Damn I’m old. You wrote thyme and all that came into my brain was “parsley, sage, rosemary and “!

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I have parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme in order on our spice rack!

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C'mon. The song is thyme after thyme.

But I loved that Simon & Garfunkel song.

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The Simon & Garfunkel song came first.

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I was feeling along the lines of a volleyball joke.

The first line is the back row catch: alphabetizing spice.

The second line is the set-up: Cyndi Lauper - thyme.

[instantly the chorus plays in my head]

The third line so the whole team wins: it's thyme after thyme.

...I had the sheet music for that S&G Thyme, and hammered the heck out of it.

So I threw in that I like the song. For Nancy.

But in that song a cambric shirt comes after thyme.

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May 4Edited

The previously relaxed cat flipping out in response to the guys screaming on the TV reminded me of the time a neighbor's cat was (unbeknownst to me) lounging in a patch of catnip in the back corner of my yard. I happened to let the dog out who immediately ran to the catnip and rousted him. All I saw was the dog bark, the cat levitate straight up out of the patch of catnip and panic-fly across the yard one direction, then fly across the yard the other direction before flying over the fence., with the barking dog on its tail the entire time. It was like watching a cartoon. I laughed until I cried. Poor cat. Imagine being all zoned out on good catnip vibes and then that happens. Totally must have killed his buzz.

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Good ones today! I watched the cat flipping off the TV stand multiple times and laughed harder each time. I had to google the diaper shirt thing - not that I don’t trust you, my brain just literally couldn’t process that it could be real. These people are one step away from drinking Kool Aid.

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I wish they’d all drink the Kool-Aide and die. Seriously. I’m so fucking sick of them all. I live for the day we never have to see his awful face everywhere anymore, along with his cult. Of course, that’s not going to happen in my lifetime.

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Which is why they need the diaper.

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They guzzled the orange Fool-ade long ago.

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The Republican Cat wins the day.

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What is with the Republicans who can’t figure out that Trump was in office for all of 2020?

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They don’t go as far as figuring anything out - his every word is their truth.

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Starting with The Defendant.

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Oh, I don't know. Methinks the dog has a much better view of the whole herd of sheep riding up there instead of at ground level. And 👑 Kaitlin Collins!

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Biden was great. And the corgi on the treadmill made me laugh out loud. Thanks for the laughs, Jay.

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The photo of the escort with the Escort gave me a hearty laugh! Thanks Jay, great round up as always!

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I shouldn’t have laughed as hard as I did when I saw it!

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It is just THAT good!! 👏

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I love that Von ShitzenPants is now in the record thanks to his own lawyer!😂 Biden had some great jokes and who doesn’t love a good dad joke.

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Hamill nicknamed Biden "Joe-Bi-Wan Kenobi"

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Thats funny! 😂😂

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Upgraded to paid today… love your material! 😎

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Thank you!!

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OK, fine. I guess I'm gonna go find a video of the Correspondents' Dinner and watch the damn thing.

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I just don't know where you find this stuff!! Toooo funny.... all of them! Thank you!

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The sheepdog.... I flipping can't....

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My favorite was the caption of the picture on Mark Hamill and President Biden. I saw yesterday that Fox News hosts were sputtering about Mark Hamill visiting the White House and showing up at the daily press briefing. You could tell they wanted to find some way to suggest it was the same as letting Satan in but they just couldn’t come up with an actual complaint, just reiterating that he was there. May the force - and may the fourth - be with us all. We are going to need it.

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For about 12 years now, Republicans have been like toddlers who continue the tantrum long after they’ve forgotten what they were mad about.

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Sooo good Jay and I hope that poor kitty is okay. I laughed a little too loud at it. Have a great Saturday.

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Ruffled, but fine I imagine!

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