It appears that the former "swing voting" moderate Republican Representative Mace has succumbed to the peculiarly virulent disease of extremist party politics. Go along to get along, eh Ms. Mace? Better prepare yourself to consume that manure sandwich, Nan.
When I heard Roy say “We will continue to fight it today, tomorrow, and ...” I heard the same words and tone of voice as I heard when George Wallace said “Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” Probably a coincidence, but that’s what it reminded me of.
Thank you, Jay, for being a "die-hard political nerd" so we don't have to. Excellent, clear explanation of the workings of the rules committee. The whole system sucks, but I guess at this point it is what it is. Glad it was voted out of committee!
Great summary of the smokeless-filled backroom. I was always outside the room where it happened when I worked for Gov. Mario Cuomo, but at least in those days it was honest horse trading. There is one completely sicko political party in this country. Every time I think it's done for, some yo yo brings in another oxygen cannula. My two moods are depressed and pissed off.
Thanks for the helpful overview. The GQP seems to be determined to prove through their words that they are not just dishonest and deeply dumb, but truly unfit for office.
Sadly, I doubt many of the people that voted for these trolls realize just what losers they've elected. They likely only hear the corporate propaganda and right-wing spew which has shown to be completely untethered to reality . . . .
Thanks for putting the "Freedom" caucus in quotes, but I do think "FreeDumb" is more accurate . . .
There maybe just one: In California District 20 (McCarthy's). Anyone going up against him in 2024 (Democrat or Republican) can point to this debacle (at least for the Republicans) and say "McCarthy traded it all away and Biden snookered him.!"
I was seriously hoping when I opened this, the headline would have been, "Kevin McCarthy, You in danger Gurl." We need to stop looking at Mace or any Republican to put country over party. This is a disgusting mess, thanks to Republicans. May they all be voted out in 2024.
McCarthy just keeps shooting himself in the foot, doesn't he? Guess he's learning one reason why Paul Ryan bailed out early when he was Speaker. IIRC Ryan didn't even want the job.
Ha! I read the title in Whoopi’s voice too, but then it made a giant whooshing sound as I got into the article itself. Thanks for bringing it back around for me. I need all the humorous references I can get!
Thank you once again for your reporting and your insights.
I do expect one of the FC wingnuts to move to vacate, and Biden to quietly confer with Jeffries to supply the democratic votes needed to keep McCarthy in place, as part of the price for the agreement.
this exactly...I don't know about you but mine is still to rebound from 2020. I stopped looking at it except the quarterly statements twice a year (yes I know I get them 4 times but twice is all I can stomach).
I am of the opinion that there were some deals made that don't have to do directly with the budget, or debt ceiling, but things like that Kevin McCarthy will get Democratic backing to stay House Leader if the MAGAts go rogue on him, and then the Dems will vote to keep him in power. However, I don't know this to be true, just trying to imagine what deals were made that sweetened the pot for good old Kev. because he knew he would be facing certain "shitburger" colleagues.
I don't think he will be ousted, but I am not sure whether he will need Dems to keep him in power. I agree on your last remark. He does everything thinking of one person, Kevin! Glad I'm not his wife.
'playing the DC game isn’t worth selling out our kids and grandkids." What does Mace think a default would do to our kids and grandkids?
It appears that the former "swing voting" moderate Republican Representative Mace has succumbed to the peculiarly virulent disease of extremist party politics. Go along to get along, eh Ms. Mace? Better prepare yourself to consume that manure sandwich, Nan.
When she started appearing on Steve Bannon’s podcast, I lost all hope in her.
She is my gerrymandered congressional rep....none of her nonsense is talked about locally, but I am keeping receipts...
When I heard Roy say “We will continue to fight it today, tomorrow, and ...” I heard the same words and tone of voice as I heard when George Wallace said “Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.” Probably a coincidence, but that’s what it reminded me of.
That’s a great comparison.
"A President who can't find his pants ". Oh honey. Not only can he find them, he can give YOU a wedgie with them.
