If you need a handy warning sign for both "gullible" and "carnival barker," selling nutritional supplements and wellness products through a multilevel-marketing company is it.

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Ha! So true.

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My guess is she was selling Amway stuff. Amway is the company owned by Dick and Betsy DeVos, west Michigan billionaires and big right wing donors.

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I think you’re right, Jean. I’ve been following this case closely and this woman is clearly off her rocker. I’m not sure she can actually control herself. She’s certainly a narcissist and is unable to admit any wrongdoing, and I’m not sure that nine years of prison will change that.

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I'm glad she got a decent sentence that is measured in years not months. With her obnoxious attitude, I think it's a safe bet that she gets in trouble while incarcerated and earns herself additional time and some scary interactions with her fellow prisoners. I would love to know what sentence the prosecution requested to learn if the judge increased or decreased anything and why. I agree with you, Janet, that as egregious as her crimes were and as abrasive and self-entitled as she was to every unfortunate person in her path, there probably isn't any prison sentence that will change her mind. She's a functional delusional. There are still way too many of her delusional type still in circulation that provide a far right sounding board for each other. Nonetheless, it was soo good to hear the judge take his time to reflect sternly on her deeds and later angrily deny her motion to stay directly after he sentenced her. It's indeed a win despite everything.

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I just hope that her sentence is not shortened on appeal. Her comment about not being able to sleep without her magnetic mattress is one for the history books. What an entitled ass!

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A magnetic mattress? What in the heck is that? Could it be what is causing the crazy?

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LOL! There’s at least one Japanese company and probably other companies that sell mattresses that have special magnets within them that are supposed to solve all kinds of neuromuscular problems. That’s all I know, and I have never slept on one because they’re the most expensive mattresses around. Can you imagine the obscene privilege of asking this of a judge? However, none of this surprises me because another right wing extremist I used to know (just as an acquaintance) also used to tout these magnetic mattresses, and she had one in her bedroom.

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I don't think you can earn extra time, but you can put any early release in jeopardy. The way this woman acts, she may likely be the first prisoner to serve her entire sentence with no time off for good behavior.

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Let’s hope!!

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She deserves a cell alongside Kari Lake and Sydney Powell. Could you imagine the crazy?

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I don't get the jails that are housing these gang members together. They will just hatch new plans. Better to keep them as separate as possible.

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Would make for a great sitcom though...Kraken is the New Black.

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Bird's of the Same Feather fly together!

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Whatever it was she was selling, it was a pyramid scheme.

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Wasn't Betsy DeVos Trump's Secretary of Education, or am I confused?

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You’re correct. DeVos was Secretary of Education, where she did her worst to deconstruct our system of public education and replace it with Christian “charter schools” payed for by taxpayers, by means of vouchers.

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Yeap, you are right

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Yes, and her goal was to harm our public school system in every way possible!

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It's a known cult.

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Can you say “pyramid scheme”?

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And Mike Lindell! What a nutcase. Jimmy Kimmel will have a comment.

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I love Kimmel's comments!

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Ear pillows...

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I had the exact same thought!

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That, and "selling" useless pillows.

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Paging Alex Jones!

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It's grifters all the way down!

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We can only hope that her jail sentence is a deterrent to others who might try the same thing in 2024.

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But you are no hero, you abused your position and you are a charlatan,” Judge Barrett said, adding, “You cannot help but lie as easy as you breathe.”

Remind you of anybody? Judge Barrett's remarks from the bench will be echoed by Judge Chutkan after a DC jury convicts the Orange Charlatan on four counts of election fraud, obstruction, and election subversion.

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Thank Providence, for these principled judges that are holding the line!

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This is my sincere hope: that some of the MAGAts poised to commit crimes against our democracy in elections offices across the country will see this and reconsider their actions.

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Unlikely - the only thing that will end a cult is the charismatic leader being exposed as a charlatan. Very difficult to do in such manner as to convince the die-hards. Or, you know - the Guyana solution.

