On the subject of right-wingers waking up to how vaccines work; I had a woman in my area talking about how much she and her family love raw milk on Facebook. After a bunch of us told how dangerous it was to drink raw milk; she informed us to calm down, if you bring raw milk to a boil before you drink it it's perfectly safe. I didn't want to tell her that's what pasteurization is, because I didn't want her to stop doing it. Unfortunately, many other people did inform her; with varying degrees of forcefulness.

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Well, no use crying over boiled milk!

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I snort-laughed into my adult beverage.

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Oh my they just keep getting dumber and dumber.

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Too bad -- the best action would be to nod sagely as if admiring her smarts, because that's what is most likely to get her to actually boil the milk, and then probably advise all her raw milk friends to do.

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🤔 Survival of the fittest…

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What would you call a dairy cow that does not give milk? Either udderly useless or a milk dud.

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This is a dad joke for sure. Have to share it with my husband and daughter.

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New to me dad joke…

Guy is very curious what happens to the sun when it goes down. Stayed up all night. Then it dawned on him.

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In HS we lived at the top of the hill. One night I parked the car and forgot to put it in gear. Next morning I had to go to work early but freaked out because the car was gone. I looked around and found it downhill. It had crossed the street, knocked over a lamppost in a neighbor's yard, and come to rest when it hit their concrete porch.

It only had a couple small dents, so I drove it to work. But before I did I wrote a note to the neighbors who were still asleep, apologizing for the damage and promising to pay if needed.

Later that night they called. Said several cars had run down their lamppost before, but I was the 1st to admit it. They were so happy about that, they took me out to dinner!

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I had the same experience when my daughter plowed over a rural mailbox on a snowy night. It was after 11 so we didn’t want to disturb them so left a note attached to mailbox. They said their mailbox had been upended 3-4 times previously but no one else had owned up. They were thrilled!

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That's so cool! I'd never heard of another experience like this. I've never really understood why they were so happy instead of angry. Do you understand? All I can think of is people need a sense of justice?

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It just goes to show you how few people do the right thing when they think no one is watching and it’s going to cost them money.

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My mailbox was recently knocked down and no one has owned up to it. I wouldn't have been thrilled, but I would have certainly been appreciative, if the culprit had owned up.

But in both your and Kimberley's stories there was an element of "out of control of the driver" and had you both not left notes, no one ever would have known you were responsible. Doing the right thing when there is almost zero chance of getting caught is noteworthy these days and even in the past.

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In fairness to that cat, I have found sliding down concrete stairs naked is a great way to exfoliate

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I was thinking the cat might have an itchy back. (I do every winter.)

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Omg, me too!

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The same people who think it's abhorrent to "glorify" the recent shooting are the same ones who scream "F*ck Your Feelings!" and want to re-enslave POC.

I would also note: is it any less violent to deny medical care to someone who has paid a company to insure them for said medical care? At least that CEO died quickly and with his bank account intact.

P.S. I DO NOT condone violence, but when some people reach their limit, they will do what they feel is necessary.

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Exactly! The other day someone said they do not condone murder and my response was that insurance companies and their decision makers murder multiple people every single hour. Karma truly is a bitch.

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Hard to argue with that, I don't condone the violence either and have had to fight for treatment from insurance companies that pinch every penny , I understand the frustration and still cannot believe that dotard would believe that any person would want to go with their own insurance company instead of universal health care total 45 lie that his cult the Republican party believes.

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That may be true, but I doubt it applies to this particular shooter. I doubt he or anyone in his family was ever denied medical treatment because they couldn't afford it.

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Why am I amazed at the ignorance surrounding vaccines? The vax deniers were most likely vaccinated themselves as children. smh

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They wonder why there has been no resurgence of some horrible diseases. Like duh, maybe they work in the first place . Personally I'd prefer that polio never resurges, it was scary enough in the 50s RFK Jr is of an age that he should remember the horrors of growing up and wondering.

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Looked it up and learned he was born in 1954 so, by the time he was of an age to be aware of what polio could wreak on the population, most people had been vaccinated. The Salk vaccine was announced in 1955, and the Sabin vaccine in 1961. I've no doubt that his parents ensured that he received the polio vaccine as well as all the others recommended for infants and children.

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I was born in 1959. I REMEMBER at age 4 or so, waiting in line in a school gym for my “sugar cube” (containing the oral polio vaccine)

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I was born in 1950. My uncle was a doctor. He made sure my cousins, siblings and I got our polio shots as soon as they were available to him. While I didn't know of anyone who had active polio, I did go to school with kids who had survived earlier infections. They had paralyzed arms, legs in braces, walked with crutches. It is shocking that anyone would want to risk bringing that back.

And yes, we lined up at school for the sugar cube version as boosters.

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The other day someone commented (in a understated voice, expressing his own thoughts on the matter) 'Masks don't work,'

after the leader of a small gathering of people welcomed back

someone who had returned from a now-negative bout of Covid.

I may have been the only one who heard the comment. This person is

a very nice person, bright and caring...but I thought of other times

when medical practice began to use masks in operating rooms, and promoting their use in other epidemics...there has been pushback to masks in earlier times, but not like we have recently seen.

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We lined up for them in school.

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I remember going to a school I didn't know. My Mom and Dad, brother and sister. With a lot of other people there. Waiting in line. To get a sugar cube.

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Sounds very familiar. I may have been behind you in line!

