Personally, I think Trump's pathetic boy band needs a name. Men 2 Boyz? Trump and the Treasonettes?

Also, little ice cream girl made my day, my week, and my month!

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The New No Direction

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Jane you win the internet today! I can't stop laughing abt Trump and the treasonettes! Thanks!

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You're very kind, Karin!

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I call them the "Goebbels Brigade," as in Joseph Goebbels who was Hitlers propaganda man. He saved Hitler from having to come forward and speak for himself especially as Hitler deteriorated with depression and the heavy duty toxic medicines that his quack of a doctor was prescribing for him. He also spun gold out of the straw the Germans were given. He would tell them that things were going well when they weren't. I can see where Putin gets a lot of his repertoire of disinformation. Goebbels pioneered it and Putin follows it, then Trump goose steps behind Putin and Hitler and these people are goose stepping behind Trump. Also, the picture of them in their suits reminds me of the SS, which were Hitler's private police when in uniform. You can see them in this creepy war uniform photos. Personally I think that all that Trump's SS are missing are the Red Armbands with the Swastika on them and the skull insignia pins.


Before that he had the SA otherwise known as brownshirts as his private militia until Himmler took them over. Apparently people pay a lot of money for these photos. https://www.gettyimages.de/detail/nachrichtenfoto/adolf-hitler-wearing-sa-uniform-in-dortmund-with-josef-nachrichtenfoto/1454205740?adppopup=true

If you look at Germany under the Nazis from their rise to power to their takeover of Germany, things will seem very familiar when you look at Trump and the people around him. He is rushing some things that Hitler took longer to do. In fact, Hitler did not tell them until he was in power that he was taking over and suspending the democracy that Germans had only had for about 15 years. Our democracy is older, but appears to be just as fragile.

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No Temptations?

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Is Will Vinton still involved with 'Claymation?' That might be a good medium for this kind of

All About Me Meme...

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9 bloody quid....!!!

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Future speaker of the House of Commons, there. "Ordah! I said bloody ORDAH!"

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That video made my week. I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying.

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And it is Jo for the win with her Boebert snark!

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I loved that someone approached her at the mic and handed her a playbill for Beetlejuice and asked for her autograph. Saw that elsewhere but Dang! it was funny.

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Jo’s a national treasure.

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You're really good at finding these memes, but you're even better with polls.

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Reservoir lapdogs! HA!!

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The whole Harrison Butler business is astounding... even the BBC reported on it. But...the Flamingos and the Dolphin has set me up for a great mood today! ❤️❤️ I LOVE this summary. Have a great weekend, everyone! ✌️💙

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The dolphin for the win! What interaction.

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I’m rolling at Rio de New Jersio from Conway. 😂

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The song, Cumbersome, by Seven Mary Three. I always say cucumbersome. I crack myself up!

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The dolphins!! 💗💗💗

The meme of the Biden debate with tRump wearing prison orange in a little box on the debate stage! 😂😂😂

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"I hear you're free on Wednesdays." Spicy Joe is the best Joe. 🌶️🌶️🔥

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HCR made a point this morning:

Alito "blamed his wife ... for flying the flag, saying she had hung it up in response to a 'F*** Trump' sign that was 'within 50 feet of where children await the school bus in Jan[uary] 21.'"


"the local schools were all remote in January 2021 because of the pandemic. 'No children were waiting for buses.'"

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But lying comes so naturally to them…

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How do they do it? So well and often?

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Thank you Jay for making me laugh every Saturday! I think many of us count on you to look back at the week with a sense of humor. If we don’t laugh at the absurdity of it all sometimes, we will lose our minds. It’s still a long way to November, we can’t get tired now. But, by the end of the week, I just want to run away from it all. You give me back my perspective with your scathing humor and your wonderful reminders of the beauty in this world. It’s honestly my favorite Substack.

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Indeed - we need the power of humor to deflate the of exaggerated buildup of mental flotsam and fear. These weekly creations are worthy of being collected into a single channel. Thank you, Jay!

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Makes me almost wish I was on twitter, oops I mean x, or whatever

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Agree. Compilation of great stuff I’d never find on my own. And the creativeness of so many.

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Love the flamingos for cuteness and all comments about the idiots outside the Trump trial for uncontrollable laughter. 😂 Happy Saturday!

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The 9 quid kid is everyone complaining of high prices🤣 She ain’t wrong!

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The dog jumping on the bed was great! I laughed all the way through the who article today. Go Jay!

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And the kindness of the dog’s guardian!

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He was such a good dog dad!

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that guy is going to regret teaching that dog how to jump on the bed. But the video was wonderful. What a good human with his dog!

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Jay, you have outdone yourself this morning. We all needed a good laugh, but I should have peed first! Managed to control myself but it was a close call. THANK YOU 🤡

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Happy to help make your weekend start off with laughs!

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WARNING: Read AFTER peeing and BEFORE taking a sip of anything. LoL

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i gladly admit your weekend post is most welcome after a long week of sturm and drang. a relief to laugh and enjoy.

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Drang and Sturm might work for a country duo, but this unique British pair

from almost 100 years ago were definitely in a class / world all their own.

Such a slower pace of life, but still so clever:

Mr. Flotsam and Mr. Jetsam






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