I did not see the Beavis and Butthead skit and never saw the show, but when I saw a photo of them I thought they were playing Eric and Jr. Trump.

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There's virtually no difference.

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Beavis and Butthead are much funnier.

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I’ll never unsee that from now on!!

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That's hysterical

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OMG -- you are sooooo right 🤣🤣😎

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Lotsalolz, again!

I think my favorite was George's "Odor in the Court."

Also, I love it when SNL cast members lose it while skitting. It's fun. Or, as a MAGA might say it, "Loose it while skitting."

Also, I am glad you corrected Marjorie Three Names (Q-Ga) to Marjorie Three Names (Q-Moscow). We've barred her re-entry into Georgia. I know, nobody is talking about this, but it's true.

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Does FARA apply to these traitors? I truly do not understand why Rudy hasn't been charged with anything outside of GA by now, since he hasn't, it seems like a free for all to do whatever the F they want.

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I know next to nothing about FARA. Or whether Rudy and the many various Trump cronies have made public disclosures of their foreign involvements, or to what extent they are supposed to under that law, but for a long, long time I've questioned why the huge web of Russian involvement, from Manafort to a host of others, hasn't been more aggressively pursued by Garland. Also, I'm not a fan of Merrick Garland. If any of us were involved in one tenth the activities of these clowns, the feds would have gone after us years ago.

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For a while I thought that because they were "sitting" elected officials they were off limits, because nothing happened to them after J6, but then Menendez and Santos were charged for other stuff so that begs the question as to why none were charged for their coup plotting. It really does make me question the DOJ leadership, I wanted to have faith that they were just building an airtight case, but justice delayed far too long and the window closes.

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Kudos to Georgia! Can you tell us how you did this so we can continue in other States?

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We built a wall of libraries.

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😂. Good one!

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OMG, the cat making car sounds.... And the kitty hugging his friend who finally came home - I flipping can't!

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I heard Trump left the courtroom so fast, he left skid marks.

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He was sitting as they dragged him out by his feet?

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Thanks for the image! 🤮😳🤣

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This morning’s laughs have canceled out the week’s WTFs.

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Love it!

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The cat who’s dog came home: 1000 feels. And even a wet dog apparently smells better than a criminal defendant Trump.

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Oooohhhh... this a good one! "Odor in the Court"???? I'm dead!😂😂 Beevis and Butthead was exceptional! 🤣 I love Saturdays with Jay Kuo so much! Have a great weekend, everyone! ✌️

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You, too, Susan! I always snort-laugh my way through Jay's hilarity. Soul and mind cleansing, for sure❣️

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Jay Is performing a valuable public service! 😂😂

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This week! On the floor laughing! OMG...! Thanks for the laughs!!

The Godfarter.... HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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That one was incredible

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Caitlin Clark for the win! So funny!

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tfg is a farting maroon! Jared Moskowitz is the best. The cat loving on his dog brother is the absolute best. So many good ones Jay. Thanks

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I’m curious if the prosecution can use Trump’s social media rants about the current trial as a confession. He does keep ending them by proclaiming: ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Sounds like an admission of guilt to me…

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Anything is fair game.

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I've seen enough tRump campaign vids to realize that rarely do the assembled multitudes actually listen to the babbling halfwit, they're basking in his reflected "glory", or texting somebody, or just getting pumped up being amongst their kith and kin. And also, they seem to be soothed by the mere sound of his voice, paying little - or no - attention to the content or subject of his glossolalia, however disconnected or disjointed it may be.

A curious phenomenon that will serve as a bottomless fount for dozens of PhD theses in the years to come.

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Glossolalia ... SWOONING, Lance. Love, love, love your whole post, and then you slyly slip in "glossolalia." Literal perfection.

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My pleasure, Sheila!

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Genius. Pure fing genius.

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The cat reuniting with its dog 🤗 Rep. Moskowitz always ✅

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Your Saturday post always makes me giggle 🤭 and say awww at the same time. That cat hugging the dog! Oh, my 💜 ! Thank you so much for this, Jay. Enjoy your weekend, too!

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Beavis and Butthead! I cried at that one. Thanks Jay, you started my Saturday off great.

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Brilliant commentary! I almost lost my coffee 🤣. Keep doing what you do!!

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