OMG... Marjorie Three Names... I can't even! In-DICK-table!!!! I'll never be able to hear that word again without LMAO no matter how it's pronounced! LOVED the little dog with its stuffies. SO cute.

And the woman crying about Kelce appearing on camera during ERAS. PERFECT!

But what I really wanted to see was how that cat managed to get OUT of the fishbowl.

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That ERAS bit was my favorite!

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She is an expert on dicks!😂

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At the very least it's an unhealthy fixation....

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Especially towards Hunter Biden!

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I also wanted to see the cat get out of the bowl, watching that gave me anxiety!

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I just cant! 🤣 Whatta summary... I'll laugh all day. Is this really happening in America? We have to find the humor if we're going to survive. The Alina Habba series was OVER THE TOP! 😂 And does MTG have ANY shame? She surely has to know people are making fun of her...it's so damned easy! Make America Smart Again! Have a great weekend. ✌️💙

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She doesn't have shame because SHE DIDN'T KNOW SHE WAS PRONOUNCING IT WRONG. It completely went over her head. Known fact: Nobody gets past grade school in her congressional district. My source for this is the voting results.

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And this is why it boggles the mind that MTG actually got a BA from the University of Georgia. I really want to know how that happened.

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Porn studies.

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Maga cum laude 😉

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It can’t be a real one surely?

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Who knows… she is a serial adulterer, so maybe she was sleeping with the Dean at the time.

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A Bachelor of Bus. Admin. I believe. It just goes to show how some people can be smart in one area but incredibly ignorant in others. Unfortunately, getting a BBA does not automatically mean that you shed your gullibility and your prejudices at the same time, Ms Janet.

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Sounds like she’s hooked on phonics, real bad. Or maybe if she pronounced it right, her constituents wouldn’t understand her.

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Probably the latter! :-)

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I agree, in-dict-able! 🤣😂 is that any relation to a peach tree dish? Or the gazpacho police?

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😂😂 Dumb as floor tile, these people!

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And yet, even a floor tile serves a purpose in life. Lol

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Just this morning, I got a notification that someone attacked me over some reply I wrote on Notes. He said something like, “you’re just another moron who listens to fake news.“

He obviously was talking about himself, but didn’t realize it. These people are like robots who’ve been programmed to repeat the same BS over and over again. I would feel sorry for them if they weren’t so incredibly dangerous.

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Great point-they are dangerous.

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Unfortunately, the truly ignorant don’t know how ignorant they are. Always remember, Donald Trump thinks he’s a stable genius. 😂🤣

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Lol! "You don't have to sign your tweets at the end." I love it when I really do laugh out loud over this stuff. Another all star collection.

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Oh, one more fave: Sobbing girl saying, "he's ruining live music."

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Too many excellent giggles this week Jay! Loved the Trump tiny hands sketch and Alina Habba responses, especially by Captain Obvious. My favorite part of the Marjorie Three Names vid was how she had to use her finger to follow the words on the page in front of her like a five-year-old just learning to read! And the Swiftie satire TikTok, brilliant. Awesome animal clips, although none of them are as cute as Windsor! Have a great weekend.

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She’d better learn how to pronounce it. Her candidate has four so far!

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He has been in-DICK-ted. Sounds about right ...

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Yes - the finger follow in order to … read … dying laughing🤣💀😂

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Yes! I noticed that too...it just added to the humor!

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The Pitchbot take on Black 3-armed voters was the funniest thing I've read in months.

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I can’t believe this is what they actually did. AI for black voters. With three arms. You can’t make it up.

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As always you have given us much needed laughter. The Crow being combed and asking for more 💜💜.

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I think that bird was a raven based on the beak, but I could be wrong. Either way, both crows and ravens are the smartest birds.

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I shall pluck the MAGA mail from your mailbox, quoth the raven.

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Possibly a Magpie, Ms Janet. They are among the few non-primate species who are self aware when looking in a mirror.

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No, it’s definitely not a magpie. It’s more than likely a raven. Magpies are not solid black. They are prolific in the western United States, and I see them every day.


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I stand corrected, Ms Janet. It is mos def not a magpie but certainly one of the Corvidae (there are even blue and green Magpies!)

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Yes, all true. I used to be a part-time rehabber of birds and worked with many Corvids. They are remarkably intelligent and have larger brains than the Raptors. According to ornithologists, ravens are the smartest birds, with crows a close second. Ravens tend to have a slanted beak and are a bit larger, which is what distinguishes them from crows. That’s why, in looking at that video, it seemed like that bird was a raven.

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I think it’s a raven …where I live. There are many many ravens, no crows.

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Between the $83.3 million and the right losing their minds over Taylor, it's been quite a week. I think the animal ones are always my favorites, though. The dog with the dinner guests, the cat in the bowl, and the WTF face on accordion dog. Hysterical.

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That face, right? My sister Mimi sent me that one!

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Not for nothing, but I probably have that same look on my face at least 6 times a day. Lol

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First the Hunter Biden porn and now the mispronunciation of "indictable." We can see where her focus is!

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Really makes me wonder why her and Lauren are having such a spat.

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Because they're in a battle to be the dumbest dumbass possible.

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It's a fight to the finish!

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The dump truck!!! 🥰

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OMG, I've seen the little dog that likes to bring all his toys to dinner before - he is so sweet. Also, EVERYONE knows cats are liquid - nothing new there. ;-)

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My cat is definitely solid. Lol

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😂liquid cats😂😂😂

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This week’s post has to be in my top five of the funnies you’ve created. Every single thing made me laugh. Well done, and thanks for the giggles!

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It was a great week for funny stuff!

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Gotta love the Swift / BoBo comparison. Similar to the idiot that tried to compare having Kid Rock and Ted Nugent as hot talent on the right.

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Kid Rock is their go-to “celebrity,” which is saying something.

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Don't forget Ye and their house Genius, Elon!

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Aw the little kid's dump truck video was just... 🥹 He'll never forget it!

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Experienced heavy equipment operators are capable of a lot more precision than some people realize. That was so cute how they filled up his dump truck so he could play in the dirt.

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Ok, for me and probably others...So "tender" here means "easy to chew". So, better/easier is "A toothless termite walks into a bar..." Now try it again. 🤣

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It took me a few seconds, too

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Thanks Jim! I thought I had lost my mind!

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Thank you!

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Once again another post that has me smiling from ear to ear. Thank you Jay! I love Saturday mornings!

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Made my day!!! Thank you!

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