Would be nice if the GOP imploded before the 2022 elections. Unfortunately, based on Facebook comments I keep seeing, there are far too many people who will happily submit to a boot on their neck, as long as that boot crushes the people they hate.
That would be because those people are the extremely loud minority. Most of my friends who are or were Republican are horrified, and not at all interested in Trump continuing to lead their party. They just don’t know what to about this.
What they WILL have to do is create an alternative right wing political party.
I want to see the entire Republican party implode. They have ceased to function in any meaningful way. Their entire platform is based on hate, racism and exclusion. Do we need a 2 party system? I don't know. We definitely need more than one, so we'll see what the ultimate fallout of this is. I never imagined that the GOP would choose trump to bet their entire future on. Even Liz and Mitt, for the few things that they've done right, still choose to stay with the party. As long as that's true, they are not to be trusted either. On another note, for as much as I loathe Dick Cheney, I'm wondering why he isn't out there standing up for his daughter. Maybe on top of everything else he is, he's also just a really shitty dad. Interesting times we're living in. I hope we, as a country, survive it. We're teetering on the edge as it is. Time will tell. It always does.
Would be nice if the GOP imploded before the 2022 elections. Unfortunately, based on Facebook comments I keep seeing, there are far too many people who will happily submit to a boot on their neck, as long as that boot crushes the people they hate.
That would be because those people are the extremely loud minority. Most of my friends who are or were Republican are horrified, and not at all interested in Trump continuing to lead their party. They just don’t know what to about this.
What they WILL have to do is create an alternative right wing political party.
They have lit the tinder and are fanning the flames. I hope they burn their whole house down. It's rotted anyway.
I want to see the entire Republican party implode. They have ceased to function in any meaningful way. Their entire platform is based on hate, racism and exclusion. Do we need a 2 party system? I don't know. We definitely need more than one, so we'll see what the ultimate fallout of this is. I never imagined that the GOP would choose trump to bet their entire future on. Even Liz and Mitt, for the few things that they've done right, still choose to stay with the party. As long as that's true, they are not to be trusted either. On another note, for as much as I loathe Dick Cheney, I'm wondering why he isn't out there standing up for his daughter. Maybe on top of everything else he is, he's also just a really shitty dad. Interesting times we're living in. I hope we, as a country, survive it. We're teetering on the edge as it is. Time will tell. It always does.
Wow. This will either be the demise of the Republican Party, or the demise of democracy.