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Quite a retirement plan: free food, free medical, free clothes, new like-minded friends, and a room with a view. Jackpot!

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With multiple "check-in" dates, first 60 days in County and balance in State lock up, so many opportunities to mingle among others of her ick. I do wonder where the Federal charges are? Both she and Lindell, transporting stolen goods/receiving stolen goods, doesn't crossing over State lines with the stolen item makes it a Federal crime?

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@Shire Jansen: "...so many opportunities to mingle among others of her ick."

I don't know if ick was a typo, but it's perfect!

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Oh yeah when are they going to bring charges against the pillow man?

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Watched the live feed of someone I followed (back when I was on Twitter) who was attending the Cyber Symposium, saw where she trotted on stage after handing off the stolen data so it could be put up on the big screen for all the world to see, as the attendees worked on the $5M challenge Lindell had posed to find "packet captures". Another guy "Watkins" remoted in to screen feed and said "my attorney has advised that we take this down immediately". Recall that the guy who "proved" there was nothing to find had to sue (numerous times) to get paid the $5M from Lindell.


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Thank you for posting this. I was wondering what was going on with this case.

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I'm wondering what Lindell's net worth is at this point. Between the $5 million he had to pay out and his lawyer's fees then all the money he's pouring into the conspiracy theories and having other "seminars," well, I wonder how much of his fortune is left.

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Cannot validate the accuracy, but much of the info provided in this link seems to match up with other known facts, I believe it may be short one marriage... and one marriage was really short!


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That is absolutely hilarious! Could not have happened to a more deserving person. But I did laugh at the comparison at the bottom with Rudy who is technically poorer than 0 since he has $150 million owed!

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If she serves her entire sentence, she will be incarcerated until 2033 and have to watch three elections from prison, gnashing her teeth down to nubs.

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And that is just the presidential ones. 3 more elections with the midterms!!

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As well as her Fangs!

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Made me Immediately laugh out loud. 😆😆😆

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