got complex. I think I’ll leave it as sign from my unconscious 👍

Well, maybe not complete agreement as I always leave room for change as everything is always changing. 🧐♐️♐️♊️

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I have it on good authority that we the people, being unyielding in our freedom to be stupid May aid and abet the election of the Great Orange Cloaca (GOC).

This is because many Dems and Independents are focused on hating Biden Rather than fearing the GOC.

I have it in great authority that a new cabinet position will be formed with authority over all other cabinets. It will be named: The Office of the Grand Inquisition.

Judge Alito will resign from SCROTUS and be named The Grand Inquisitor.

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It could happen.

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WE are going to work as hard as we can by voting, urging others to vote, donating, writing postcards, calling, driving folks to the polls. Whatever it takes to defeat Trump.

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Well said. Thank you for sharing this story. May it bite us all on the nose and hang there as a reminder that, yes, Hitler's Germany CAN happen again unless WE vote against it with every fiber of our being. I hope that everyone enjoys this day fully.

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Victoria, doesn’t it seem strange the pre WW1 Germany was a country led by powerful, wealthy elites, just as was England, France, Russia and others, that entered into a horrible war as these different elites fought among each other sacrificing the youth of their country in battle between different pirates.

So after Germany lost, the elites of Britain and France keep an oppressive boot on the head of Germany, sucking out reprimands for the war—to the elites— as the people of Germany starved to death. In this culture of death and poverty a mold or bacteria grew called the Nazis.

As the rich in the USA cut their taxes, increase their opulence and homelessness and poverty increasing Fascism is again on the rise.

Hitler was a maniacal tool with a delusion of greatness just as is Trump.

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Here's to music and humor and musical humor, and, as an aside, what if we could somehow throw a Democracy Aid type concert around Labor Day to really amp up enthusiasm and bring us together as November nears....

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Made me think of the great musical “Cabaret.”

What good is sitting alone with one’s gloom and doom. Celebrate AND VOTE BLUE.

Life is a cabaret my friends, come to the cabaret AND VOTE BLUE. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Trump and Co are the grifting Producers...

Also.....Send in the Clowns meets Anything Goes

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Thank you Mia. The song Send In Clowns has played in my minds ear almost always listening to Red but unfortunately sometimes listening to the Blue.

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Don't bother, they're here...

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September might be too late.

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Why we are getting after it now, emerging from any lingering shadows, announcing ourselves so that we might ally with the like-minded.

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Vote indeed.

No one is coming to save us.

We must pull out all the stops to get out the vote.

I fear too many in this country do not see the clear and present danger that is growing amongst us.

Google Project 2025. Literally a blue print to destroy our country that will initiate on the first day of a Republican presidency.

Don’t want to slog through 1000 pages of pure evil? Then read Andra Walters’ Sub Stack “How Project 2025 Will Ruin Your Life”. And become a paying subscriber if you can.

Andra reads, summarizes, analyzes so we can be informed without having to wade through mind numbing convoluted verbiage about the demise of our democracy.

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I have been yelling that for the last 3 years it seems that my voice falls on dead ears. But will be screaming until I am horse and have no more strength to do so . Have been talking to people and getting that it's your imaginations the Constitution will protect us that sort of thing . Now those same people are talking about Trump's immunity and wondering what he would consider a Presidental act? So frustrating

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So well said. I wish everyone could read this.

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Thanks so much Patricia! I made it public on FB so should be shareable if you use FB: https://www.facebook.com/share/p/wbp82cmeYMUTT9Sd/?mibextid=WC7FNe

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Well said.

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A hard-earned lesson for all

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A sincere thank you for your intelligent, thoughtful writing that helps us stay a bit calmer through this tragic era in America. Enjoy your day! 💙💙✌️✌️

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Amen, Susan. Thank you, Jay! 🇺🇸

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Happy Independence Day, Jay and Status Kuo-ers!

When I first moved to NC I was sad and homesick for my native Delaware. That first 4th of July here, my thoughtful husband took me to Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, where we saw a monument to the Delaware Regiment which marks the graves of three young soldiers who died during the battle there, one of the last ahead of the final confrontation at Yorktown. When I thought of those young men, dying so far away from home, I thought of their families who likely never knew what happened to them, only that they didn't come home. And I thought of all the other young men who gave their lives so that we could have this country - all of them knowing that if they didn't win that war, their lives would be forfeit. We owe them everything. Including the determination to keep what they gave us.

Happy 4th of July, folks. Stay safe and enjoy the day and remember to be grateful to all the brave patriots, men and women, whose legacy we inherited.

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Standing on all their shoulders, we MUST prevail this November!! #BidenHarris2024 🇺🇸

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Huzzah! 🇺🇸

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“We owe them everything. Including the determination to keep what they gave us.”

Yes we do!

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Vote BLUE!

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

I worked backstage on a college production of 1776. A close friend, now in fragile health, was an amazing Ben Franklin. Here's to you, Tom Francis.

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

One of my favorite musicals ever! I once had the pleasure of playing Martha Jefferson in the stage version for a local community theatre production.

Jay, I enjoy reading your work every day. Your thoughtful, witty writing inspires me and gives me hope. Thank you for that - hope your have a magnificent holiday!

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That’s a great part!

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Oooo! I have always wanted to play that part.

1776 is one of my very favorite musicals for the same reasons as Jay. I always hear from others how nieve and contrived it is, but just as Bugs Bunny introduced so many to classical music, so did 1776 and the Declaration of Independence.

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The part was great fun. I had a great song - and it was a very different experience being only one of two women in a cast of men!

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Oops - hope YOU have!!

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Thank you for all you do and say. I am grateful to live in the U.S. and grateful for all the folks like you who are working hard to preserve and to improve our democracy.

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I’ll be watching Yankee Doodle Dandy. (Jimmy Cagney: what couldn’t that man do?) But you enjoy 1776 and delicious grilled treats for your friends.

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My grandfather won an Oscar in 1942 for scoring the music to that movie! Enjoy!

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Super cool. And excellent score!!

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Thanks for posting the clip - I have never seen it and now I’m going to seek it out!

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Found it - it’s on Tubi for free with ads

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Also on dailymotion dot com with ads

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Thank you for your insights, analysis, humor and encouragement!! Have a great day!!

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

I had the pleasure of meeting Howard DaSilva many years ago. A family friend rented the apartment above their garage. (Carriage house, if you want to get fancy.)

Great guy with an impish sense of humor.

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Enjoy your days off. Grateful for your insights and calming spirit.

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

A) 1776 is a family tradition we watch it every July 4th. B) I hope you enjoy your holiday events. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY

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Jay, thank you so very much for your intelligent (and often funny) prose. I get so much from your writing and your heart and care always shine through. I learn. And I trust your perspective.

When I was a sophomore in high school playing flute in our orchestra in 1976, we put on “1776.” So many fond memories. I, too, learned quite a bit. It certainly was a more illustrative way to learn American History! My older sister and I still sing every song from it!

Happy Independence Day… “a republic if you can keep it.” …pins… Abigail. 😄

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Jul 4Liked by Jay Kuo

Thanks Jay. Hold onto the thought of ‘writing what you want’ for that may come to an end if Project 2025 comes to fruition.

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Don’t talk dirty!

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Wise words, Mr. Kuo! We all need a break. One day doesn’t seem like much, but a stress free day will help us all. Breathe and relax. Tomorrow is a day to gird up to fight.

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