I think this is more accurate about pants:
OMG thanks for that. I needed the chortle!
Remember when the former guy appeared to have put his pants on backwards?
Thank you, Jay, for being a "die-hard political nerd" so we don't have to. Excellent, clear explanation of the workings of the rules committee. The whole system sucks, but I guess at this point it is what it is. Glad it was voted out of committee!
Great summary of the smokeless-filled backroom. I was always outside the room where it happened when I worked for Gov. Mario Cuomo, but at least in those days it was honest horse trading. There is one completely sicko political party in this country. Every time I think it's done for, some yo yo brings in another oxygen cannula. My two moods are depressed and pissed off.
Thanks for the helpful overview. The GQP seems to be determined to prove through their words that they are not just dishonest and deeply dumb, but truly unfit for office.
Sadly, I doubt many of the people that voted for these trolls realize just what losers they've elected. They likely only hear the corporate propaganda and right-wing spew which has shown to be completely untethered to reality . . . .
Thanks for putting the "Freedom" caucus in quotes, but I do think "FreeDumb" is more accurate . . .
There maybe just one: In California District 20 (McCarthy's). Anyone going up against him in 2024 (Democrat or Republican) can point to this debacle (at least for the Republicans) and say "McCarthy traded it all away and Biden snookered him.!"
Oh, Kevin's gonna get smoked in the primary - especially if (when) the orange thingy gets the nom.
What a completely ludicrous system. Oh, and I got the Whoopi / Ghost reference - nice.
I was seriously hoping when I opened this, the headline would have been, "Kevin McCarthy, You in danger Gurl." We need to stop looking at Mace or any Republican to put country over party. This is a disgusting mess, thanks to Republicans. May they all be voted out in 2024.
I heard the title in my head as said by Whoopi.
McCarthy just keeps shooting himself in the foot, doesn't he? Guess he's learning one reason why Paul Ryan bailed out early when he was Speaker. IIRC Ryan didn't even want the job.
Hahaha!!! I didn’t get the Ghost reference until you two brought it up 😂 The negotiations continue...
Ha! I read the title in Whoopi’s voice too, but then it made a giant whooshing sound as I got into the article itself. Thanks for bringing it back around for me. I need all the humorous references I can get!
Rollie pollies of the GOP. 🤣 Nice visual. I also did not get the “Ghost” reference until others pointed it out.
Thank you for putting “Freedom” caucus in this quotation marks.
This is what happens when you negotiate with terrorists and give in to their demands...
One day in the not so distant future - this will be in US history books.
Thank you once again for your reporting and your insights.
I do expect one of the FC wingnuts to move to vacate, and Biden to quietly confer with Jeffries to supply the democratic votes needed to keep McCarthy in place, as part of the price for the agreement.
We shall see. McCarthy may lose only 30+ votes tonight. If that’s the number, he may hang on, somehow, like Tom from Succession.
No one should breath easily until the votes are counted in both the House and Senate. There are trolls lurking in the corridors of Congress.
Watching the lunatics destroy my retirement.
this exactly...I don't know about you but mine is still to rebound from 2020. I stopped looking at it except the quarterly statements twice a year (yes I know I get them 4 times but twice is all I can stomach).
You work hard and save your whole life. And then the Freedom Caucus Clown Car serves you into the ditch.
I am of the opinion that there were some deals made that don't have to do directly with the budget, or debt ceiling, but things like that Kevin McCarthy will get Democratic backing to stay House Leader if the MAGAts go rogue on him, and then the Dems will vote to keep him in power. However, I don't know this to be true, just trying to imagine what deals were made that sweetened the pot for good old Kev. because he knew he would be facing certain "shitburger" colleagues.
I don't think he will be ousted, but I am not sure whether he will need Dems to keep him in power. I agree on your last remark. He does everything thinking of one person, Kevin! Glad I'm not his wife.
They are all raving nut jobs, but as you say, when self interest crops up they can be lucid. I am interested to see what happens tonight.