I needed ALL of this! It’s been a stressful week and I’m standing in the driveway laughing!🤣 thanks Jay! Enjoy your well deserved time off! 💙✌️

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Ooooohhhhh the bunny!! 🤗 But it's kinda sad that the attorneys behind AG Garland didn't crack even a hint of smile at his perfect SNL response.

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May 25Edited

Do you suppose Alito and other numbskulls on the Right know how badly and widely they're being mocked? Also, BEETHOVEN is the BEST. Those guys pretty much captured how I feel about the Fifth!

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The squeal is the best moment.

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Laughing out loud...

You and Jeff Tiedrich have made my day.


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Mine too! 😄😃

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I’m good with bodyshaming Trump. He’s both physically and mentally unfit for office.

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Rudy coffee? Seriously????? I’ve been laughing at the Harrison Butker jokes all week, but “girl under anesthesia” had me cracking up this morning. Have a wonderful holiday, Jay!

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It was hilarious and sweet all at once!

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Loved them all but David Pepper is perfection. Have a great weekend!

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The Oreo guy


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Much needed!!

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And this via Jeff Tiedrich on "photos" from the tRump So. Bronx "rally":


Palm trees in da Bronx?

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You restore my will to live!

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how to choose. How to CHOOSE. Guess I'll go for Alito's flags, and particularly "that Japanese one that all newlyweds have in their first apartment." Though the comments on the Kansas City Chief's schedule had me sputtering, as did the Two Gay Guys from Seattle.

Oh no. I forgot about the guy finding keys.

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Awww, Jay, you missed the funniest bit about Rishi Sunak’s general election announcement. There was someone playing music on a loudspeaker from a neighbouring street - totally trolled Sunak by playing D:REAM’s “Things Can Only Get Better”, which was the anthem for a major Labour Party victory in the late 90s!

Genius - give the man a medal! (Also, the guy with the music was under an EU brolly! 😂)

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A perfect start to my weekend! Sadly, I couldn’t see the pigeon TikTok unless I downloaded the app, and I just won’t do that. 🥴. The Wheel of Fortune guy, hysterical! Have a great weekend.

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I had to keep clicking around back and forth and then it played. I don't know how I did it. It kept trying to go to the app store but I didn't get the app. It eventually played.

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Yay! I finally got it to work. Funny!

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Maureen, If you click on the picture instead of the link, it comes up with an option to watch it without signing up for TikTok. I too refuse to sign up for it.

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I don't understand that. I don't subscribe to either TikTok or X but have been able consistently to view what Jay posts.

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X yes, but for TokTok I am asked to setup an account. No way.

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I'm asked in both cases and I just click on the 'x' to close the ask. Works for me. Like you, no way I'm signing up for either.

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So two questions: 1> specimen of what exactly? Even if it was the type of specimen that gets put in a specimen cup, I'm pretty sure that shade of orange would be alarming. 2> I Google-Map'd that Bronx park he gave that "rally" in...I couldn't find that platform. Does he travel with his own platform for his rallies, and if so, why does he travel with a platform that has a ramp? Is he unable to handle stairs? Also, if he does travel with it, why no gold spray paint?

In the "this is what a unified reich looks like" pic: That's Don Jr, right? Those two guys to his left make me wonder if he's wearing "Victory 47". https://www.politico.eu/article/donald-trump-stinks-and-so-could-you/

Oh - and in honor of Oreo man..... lalalalalalalalalalalala!

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I am a proud Bronxite living not too far from Crotona Park. In addition to totally exaggerating the number of MAGA supporters allegedly in attendance, a number of outlets failed to mention the counter-protestors present. They held signs with Trump's face & LOSER or LIAR on them. Several local politicians, such as Congressman Richie Torres & Bronx Assembly Member Yudelka Tapia, were there and pointed out that the Bronx does NOT want Trump here. But best of all, the counter-protestors blasted loud Latin American music, and even in some of the pictures showing his alleged supporters in front of that platform, you can see a number of "thumbs-down" as he rambled on.

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Thank you for sharing these facts about the alternative facts candidate rally. I do wonder if he dangled a pardon to the criminally indicted rappers, in exchange for their appearance, that has been known to happen in the past. Let's make sure it isn't an option, for any of them, Vote 💙

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"Then, Trump’s people claimed that 25,000 people turned out for the rally, but they requested a permit for only 3,500, and only 3,400 tickets were issued. Aerial shots suggest there were 800–1,500 people there. "

Heather Cox Richardson, Letters from an American, 5/24/2024

Of course, tiny hands TFG believes size matters...sooooo there's that.

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Those stage sections and ramps/stairs are all fairly standard equipment at most places that hold events, and can be put together in whatever configuration best fits the event (they lock together). Sometimes people will bring their own but it's not that common.

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I mean, it's all farce- nearly the entirety of the news involving the GOP could easily be relegated to this weekend column. Also, Donald is pretty much the Weekend at Bernie's/Mar-a-Lago protagonist except with loss vigor- I'd say Death swallowed him and there was no near escape, 'though the Reaper's been trying to regurgitate those contents ever since...

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