Correction: Debate is Sept 10 not Sept 12. This has been edited above.

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I can't help giggling imagining Obama practicing his gestures in a mirror...

"OK, right hand, left hand, brief accordion simulation, hands close together when I say crowd size, wait a beat before continuing..."

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Now I can't unsee that! And yes, I suspect he did carefully choreograph and practice pause. priceless!

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When I watched it again, it seems he’s suppressing a giggle as he talks about Trump’s behavior just before he gets to the crowd size comment — knew what he was going to do. 😆

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Stellar collection today, Jay. I especially loved the kitty and the ducks. But you did miss one great meme this week.... 'It's difficult to claim guns are not the problem while standing behind bullet proof glass' with pic of Trump standing behind bullet proof glass. Okay, sure, it's not funny but it is right on point.

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I posted that on Facebook already so I didn’t want to repeat it!

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Ohhhh, that must be where I saw it. But there are a lot of your followers on Substack who aren't on FB and vice versa.

Good luck this week, new Ba!

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I thinks it's extremely funny. But then, I laugh at pretty much anything Dumpy or Rs do.

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Yes, thanks for that comment.

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Our fridge doesn’t have a crisper - it has a vegetable hospice.

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OMG vegetable hospice is a great description of TFG in a box 😆

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Where past-their-expiration-date oranges go to spew their drivel in a sound-proof environment before checking out of the game.

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JK Rowling is an embarrassment to writers everywhere.

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I'm surprised IQ-45**(34x convicted felon) hasn't gotten himself one of those "Pope Mobiles", so he preside over his cult in a protective bubble *giant eye roll*

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Thank you, this was one of the best you ever posted

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THIS IS the Best stream of funnies, jokes and nonsense. Can’t say which is my favorite (they were all so LOL good) but I must say, little furry, feathery, leathery things Always Grab My 💙💙💙💙! THX.

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There is an adorable video of that cat when he actually takes his ducklings swimming: https://www.facebook.com/CasosRomanticosmx/videos/1149525789494550

The Vance and the Couch story is the gift that keeps on giving. I have a feeling it shall become a part of the national lore. Forever.

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Jay, congratulations on your baby! I am wishing your baby and surrogate a safe delivery. I hope you have plans for sleeping beyond night nurse, although that will help a lot. Coffee helps too. I did not get a lot of sleep when my daughter was born, and now she is in college and sometimes I still don't. She contacted her dad and me at 2:30 am the other night, well he is in a time zone where it was 7 hours earlier. She and I are in the EU, but in different cities. She was wanting our opinions on which minor she should choose, having narrowed 3 down to 2, and then the day before down to a final choice, but then she had doubts in the night. She had to make a commitment later that day, and if not, her spot would be given to someone else. So she included me in on the conversation with a 3-way Signal call. At least it meant I was up to watch Kamala Harris' acceptance speech in real time, which was in the same city my husband is in, and 7 hours earlier. So viva la Kamala and viva la your daughter! Let us make sure she grows up in a better world with Kamala and the coach at the helm.

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Tfg frozen in an ice cube was my favorite, though I laughed At almost all of them. Great giggles today!

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I needed these laughs 😃

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I have a lesbian niece who has a transgender girlfriend. They grew up with Harry Potter and loved the Hogwarts world. Yet another thing taken from them by this sorry excuse for a human being! How many fucking things can these people take from us?! 💔💔💔

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Well, in my humble opinion, they can only take such things away if we allow them to. The Harry Potter books are wonderful and will live long after jkr departs this earth.

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Such fun early in the morning! Thanks!

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The corgi in high dudgeon! OMG, the funniest thing I've seen in months.

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