Yup! But congrats to your surrogate on her LABOR Day and a joyous welcome to your precious Riley and to your new dad life. “They say babies are god’s opinion that the world should go on.” 💜
Bless your heart! Dearest man, you're one tired (but ecstatic!) Ba! You aren't the only one who confused the holiday. Apparently several restaurants' websites in the Atlanta metro area also posted about Memorial Day this weekend, if it makes you feel any better. Glad to hear Riley is sleeping well so soon. You are going to appreciate this more than you might realize right now.
I remember seeing a new Dad at the grocery store, looking tired, befuddled, with a 3-day growth. How did I know he was a new dad? Because he looked like he hadn't seen civilization before!❤️
happy trip little one! I used to babysit for a Chinese American family and helped the mother when she remained sequestered with her infants for their first month. When I had babies, I followed this program…limited visits from non immediate family, a month to learn the rhythms and needs of an infant, and reduced exposure to germs in those early weeks. ALSO, when my granddaughter was born I checked my vaccines and found I was due for multiple boosters and new shots…and got them all…I have read repeatedly that many grand parents are not fully up on boosters and especially are frequent carriers of whooping cough to infants due to the lack of new vaccines. Unsolicited advice, I know but...
Excellent advice! I always kept up to date with my tetanus thankfully, as that includes whooping cough. Recently got a titer test for MMR due to all the stupid measles resurgence, turns out I needed a booster due to no mumps immunity! Spouse did the same thing and he needed it for rubella. We had all our childhood vaccines but we are pushing 60 so always good to know what’s going on!
So many vaccines had not been developed when I was in the “vaccine age group”. I needed quite a few ‘new ones’! Many of us “of a certain age” are unaware of all the relatively new vaccines we never got.
For sure! I am so annoyed I missed out on the HPV one, they kept raising the age but I still missed it. I had the chicken pox because it was before the vax was available, but I for sure got my shingles series!
I have had the shingles vaccine with zero problems. Not everyone has a reaction. My neighbor had shingles (before the vaccine) and was very miserable for months.
My spouse had shingles in his 40’s, thankfully he went on antivirals early but it was still awful. Fun fact: I got the chicken pox at the age of 12 from a relative that had the shingles—it can only transmit that one way, can’t get shingles from chicken pox (supposedly) but boy was I surprised.
And those of us who actually GOT the diseases can also lose immunity. I needed a chicken pox vaccine when I had the disease as a 6 year old! (Over 60 years ago) Get your titers checked.
Smart move! I am immune compromised and contracted the mumps in 2019 when I was on my way to Ireland to visit my daughter and her family. I was in the Galway Hospital for my last two nights, flew home and was in the hospital for two nights here. I had mumps when I was young and should have had immunity but I found out the hard way that I didn't. I plan on getting tested to see if I have any immunity for MMR.
Birth mothers (are they also called surrogate mothers? I get the terminology confused) are such amazing heroes. I was glad to see her name here. What a grand climax to your IFV (if I remember right, again, terminology) journey. Such a great contrast to the wickedness put on display by Vance and his ilk. This is the beginning of a great new all-American family. Riley is a lucky kid.
Probably only called surrogate because she's carrying the child and won't be keeping it. I don't know if it's her egg or not, but then, I don't care. I would assume Jay is the biological father.
Have a lovely trip! Riley couldn't be more adorable if she tried, so it doesn't matter that more than half the stuff in the car is hers. So very happy for you, Jay! Enjoy the holiday and visiting with family. [Also, there's no such thing as too many Riley pics. *hint*]
I’m def tired and think it’s Memorial Day! Lolol
Parent brain has begun! Welcome to the club!
Right? It's only just begun!
Was JUST gonna say that.
At least you got the good shot in about the the Dotard's cemetery nonsense. Some bloggy mistakes were meant to be!
LOL. Exactly.
Yup! But congrats to your surrogate on her LABOR Day and a joyous welcome to your precious Riley and to your new dad life. “They say babies are god’s opinion that the world should go on.” 💜
I make that mistake a lot. Although after seeing someone in labor I might not have this time 🤣. Congratulations.
We’ve been talking so much about it being “labor” day weekend that I can’t believe I got it mixed up.
Bless your heart! Dearest man, you're one tired (but ecstatic!) Ba! You aren't the only one who confused the holiday. Apparently several restaurants' websites in the Atlanta metro area also posted about Memorial Day this weekend, if it makes you feel any better. Glad to hear Riley is sleeping well so soon. You are going to appreciate this more than you might realize right now.