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He was a heroin addict for fourteen years, so his brain is a little fried.

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He existed in another universe

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My husband saw a new doctor at the clinic earlier this year. Apparently the doctor asked when he was going to get off the meds he's on (2 blood pressure meds and Eliquis). So that doctor doesn't know how they work, or my husband just didn't hear him correctly? I'm thinking my husband's hearing gets worse every day!

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Or those who stop taking their anti-depressives because they feel better.

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Lol! 👍

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It seems logical to believe that, but it's flawed because of the need

for ongoing treatment. The meds manage the problem, but they do not

cure it. Someone who believes this can see the light, but only if they listen

to the explanation - without that listening, they will feel that they are right,

and THAT is an example of the kind of nonthinking that is used in place of

the real thing. So it seems to me.

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I have a (former?) friend who went off the deep end about vaccines. She also refuses to get mammograms. She definitely had all her childhood vaccines and doesn't have any kids/grandkids. That was fine when it mostly just effected her (e.g., shingles vaccine), but we stopped talking when she refused to get a Covid vaccine and started parroting anti-vax misinformation.

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Of course!

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You do sound a bit busy, Jay. But if your bedtime is really 9 p.m. you should survive. Good thing you have help with Riley and soon-to-come sibling. Enjoy everything.

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My bedtime used to be 4am! I turned from being a night owl into a morning lark during the pandemic…

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With two children 4 am can be both your bedtime and your get up time.

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Years ago I read some health advice that said you should go to bed and get up at the same time every day. I wondered how one would survive without sleep 😴 🙃

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That has all the ingredients for a Dad Joke...anyone?

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Re New Year’s Eve - too bad you’re not in California. We find a NY station on TV. At 9pm, we watch the ball drop and then go to bed. Well, my husband does 🙄 - I stay up a little later. Happy New Year!

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So many fantastic humorists out there. Grateful for the genuine laughter I experience every Saturday! Cheers!

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Wait till someone finds out that back in the 1930s (when banks were foreclosing on people's homes and farms without mercy), Bonnie & Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, and John Dillinger were all folk heroes for robbing banks. America has always loved a good Robin Hood story.

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Re golf cart--- years ago, we heard a crash outside and saw a car driving away. We went down stairs to look-we could see from the door that there was just a scratch on the bumper. Then suddenly the car returned (he went around the block) and pulled close to our car, presumably to see what the damage was. And he swerved into the side and completely crushed the front and back doors. THIS time we got a license number. (His insurance did pay).

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Still not remotely convinced that Mangione is the actual killer. The NYPD go from 'we have no leads' to 'He had the manifesto on him in public' in less than 24 hours? Someone capable of pulling off an assassination of that skill being that careless? Hell no. This is a classic case of the famously corrupt even by American standards NY cops going 'We look bad, find someone we can pin this on quick!'

People talking about 'the surgery that radicalised him' need to stfu. He had his life saved and then couldn't get the medication he needed for that life to be comfortable, of course he hates the system! It's not radical to hate a system that has you in constant pain, and denies life-saving medications to people because eh, to loathe that these rancid pond scum are hastening the death of the planet using AI to reject claims! I'm not even American and I think the system you have is grounds for several more hits if that's what it takes to change things!

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Next baby!!?? Serious? Congratulations! You’re going to have your hands FULL but what fun it’ll be. Big sis Riley!

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Fun is one way to describe it. Lol!

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Groucho Marx liked his cigars, too- but he took them out once in a while.

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About the police cars smashing into the brick wall with the tunnel painted on it, thinking they can go through. That only works at Platform 9 3/4 at King’s Cross Station. If ya know, ya know. (Been there!)

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I think of Leslie Neilsen for this kind of action.

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ha ha! yes, perfect!

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Leslie Neilsen for President! - so what that he's dead, he'd still

offer a lot! . . . or a plot.

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Congratulations on new baby coming Jay.

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Got four of the bands and my teen got the other two (though one of those was completely by chance)... I feel proud!

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I managed to get all of them but I've never sat down to actually listen to any of them... I think I need to chill out on the trivia.

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Help! I had no clue at all, except maybe Grateful Dead bc Jerry Garcia? I’m hopeless at this stuff😩😂

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Counting Crows

Rolling Stones

Grateful Dead

Def Leppard

Led Zeppelin

The Doors

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Me, looking at the first one: Three Ravens?... no... Three Magpies... no... ummm...

Teenager, glancing over my shoulder: 'Counting Crows?' (shrug)

Me, facepalming: 'Counting Crows! Of *course*!'

Teenager: 'Wait; there really is a band called Counting Crows?'

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Thank you.

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I got all of them except "The Doors". I feel really stupid now.

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Same I kept thinking 2 doors or twin doors. Duh!

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The Doors was the only one I got. 🧐 Don’t think you’re the stupid one. 🤣

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...are you under 65?

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Hahahahaha no, way past that!

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Your gray matter is doing pretty good...or you're a Dead Head...my former (MA) dentist was, and he bragged about always taking some recording equipment to 'save' the concert. Not my thing musically, but I appreciated his enthusiasm.

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Thanks!! And no Grateful Dead😂🙄🤣🤣

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71. Got all the bands no prob. So look forward to the giggles every Saturday. You think you’re insane now. Hoo boy! You are going to love the insanity even more. I had mine 4 years apart thinking not in braces at same time not in college at same time, I’m so smart! Are you kidding me? That so did not go as planned.

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