I'm on pins and needles about all this...one day feeling cautiously optimistic, the next day trying to decide what country I'll escape to. UGH! Fingers crossed for a more positive future. And ENJOY your family time...your daughter is simply gorgeous! ❤️❤️
Thank you for all that you do to wade through all the truth & lies of this period and present the facts and find clear paths through the miasma & weeds.
Thanks for the photo, Jay. I lived upstate near Mum and her husband as we navigated her Alzheimer’s journey. A lovely area for daily rides. Riley will enjoy the leaves changing.
What a gorgeous photo of a lovely fall day in the Hudson Valley. Looks like the leaves are starting to turn! Lovely! Can't wait to hear about the squint into early voting results.
I'm seeing the early mail-in vote slightly down in net volume vs 2020 - no surprise, no Covid epidemic this year - but party ID strongly favoring Democrats. It seems as though tRump's on again-off again demonization of VBM is still leaving MAGA voters put off, and largely opting for in-person voting. Classic case of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face,
Jay - I opened your newsletter to see a photo of quite literally my back yard and the same view from my house. Hope you had a nice time here in Hunter, foliage is likely near it's peak.
SOO HAPPY your family came to see you and the newest member of the family. I know you'll keep up doing a great service to your followers by writing such great columns. You're blessed, Jay, and I pray for your continued effort to dig out the truth in today's political gumbo.
Big congratulations on your new baby! I hope you have plenty of quality time as a family. Would love to hear your thoughts on (when there is time, ha;) the ridiculousness from West Virginia and how worried should we be as little blue dots in deep red states? 💙💙💙
I'm on pins and needles about all this...one day feeling cautiously optimistic, the next day trying to decide what country I'll escape to. UGH! Fingers crossed for a more positive future. And ENJOY your family time...your daughter is simply gorgeous! ❤️❤️
Here was an interesting post in The Bulwark on the polling data. It is not voting data, but is polling data. https://www.thebulwark.com/p/a-grand-unified-theory-of-why-the
Sounds good! Looking forward to reading it. Rooting for you guys from Canada 🇨🇦
So happy that you are enjoying family time in such a beautiful spot!
Thank you for all that you do to wade through all the truth & lies of this period and present the facts and find clear paths through the miasma & weeds.
Thanks for the photo, Jay. I lived upstate near Mum and her husband as we navigated her Alzheimer’s journey. A lovely area for daily rides. Riley will enjoy the leaves changing.
Enjoy your time Jay, family matters!
What a gorgeous photo of a lovely fall day in the Hudson Valley. Looks like the leaves are starting to turn! Lovely! Can't wait to hear about the squint into early voting results.
Enjoy your time with family and Baby Riley!
Thank you continuing to hold our hands through your wonderful and momentous life change. You’ll be a fabulous dad!
I absentee voted last Friday and it feels GREAT❣️🌊🇺🇸💙
I mailed in my daughter's and my votes from abroad and am waiting to get notification that they arrived.
Put my ballot in the drop box this morning. 🇺🇸
I'm seeing the early mail-in vote slightly down in net volume vs 2020 - no surprise, no Covid epidemic this year - but party ID strongly favoring Democrats. It seems as though tRump's on again-off again demonization of VBM is still leaving MAGA voters put off, and largely opting for in-person voting. Classic case of cutting off one's nose to spite one's face,
Good, we'll take it!
Jay - I opened your newsletter to see a photo of quite literally my back yard and the same view from my house. Hope you had a nice time here in Hunter, foliage is likely near it's peak.
SOO HAPPY your family came to see you and the newest member of the family. I know you'll keep up doing a great service to your followers by writing such great columns. You're blessed, Jay, and I pray for your continued effort to dig out the truth in today's political gumbo.
I voted yesterday! Just couldn't wait!
Gorgeous photo! Makes me homesick. Enjoy your family time in your (I think) new family home. 💙
Big congratulations on your new baby! I hope you have plenty of quality time as a family. Would love to hear your thoughts on (when there is time, ha;) the ridiculousness from West Virginia and how worried should we be as little blue dots in deep red states? 💙💙💙