Here's a question for you guys.

What will happen if during the debate, Trump goes off on one of his bizarre tangents, and Biden just starts laughing uncontrollably? Like, in a way he can't help himself? Would the cameras capture this? And will the New York Times tell us how it hurts Biden?

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It would be quite interesting, wouldn’t it?

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If I was a gambling type, I'd be looking for an over/under on "nonsensical rants from Trump" in Vegas, and if there aren't any, I'd want to understand why.

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Check for offshore sites - I guar-an-tee the Brit books are taking action on that one!

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I'm hoping he goes completely off the rails and Biden just looks at him seriously and says, "Are you OK? Do you need to lie down?" Or something. It won't change the MAGAtes minds, but hopefully the undecideds or the people who are concerned Biden is too old.

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That works for me. I would also be comfortable with a team of white-uniformed females arriving on camera to carry him away in a straight jacket.

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Yes, NYT will tell us how it hurts Biden. AND watch for WaPo's response. They've been pretty "right" lately.

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The Post is interesting because their newsroom is in deep turmoil over the status of their publisher, who was involved in a "pay for stories" news scandal in London. I suspect he'll be ousted after Bezos issues another statement or two of support. Hopefully, after that, he'll hire someone the newsroom actually respects.

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Yes. I'm not holding my breath, but fingers crossed.

We need reputable, non-biased news now, more than ever!

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I'd love to see a broadcast version of ProPublica.

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They've already backtracked on the Editor he was going to bring in. Don't see how he lasts more than another week.

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I think the "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" look would be sufficient... Joe is pretty good in giving a "look" without words!

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Thanks Jay!! I needed a good laugh today. On top of the state of the world right now, my foster puppy has ate 6 pairs of my shoes in 3 weeks. I’m old and have plantar fasciitis, so my shoes aren’t cheap. Along that same line, I’m old with horrendous ADHD, and I can’t remember when I take off my shoes to pick them up. It only takes a second with my back turned for the inevitable. This morning was my most expensive at almost $200.

P. S. BUT, in reference to the black votes for Trump meme, does Clarence Thomas know he’s black???🤷‍♀️

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No… Clarence doesn’t know that he is black actually ….puppies!! need to be crated (if you’re not home! )

Maybe it was time to weed through your shoes? dang

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He’s always crated when I’m not at home. I can’t imagine the damage he would do if he wasn’t! Well, I did need some new tennis shoes, but the rest were fairly new. Oh well, live and learn. Thank goodness he’s such a cutie!

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Put your shoes in the crate (Justice Thomas too)

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He knows - and he hates it.

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Jun 22Edited

I thought you'd blown it, Jay, putting the funniest one first - the One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest parody. Absolutely nothing could top that one, right? But Noooo.... they ALL got even funnier from there. Today's collection was stellar. Thanks so much! Sorry, gotta run now. Need to watch them all again. But first, one question: Did the doggie's horse win? The video cut off too soon. Would have loved to see the reaction to that!

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I mean, when you've lost Reverend Jim...

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And the win goes to the little girl and her dad in the puddle! Absolutely wonderful. 💜

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Greater love hath no man than that he sacrifice his Nikes for his little girl! And without a thought.

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Glad we have you, Jay, to bring us the bright side. Showing my age, my two faves are “Cuckoo” and “Thelma and Louise”.

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Thanks - I needed the laughs!

Proof once again that dogs (cats, horses, …) are the best things in the universe!

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Mr. Kurd!!!


Cuckoo's Nest!

Need I go on?

Because it actually gets better.

Thanks again for the laughs.

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Hey Marge, if Alex Jones still needs to provide for his family, unemployment is at a 50-year low (I know you don’t want anyone to know about it so you lie about it, but it’s true). He’s perfectly welcome to work at a Walmart in, say, North Dakota—you know, that place you and your Republican friends keep saying is a paradise people should move to if they need jobs.

As for the girl in the puddle, she probably will forget about the specific event, but she got a lesson that life is about having fun, and she’ll carry that with her forever whether she realizes it or not.

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Thanks for the "laughter is the best medicine" refresh after the week that was.

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That is really some special Dad letting his daughter teach him how to puddle jump!!!

On the other hand if TFG ever starts to puddle jump then take him away.

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He can barely walk. He doesn't do jumping.

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Oh man, thanks for the facelift this morning! Xoxoxoxox

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I liked the kick the can video. From the look on his face he surprised himself.

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Betting he's spent a lot of time with a soccer ball. A LOT.

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Thanks to those who explained kindly. Makes sense now.

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Alex Jones DOES have a family - just that they all wish he didn't know where they are.

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Well I guess the point is if HE can call murdered children & their families "crisis actors" & say events aren't real..??? 🤷

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As often as I have listened - transfixed - to the tRump riff on sharks and batteries, I just stand in wonder at his Burroughsian stream-of-consciousness ramblings. I mean, that shite went in for minutes without a pause or missed beat, his neurons continually cross-firing to produce this masterpiece.

Xeets and Giggles = Sharks and Batteries!

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That’s because Trump’s one rock-solid belief is that all he ever has to do is keep on talking—even though that’s actually the only thing that’s ever really gotten him into trouble.

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He's gonna bust a gut when his mic is actually not live while Biden is speaking. Hoping for a closeup of veins throbbing in his forehead.

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I mean, when do they not?

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