Jay, you are a gem! We would like to offer additional Doctors better than Phil:





Jekyll (and his sidekick, Hyde)




... and the list goes on 🩺🥼

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Don’t forget Seuss.

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already on the list! look at the meme again....

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Nice list!

I’ll add doctors:





And last but not least

Heather Cox Richardson!

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Can confirm she wore that T-shirt on Morning Joe as I was watching that morning.

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After a little beer at 6 a.m.

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Love her! 💪🏼

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I saw it too.

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Scene: Saturday morning road trip after a very large ice coffee

Me: honey can you stop please? I have to stop reading Jay Kuo’s Substack until after I pee!

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Jay Kuo: The clip, here, ALONE, was worth it. OMG, that is HILARIOUS:


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Brilliantly hilarious🤣😂It’s the only way I could listen to that voice for that long😱

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I KNOW ... laughed SO LONG I scared my spouse. The lip sync was perfection 😎👍

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Sheila Strand: YES. I led my dear, well-loved Nancy (53-years together, 51 married) to listen. We both found it hilarious. Thanks Jay Kuo for sharing!

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What's really scary is that, because I was only slightly familiar with the story, I had no idea if the voiceover on this cartoon was really Trump or someone impersonating him. What's even scarier is that if it was someone impersonating him, it will be nowhere near as riotously funny (and scary) as his ramblings during the debate, if his minions can't find a way to stop him from participating.

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The sneer that made Milwaukee famous.

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The is-the-earth-flat-or-round video is just plain frightening. Also, is the guy burning the pride flag wearing a pride shirt?

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It’s mocking pride

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But it still has a rainbow. Let's say an illiterate Trumper (only an almost oxymoron) sees it, they'll take it for a pride shirt.

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Two kids! You will be one busy guy!

I wish I could upload the pic of my big ol rescue hound giving me serious side eye when I brought our new little Swedish Vallhund home. Or of my son, back at age 5, when his infant brother arrived.

My older son's mantra at the time? "It will get better when he gets older....It will get better.....etc."

And guess what? It did and has! All the best to you as the Dad Jokes get even more personal. <3

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O O O O that 34 Felony Rag—/It’s so elegant/So intelligent

And this week's winner.

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Appears someone was sucking helium before the rally..... 🤣

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Hey Jay, could we please not have photos of he-who-shall-not-be-named right at the top? I like to share your article on FB but the photo comes with it and it looks like I'm promoting you-know-who, which makes me cringe, and probably most of my friends too.

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Oh the colonoscopy! I really, really, sympathize with that one. And, FWIW, we Brits do have a warped sense of humor. Boris Johnson as PM, a prime example! Happy weekend.

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Indeed -- mixed emotions!!

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Germany would like to have a word with Milwaukee re. best beer and brats...

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They can take that title as long as they take Trump with it.

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We don’t want him here, either!

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Sent the Boston Pride picture to my queer kid who works at AMC. Wish I could see the eyeroll when they get it! 🤣

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I don’t get that one. 😢

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Nicole Kidman did this long intro for AMC Theaters, and it sort of memed itself on how corny it is. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KiEeIxZJ9x0

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Never saw that. Thx!

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Thanks! I didn't get that one either

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I saw a Cybertruck in the wild last week. Ugliest vehicle I have ever seen. It was like something out of Mad Max coming at me, or is that the point?

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I saw one a few weeks back and wondered what the h....?! Didn't know what it was, looked like something someone welded up in their garage just like my good friend who turned his trike into the original Starship Enterprise. Called it the Star Trike Enterprise.

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I’ve got a rainbow one in my town. Showed up at pride, but it was just too weird to be cool.

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I saw my first one today. It was black. My husband guessed that they covered it with RhinoLiner because of the rust problems

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So I never pay attention to the Cybertruck stuff. But watched the video Jay posted. It was funny.

But I have a pretty obvious complaint as a non-owner of Elon’s small dick energy EV. The woman stated that her huge trunk, which has a rolling door open towards the sky, keeps her kids crap clean and dry when it rains. Obviously not filled in the PNW. That open trunk door to the heavens would fill up in a heartbeat. Soaking everything in the trunk and creating a sweet swimming pool.

Worst design ever. Seriously.

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Ah! A swimming pool! Maybe THAT’S what it’s good for!

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I hear Grindr Milwaukee is adding extra servers so it does not crash during the GOP convention as it has in the other cities they have convened in.

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