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I hope so too - but is it out there on the national news (I don’t/can’t watch it) and social media. I hope it is widely broadcasted.

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I hope Judge Chutkan follows you. She can lift some words from Judge Barrett when she sentences Trump

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My first thought after reading!🤷‍♀️

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My only hope is to live long enough to see this Creature Sentenced for Anything!

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May your words be prophetic.

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And let’s see many more deterring jail sentences happen in the next few years!

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In my experience (32 years prison Nurse, ret.), conspiracy believers seldom see the light. It’s similar to sending a young offender to jail where he can learn greater skills in robbery, grifting, sexual predation, and so forth. The self-help success stories of people determined to change for the better, get an education, a job, and become Good Citizens is, sadly, still a rare exception.

Sometimes, all we can say is that a stiff sentence will at least keep them off the streets for a while.

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Based on your experience working within the system, how likely do you think it is that other prisoners will be sympathetic toward someone like Peters?

I was moved by the Judge’s compassionate words regarding the people he often saw in his courtroom. He talked about how most of them are living with unimaginable trauma, substance addiction, mental illness, they come from broken homes and have never had the privilege or opportunities that Peters has had. Her assertion of privilege and what she “needed” in contrast to the rest of the population he sees really angered him.

Assuming what he says is true, how do you think other prisoners might deal with Peters’ selfish, narcissistic behavior?

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I think she’s due for some re-education from her fellow prisoners.

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I don't know. Considering how self-centered a lot of these people are, they might fancy being martyred (In their opinion and in the eyes of their rabid followers).

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It will be very hard to keep this up for nine years. Even if she only serves four years because of good conduct. And at her age that is a long time. Can/ will she appeal this verdict?

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She is appealing. At the end of sentencing, her attorney asked about a motion he’d filed that would have prevented her from serving time until her appeal was decided.

That’s what he thought, anyway. The judge told him, “I denied that.” When he continued to argue, the judge said that the motion he’d filed relied on a precedent that didn’t apply to the motion.

Finally, the judge simply said, “No.”

The attorney said, “Thank you, Judge” and scuttled out of the courtroom.

So yes, she can and is appealing. And she’ll be appealing from prison.

I adore this judge.

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Sadly we only get the smaller potatoes, the big criminal is still at large.

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That judge knows how to be a judge and what he is there to do .

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Somehow I can't imagine Tina Peters having 'good conduct' anywhere in her personality, even if it would get her out of jail earlier.

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She is appealing the verdict.

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Yes it would keep our jail costs down. Although from comments here deterrents don’t work.

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A terrific piece, Jay, and an important verdict & commentary by the Judge, which should be used as a model for sentencing Trump.

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His lawyers should play that video for Trump the night before sentencing in the DC case.

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Quite a retirement plan: free food, free medical, free clothes, new like-minded friends, and a room with a view. Jackpot!

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With multiple "check-in" dates, first 60 days in County and balance in State lock up, so many opportunities to mingle among others of her ick. I do wonder where the Federal charges are? Both she and Lindell, transporting stolen goods/receiving stolen goods, doesn't crossing over State lines with the stolen item makes it a Federal crime?

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@Shire Jansen: "...so many opportunities to mingle among others of her ick."

I don't know if ick was a typo, but it's perfect!

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Oh yeah when are they going to bring charges against the pillow man?

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Watched the live feed of someone I followed (back when I was on Twitter) who was attending the Cyber Symposium, saw where she trotted on stage after handing off the stolen data so it could be put up on the big screen for all the world to see, as the attendees worked on the $5M challenge Lindell had posed to find "packet captures". Another guy "Watkins" remoted in to screen feed and said "my attorney has advised that we take this down immediately". Recall that the guy who "proved" there was nothing to find had to sue (numerous times) to get paid the $5M from Lindell.


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Thank you for posting this. I was wondering what was going on with this case.

