I’m thoroughly enjoying your book through my Kindle app. I will confess to skipping to the ending because I couldn’t savor what I was reading wondering about the end soooo...I skipped to the end and read it. 🤫

Now I can enjoy the rest of the book at a leisurely pace. (Yes, I’ve been known to peek at wrapped gifts, too.) I am unrepentant but I can keep a secret...just not from myself. 🤷‍♀️

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I'm very much enjoying the book as well! But I haven't read the end yet...

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Jay, please know that you have a Helluva Support Group out here and that we are here for you however, whenever, and wherever you need us.

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Thank you. It means a great to me to have the support of this amazing community on top of my close friends and family.

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Thank you so much for all you do Jay! Bringing us some sense of hope in this crazy, idiotic world we are living in. Take care of yourself and enjoy your mini-break.

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Jay, your work is invaluable to so many people, and your sense of humor lifts us up when the news cycle is almost unbearable. Many thanks for you. Have a great holiday week and enjoy your feast.

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I totally skipped to read the end, and hope all is going well! Have a fantastic holiday with family and friends! I don't get audiobooks as a rule, but might have to get this one since Kaiser apparently has voices down pat.

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Jay, I subscribe to several authors of various career fields and your's is one of my favorites. I have the Kindle book and have only just started reading it. You and "your ilk" as you might say contribute to my sanity. At times it feels prudent to just turn it all off because many days and many news reportes make very little sense. Just by putting someone else, anyone else really, in the hot seat that is occupied by our former president, commander in chief, and "officer of the government" (all in small caps for good reason) I firmly believe it would be completely different.

Enjoy your family, which to my thinking includes your family of friends. Recharge your battery because I selfishly know that we all need you (actually need each other). You and many other folks taking time to keep our experiment in democracy and freedom healthy for our children and grandchildren. Sending love

Those that show us the dark side, make us stronger in the light . . . .

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May your roller coaster ride include massive thrills, few scares, and a gentle landing!

PS, loved the book!

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Wishing you good health and a Happy Thanksgiving Jay.

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Just able to afford upgrade to paid! Thank you Jay🙏🏼💞🌺

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Thank you so much!

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Jay - I am only 60-ish % through and haven't leapt to the last chapter.

But, I know for myself, it takes courage to write, and that some things can be easier to write than to speak.

I'm glad you're giving yourself some time to manage through that vulnerability.

Wishing you a lovely, festive, delicious, and restorative Friendsgiving time. <3

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Have a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving holiday.

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Take care, safe travels, and have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family!

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Have a wonderful Friendsgiving. I appreciate your work and look forward to more informative and insightful posts.

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Thanks for the update on the audiobook! Can’t handle print anymore so now I’ll get the chance to enjoy your book!

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My books arrives tomorrow. Can’t wait!! 💜

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So much to be grateful for - including you, your writings, your sharing and vulnerability to those in your community. You have helped keep me calm and sane in these turbulent times.

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Jay, as we head into Thanksgiving week I would feel remiss if I didn't tell you what a gift you are to all of your readers. You provide a breath of fresh air and hope in an otherwise wild and often gloomy world. I am looking forward to the audio version of your book and until then just wanted to offer you a heartfelt Thank You.

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