My last cat could leap from the floor to the top of a door from a standstill. She was not a large cat, and never weighed more than 7 lbs. She loved snoozing on the top of doors, like a leopard in a tree. Her leaping also had an annoying but also funny side: she would leap up to light switches and turn them OFF then ON over and over. It was annoying when I was trying to work, but in the end I always ended up laughing. I miss that girl.

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In Germany, we don’t have doorknobs, we have handles. Our cat would jump up and pull down the handle to let herself out into the stairwell and then hope someone would open the door to the outside.

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They are clever!

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We had cats that would leap to the counter, then top of the kitchen cabinet and bop you on the head as you walked in.

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The cat I mentioned above loved to bop your head as you walked by from the top of the door.

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Try falling asleep reading a kindle. THWAP! That will wake you up better than a cup of coffee 🤣

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".... Jim Jordan turns out to be just another overvalued Trump property." BEST BURN EVER! Too bad a Republican came up with it. We really missed out there.

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Trump fined

Jordan derailed

Chesebro guilty

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“Just where was George Santos running off to with that baby?!” The spit-out-the-coffee moment for me this morning. Thanks!

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I laughed aloud at that. Way to bring it full circle!

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IKR? Lol

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Your Saturday posts always make me laugh. Today's was Xspecially good!

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Thank you!

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That guilty dog reminded me of my sister's Rottie, not because he was bad, but because he always told on his dog sister when SHE made trouble.

My sister and her husband would come in the door, and if the Rottie met them at the door apologizing and the other dog was nowhere to be seen, they immediately called out "Princess! What did you do?" and she would wander nonchalantly up with a piece of garbage hanging out of her mouth as though she hadn't spent the time making a mess. Of course as she was quick to remind him, she was her husband's dog - HER dog was well-behaved, his was the naughty one. 😄

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There used to be (and it is probably still there but hard to find) a video of a lab being chastised by it's owner for ripping something up. It was hilarious. "Get in the penalty box!" as the dog slinked off to a crate. I don't know if anybody saw this, but it was truly funny. You have to love how dogs have learned to use their best mea culpa expressions to maximum effect.

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Dogs and cats bith know when they're naughty. I was in the basement, heard a crash upstairs and found one orange kitten sniffing the wreckage. Later he was with another sibling, black and when I asked who did it, the black kitten put his paw on the orange kitten's head.

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OMg, stellar. That kid with the sign for his mom is hysterical and totally something my kids would do and they're adults. The dancing man, outstanding. Love all of the animal ones, but the service dog with Donald Duck almost made me cry. You make me love Saturdays, at least for a bit. Thank you.

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Just think. If John, Paul, George or Ringo had had a Gloster Canary, they might have called themselves the Canaries.

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On another note, years ago my husband and I were picking up friends from the airport. The guy we were picking up is bald & calls everyone fat f**k or dumb f**k. So I made a big sign with BIG letters: BALD F**K. We drove slowly through the arrival lane & people were falling down laughing--including the bald f**k. 😂😂😂

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And they say Biden is senile!

Loved Xeets and giggles!

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Trump is REALLY starting to slip!

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Yes he is

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At least in these crazy times the joles write themselves....

But, buckle in, get some rest, things only accelerate from here....

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gave me some much needed laughs while recovering from Covid! thanks!

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Feel better soon!

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I had NO IDEA Fox was spewing so much horrendous crap about Biden and his speaking ability! No wonder we have such a HUGE divide in this country. Biden's stutter management is actually laudible. Instead, Fox & Foes weaponize it against him and us.

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Oct 21, 2023
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They all feed this narrative

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“Republicans eat their young.” 🤣

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Repubs kept saying dems ate babies and drank blood.

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No one will ever notice the traffic cone scurrying around all on its own 😆

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