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I'm wondering what Lindell's net worth is at this point. Between the $5 million he had to pay out and his lawyer's fees then all the money he's pouring into the conspiracy theories and having other "seminars," well, I wonder how much of his fortune is left.

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Cannot validate the accuracy, but much of the info provided in this link seems to match up with other known facts, I believe it may be short one marriage... and one marriage was really short!


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That is absolutely hilarious! Could not have happened to a more deserving person. But I did laugh at the comparison at the bottom with Rudy who is technically poorer than 0 since he has $150 million owed!

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If she serves her entire sentence, she will be incarcerated until 2033 and have to watch three elections from prison, gnashing her teeth down to nubs.

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And that is just the presidential ones. 3 more elections with the midterms!!

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As well as her Fangs!

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Made me Immediately laugh out loud. 😆😆😆

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WOW! Thank you for this detailed recap of what happened in Colorado. Like many voters, I had no idea such chicanery was employed. The twists and turns of such people's mindsets confounds me. As with other commenters, I hope Tina Peters' sentence sends a message to others who might try these tricks in this year's elections (are you listening, Georgia?). I'm going to share a link to this column on Facebook,. Thanks again.

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She tried to run for Secretary of State here in CO also but didn't make it out of her primary. Naturally, the election was rigged. 🤪

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Thanks for the insight, Jay. I do quibble with your last sentence - you say "all to protect a criminal felon ex-president" I think another important element is how much money she was able to get donated to her campaign. As with Trump, much of their actions are to parlay the scams into large profits. I wish someone would investigate all the illegal emoluments that Trump received. It is such an essential part of his motivation.

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I hope Shasta County’s criminal board members and Election Clerk are paying attention. Thankfully Gov Newsom is laser focused on their madness.

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I used to work for Shasta County, sad to see what it has become

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It's definitely Paradise Lost!

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Maybe paradise waiting to be reclaimed?

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Lived there once and met my husband there. We moved and never ever wanted to go back.

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Best comment EVER!!!!!! Thank you.

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You’re very welcome!

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You made my day man.

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Entitled white women REALLY piss me off. I love that judge totally calling her out (not that people like her EVER admit they are wrong).

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There is a fair chance that she dies in jail. I wouldn't be sad. FAFO to be sure.

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She will undoubtedly join Kyle Rittenhouse, Steve Bannon, Kim Davis, the J6 rioters, et al in the conservative wingnut pantheon of persecuted patriots

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Kyle rittenhouse is a free Individual because of that Trump loving judge. 😡😡😡😡

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True. She's not going to learn anything from this. I'm glad she will be out of circulation.

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Narcissists never do learn, in my experience. It's always everyone else's fault.

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I think you created a prison band name there! Pantheon of Persecuted Patriots!

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That was a joy to read. Thank you.

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I agree and please consider doing a Sequel if and whenever Steve Bannon is Prosecuted for his Border Wall Scam!

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Justice anyone? I think so.

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Also of interest to me is the fact that she's a white woman and didn't get the sh** beaten out of her. Not one of the cops even dropped an F bomb which showed, IMHO, remarkable restraint.

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she might get that beating in prison...

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It is nearly certain - she WILL offend someone she definitely should not. And her sense of entitlement will cause her to double down. With consequences.

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Not feeling sad about that. Although I don't condone violence, she's going to need to learn how to read the room and understand the rules of the road. So far, she hasn't been able to do either of those things.

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Tina Peters is a good start. We mapped others involved in election Trump's Georgia election interference schemes here:


And many of those referenced in Jack Smith's recent filings on the Jan 6th insurrection.


Many of the characters appear in both maps. Surprised?

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I live in Mesa County Colorado. I couldn't be more pleased with judge Barrett. This weekend we celebrate 🍾

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Just reported that our courthouse is getting threats since sentencing. Very fine people.

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That judge will be needing to pay more attention to security than he ever has before.

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