I read in the UK press that Biden might come off sounding weird and disjointed because he’ll be able to hear Trump’s rants even if the audience can’t, and he won’t be able to help reacting. I hope he’s done preparation for that.
Jay, I wish Biden would use your recent term for Trump - Agent Orange. It's so apt, because he's a Russian agent and he's toxic. I know he won't tonight, but if Biden made a joke about Putin's code name for Trump being Agent Orange, I think it would really stick. Maybe you can get that suggestion to his team after the debate. 🙂
Driving cross-country rn, but hoping to watch on my iPad. If my hubby is driving, I’ll join in your conversation! (“Driving” Ha! Stop and go in Chicago!)
Let’s have a fact check please! Why didn’t the Democrats have a plan for this? The truth is this. “ Trump lies. He lies all the time. He makes things up out of whole cloth. The felon cannot be trusted.” That is the message down ballot Democrats. Get with the program. Do it now.
I think President Biden had a cold, he was off from his regular speeches and god forbid he take any meditation, with all the false claims coming at him, (pre debate), Personally, I believe Trump was given tranquilizers.
No President Biden was not as strong as usual, but he’s schedule has been rather busy as of late!
Compared to the habitual liar who plays golf and lies to followers while draining their bank accounts! All to support his life style and pay his unending legal fees! He is a disgrace!
DJT, will never change, he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself! He will destroy everything we hold dear.
One final important fact that didn’t come out about the withdrawal from Afghanistan!Trump negotiated the terms, with the Taliban, (he wanted to take them to Camp David, but he lost that battle)!
He also agreed to exact date of withdrawal! Trump is a self important idiot, who creates disasters others must clean up!
Also we often leave equipment behind, if time is short, (most of it, is disabled)!
The Taliban went back on all terms, they agreed upon!
Finally, Fox News Hannity Show, with guest Stephen Miller and Matt Gaetz are calling Trump performance the best of any President in history! That what MAGA sees and hears daily!
Joe Biden may have disappointed many, but we all have bad days! Let’s see how he recovers, ( and he will), I still believe in him completely!
Sorry to miss this - we have a book event (talk/signing) with the former owner of the Herbfarm (fancy restaurant where we got engaged). But I'm taping the debate and will watch when we get home.
Not only did you gaslight us on Friday abut what we’d seen with our own eyes Thursday night, you’ve now taken down the transcript of your live blog. Sorry but I’m no longer a paid subscriber. It’s one thing for you to gaslight me, it’s another for me to pay you to do it.
My concern is not about Biden. He will get over his cold and a down night.
But the media? We need to have no illusions about this: They will NOT hold MAGA to account. They are in grip of addiction - getting clicks from all the lies, conflict and cheap drama of the Trump show. They can't break it.
The firehose of lies last night was gross - coming just weeks after Trump was criminally convicted of lying to gain power in 2016. It made no difference to the media, who have surrendered their responsibility to inform the voters to the getting the next high from MAGA lies.
Who else was ABSOLUTELY blown away by Joe's STELLAR performance and how he CLEARLY wiped the floor with the dementia-suffering convicted felon?!! I mean, Joe was in total COMMAND of the facts and FOCUSED!!! A BRILLIANT VISIONARY and FULL OF ENERGY as always! And ABSOLUTELY no MALARKEY!!!
After watching the whole debate, I literally have no idea why the convicted felon agreed to debate Joe - maybe his HUGEEE ego got in the way??? I bet GOP now wishes they had nominated Nikki Haley or someone other than a convicted felon with clear signs of dementia who can't string two words together and make a coherent sentence!!! Maybe the GOP will FINALLY see what we ALL SEE and replace their convicted felon before the convention BUT I am NOT sure how they can do that or even explain it to their STUPID voters!!!
As long as there is no Russian interference again, at least 360+ electoral votes and 100 million votes for Joe! Who else is with me and can wait to go rid'ín with Biden for the next four years?!!!
Your analysis is about the only one I trust….
…so thanks for doing it!
I wish President Biden the best tonight! Millions of us are supporting him.
I read in the UK press that Biden might come off sounding weird and disjointed because he’ll be able to hear Trump’s rants even if the audience can’t, and he won’t be able to help reacting. I hope he’s done preparation for that.
