Love this so much. I look forward to this every week. Thanks for being a bright spot!

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Same! It's always delightful, thanks Jay!

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When are people going to get outraged for funding of public "trans"portation?

I empathize with the penguin. And Sarah Cooper rules as usual. But top spot is "duly elected incumbent."

Thanks again for making my Saturday bright.

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Quite the comeback on his part!

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The joke about bequeathing a box of cables to grandchildren reminded me.... Not to brag or anything, but last week I actually took a cable OUT of the drawer where cables go to die and USED IT. Ha!

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I used a cable, too! I feel vindicated.

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I have a cable box too, including a 20-foot phone wire from back when I had a single phone with a non-portable handset and a single jack in my built-in-the-late-1940s duplex.

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I still have a landline!!!

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I did until a couple of months ago when AT&T increased the charge to $50/mo. and only robocalls and telemarketers were calling the landline number. . That's $50/mo now available for political or charitable donations.

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I have an answering machine hooked up to my landline and the ringer turned off so I don't even hear my landline ring anymore. Telemarketers don't leave messages, so there's no impact to me. I keep a landline for emergencies only. I lost a friend who called 911 on her cell phone and passed out before she could give them her address. By the time they located her (30 min. later), she was brain dead. Basically, it's just backup. I hate spending the $$ for it but it could pay off in the end. You never know.

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🤭 I am desperately keeping all this stuff against the day I want to resurrect some old tech (hrrumph... VHS player...) because I know fittings of today don't even work with fittings of LAST YEAR! Plus the Acopalypse when we have to rebuild civilisation 🤷🏻‍♀️

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SNL was hilarious!!

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What a great week - every one a home run! My favorite is why Trump thinks Biden would visit him in jail. 🤣

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I saved that meme at least a couple of years ago, but it has become more relevant as time goes on!

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My husband passed away a few months ago, and I was hoping to recycle his “collection” of wires and cables. I called our town recycling department and explained that he kept all these and where can I deliver them. Her answer was “oh , all men do that do that, just throw them out” What!!! Boxes of them, bad for the environment, etc etc. but as it turns out, Best Buy stores have a box in the front where they will take them. Don’t know what they do with them but my husband would be glad.

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My Saturday morning can't start without Xeets and Giggles. Having grown up in Concord MA and learned to swim at Walden Pond (how many people can say that??), I especially appreciated the trans(cendentalist) humor.

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That was hilarious. I’m originally from Melrose and I visit Walden pond every time I go back. We sure are lucky.

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Love the Bible reading video!

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Too many excellent giggles today! I love that the NPS social media guru has such a great sense of humor, but the one that made me laugh the hardest (and almost choke) was the bequest to the great grandchildren as that is, thanks to my geeky, thrifty husband, a thing in our house. And it’s not just mysterious, tangled cables, we also have a box of outdated modems that “might come in useful”, to leave to our, as yet unborn, grandchildren!

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NPS has the best social media account writers around. They post on all platforms. Their LinkedIn page has a huge following.

Speaking of the box in the garage with all the old cables, half of ours are landline phone wall cables. What’s a landline? Ranks up there with all the folks on Nextdoor that are amazed when told in response to complaints of high cable bills they can cut the chord and get free local and network TV over the air with a small antenna. Those tall hilltop antennas with red blinking lights must only be there to bring us around the year Christmas lights.

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Once saw video of teenagers trying to figure out how to make a phone call from a rotary dial phone. No idea at all....

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We got a bag of rancid almonds from the in-laws one year. Ummm-good

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My late sorta father in law left a large box of vacuum tubes, each carefully labeled for utility. My favorite was “Weak, but still gassy.”

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As always thanks for the much-needed good laughs! And the ear worm...lol

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Awesome stuff. The SNL skit was hysterical. Lately, I've totally felt like that poor penguin. I'm shooting for feeling more like the dog getting a bath. Lol Thanks for the laughs.

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Oh Jay! Extra extra good this week. A+++

The penguin: been that guy

The spider web: yep

The Baltimore navigation experts: I live here, which means I have enough sense to know I don’t know about the shipping channels. I wish our ROUS (they really are) could guest host on Fox & Friends.

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"The MAGA Speaker of the House is actually a RINO."

He's a SHRINO.

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Jay Kuo: This is quite THE collection!

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Sarah Cooper's tRump vids were so on point, especially the "inject bleach" presser - just priceless. Since Biden's presidency, Cooper taken a v. low profile, but I hesitate to ask for tRump's re-election in order to revive her vids!

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Agree re Sarah... She has just started her own YouTube channel but haven't had time to watch it yet... So much going on - so little time 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also been touring a show I think? Anyway, she was a bright hilarious light in dark gloomy times 💞

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Oh JAY! We all need this Saturday edition! The SHARK. Gonna sing that all weekend and laugh! 😂

MSRNC! Hahah!!! AND SARAH COOPER! She's a treasure...so are you. Thanks for another stellar compilation! ✌️💙

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Great from start to finish, Jay!

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