I remember seeing a new Dad at the grocery store, looking tired, befuddled, with a 3-day growth. How did I know he was a new dad? Because he looked like he hadn't seen civilization before!❤️
Neonates need TLC, Jay...good to see the MDs on the job. Fatherhood rocks!
happy trip little one! I used to babysit for a Chinese American family and helped the mother when she remained sequestered with her infants for their first month. When I had babies, I followed this program…limited visits from non immediate family, a month to learn the rhythms and needs of an infant, and reduced exposure to germs in those early weeks. ALSO, when my granddaughter was born I checked my vaccines and found I was due for multiple boosters and new shots…and got them all…I have read repeatedly that many grand parents are not fully up on boosters and especially are frequent carriers of whooping cough to infants due to the lack of new vaccines. Unsolicited advice, I know but...
Excellent advice! I always kept up to date with my tetanus thankfully, as that includes whooping cough. Recently got a titer test for MMR due to all the stupid measles resurgence, turns out I needed a booster due to no mumps immunity! Spouse did the same thing and he needed it for rubella. We had all our childhood vaccines but we are pushing 60 so always good to know what’s going on!
So many vaccines had not been developed when I was in the “vaccine age group”. I needed quite a few ‘new ones’! Many of us “of a certain age” are unaware of all the relatively new vaccines we never got.
For sure! I am so annoyed I missed out on the HPV one, they kept raising the age but I still missed it. I had the chicken pox because it was before the vax was available, but I for sure got my shingles series!
I heard shingles vaccine makes you sick, how did you do?
I have had the shingles vaccine with zero problems. Not everyone has a reaction. My neighbor had shingles (before the vaccine) and was very miserable for months.
My spouse had shingles in his 40’s, thankfully he went on antivirals early but it was still awful. Fun fact: I got the chicken pox at the age of 12 from a relative that had the shingles—it can only transmit that one way, can’t get shingles from chicken pox (supposedly) but boy was I surprised.
First one was a breeze—second I had mild side effects. Ice your arm and take some advil after is the best advice I can give!
It just hurts. Especially the second one. Think tetanus shot on steroids. At least for me. But I got shingles later and it was really mild.
And those of us who actually GOT the diseases can also lose immunity. I needed a chicken pox vaccine when I had the disease as a 6 year old! (Over 60 years ago) Get your titers checked.
Smart move! I am immune compromised and contracted the mumps in 2019 when I was on my way to Ireland to visit my daughter and her family. I was in the Galway Hospital for my last two nights, flew home and was in the hospital for two nights here. I had mumps when I was young and should have had immunity but I found out the hard way that I didn't. I plan on getting tested to see if I have any immunity for MMR.
Babies have way more luggage than anybody else.
How do I know you're an exhausted new parent? Because it's Labor Day, not Memorial Day! 🤣
All kidding aside, thank you so much for sharing these updates with us, it's so lovely to see everyone doing well, and such happiness!! ❤❤
You will be such a great dad ,Jay because you have so much love to give. That’s a part of why I subscribed. Congratulations!
Birth mothers (are they also called surrogate mothers? I get the terminology confused) are such amazing heroes. I was glad to see her name here. What a grand climax to your IFV (if I remember right, again, terminology) journey. Such a great contrast to the wickedness put on display by Vance and his ilk. This is the beginning of a great new all-American family. Riley is a lucky kid.
Probably only called surrogate because she's carrying the child and won't be keeping it. I don't know if it's her egg or not, but then, I don't care. I would assume Jay is the biological father.
Thanks, yeah he did a post on this back in February I think. I'm going to try to remember to read it again.
I'm so happy for you! This post choked me up! Lucky Riley and lucky you!! Best wishes!!
Welcome to my hometown of Bakersfield … sorry in advance for … *gestures at everything*
At least you get to leave tomorrow! 😂
Memorial Day, Labor Day, it doesn't matter soldiers' cemeteries are NEVER props for political campaigns!
Enjoy your first family road trip, as soon enough Riley will be asking, "Are we there yet?"
Not Memorial Day! It’s Labor Day. But that aside, congratulations on your beautiful little daughter!
Jay is suffering from new Ba brain! 😜
It takes a village. ❤️
Is this your first? If so, life as you know it will cease to exist. But, it's worth it.
Congratulations on your new little blessing! ❤️
Safe journey, now and in the years to come!
Have a lovely trip! Riley couldn't be more adorable if she tried, so it doesn't matter that more than half the stuff in the car is hers. So very happy for you, Jay! Enjoy the holiday and visiting with family. [Also, there's no such thing as too many Riley pics. *hint*]