Jay, I wish Biden would use your recent term for Trump - Agent Orange. It's so apt, because he's a Russian agent and he's toxic. I know he won't tonight, but if Biden made a joke about Putin's code name for Trump being Agent Orange, I think it would really stick. Maybe you can get that suggestion to his team after the debate. 🙂
Driving cross-country rn, but hoping to watch on my iPad. If my hubby is driving, I’ll join in your conversation! (“Driving” Ha! Stop and go in Chicago!)
Let’s have a fact check please! Why didn’t the Democrats have a plan for this? The truth is this. “ Trump lies. He lies all the time. He makes things up out of whole cloth. The felon cannot be trusted.” That is the message down ballot Democrats. Get with the program. Do it now.
Bidens rebuttal has been weak
He needed to state that crime dropped
Undocumented workers contribute billions in taxes they cannot collect social security nor Medicare
Salary increases have outpaced inflation.
I think President Biden had a cold, he was off from his regular speeches and god forbid he take any meditation, with all the false claims coming at him, (pre debate), Personally, I believe Trump was given tranquilizers.
No President Biden was not as strong as usual, but he’s schedule has been rather busy as of late!
Compared to the habitual liar who plays golf and lies to followers while draining their bank accounts! All to support his life style and pay his unending legal fees! He is a disgrace!
DJT, will never change, he doesn’t give a damn about anyone but himself! He will destroy everything we hold dear.
One final important fact that didn’t come out about the withdrawal from Afghanistan!Trump negotiated the terms, with the Taliban, (he wanted to take them to Camp David, but he lost that battle)!
He also agreed to exact date of withdrawal! Trump is a self important idiot, who creates disasters others must clean up!
Also we often leave equipment behind, if time is short, (most of it, is disabled)!
The Taliban went back on all terms, they agreed upon!
Finally, Fox News Hannity Show, with guest Stephen Miller and Matt Gaetz are calling Trump performance the best of any President in history! That what MAGA sees and hears daily!
Joe Biden may have disappointed many, but we all have bad days! Let’s see how he recovers, ( and he will), I still believe in him completely!
I will be watching the debate live tonight, and I'm looking forward to your comments later!
Sorry to miss this - we have a book event (talk/signing) with the former owner of the Herbfarm (fancy restaurant where we got engaged). But I'm taping the debate and will watch when we get home.
Thanks, I was looking for just such a place.
Hmmm, asking me to subscribe but I am already a paid subscriber! I can't get in!
I was hoping Biden would come out looking strong. This has not been the case. He’s been unable to sufficiently counter Trump’s lies.
It was heartbreaking- as though President Biden had a severe migraine.
I could not watch anymore. Those few moments were enough.
It was hubris for him to run again.
I will vote Democratic because there is no other choice. We deserve better than all these candidates.
I know. Trump actually sounds coherent 🫣
Dishonest. Pathological. But coherent.
Not only did you gaslight us on Friday abut what we’d seen with our own eyes Thursday night, you’ve now taken down the transcript of your live blog. Sorry but I’m no longer a paid subscriber. It’s one thing for you to gaslight me, it’s another for me to pay you to do it.
My concern is not about Biden. He will get over his cold and a down night.
But the media? We need to have no illusions about this: They will NOT hold MAGA to account. They are in grip of addiction - getting clicks from all the lies, conflict and cheap drama of the Trump show. They can't break it.
The firehose of lies last night was gross - coming just weeks after Trump was criminally convicted of lying to gain power in 2016. It made no difference to the media, who have surrendered their responsibility to inform the voters to the getting the next high from MAGA lies.
Who else was ABSOLUTELY blown away by Joe's STELLAR performance and how he CLEARLY wiped the floor with the dementia-suffering convicted felon?!! I mean, Joe was in total COMMAND of the facts and FOCUSED!!! A BRILLIANT VISIONARY and FULL OF ENERGY as always! And ABSOLUTELY no MALARKEY!!!
After watching the whole debate, I literally have no idea why the convicted felon agreed to debate Joe - maybe his HUGEEE ego got in the way??? I bet GOP now wishes they had nominated Nikki Haley or someone other than a convicted felon with clear signs of dementia who can't string two words together and make a coherent sentence!!! Maybe the GOP will FINALLY see what we ALL SEE and replace their convicted felon before the convention BUT I am NOT sure how they can do that or even explain it to their STUPID voters!!!
As long as there is no Russian interference again, at least 360+ electoral votes and 100 million votes for Joe! Who else is with me and can wait to go rid'ín with Biden for the next four years?!!!