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Hi Jay, I am a Status Quo subscriber but did not get your July 11th Big Picture. I thought it was included as part of the Status Kuo subscription.

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I look forward to your "talking points" post.

I have already seen postings from right-leaning high school classmates expressing alarm over Project 2025. The Lincoln Project has a great set of slides on it.

What follows is on my own FB page.


I am trying to envision MAGA four-plus years from now after a Trump victory in November. They will be happy about the deportation of the immigrants, but that will be about all. After this November when he becomes a dictator, Trump will no longer have to pretend that he cares anything about what his supporters think. They will be unhappy with the consequences.

They will be unhappy because of the recession.

They will be unhappy because collective bargaining will have been outlawed.

They will be unhappy because Social Security and Medicare, if not already entirely abolished, will be diminished nearly to uselessness.

They will be unhappy because the Affordable Care Act will have been repealed and they won't be able to afford healthcare insurance.

They will be unhappy because not only abortion, but contraception will be illegal.

They will be unhappy because Trump's trade wars will have disrupted supply chains and spiked inflation, just like they did the first time.

All but the top one percent will be unhappy because their taxes will increase to pay for tax cuts on the wealthy and corporations.

They will be unhappy with the acceleration of climate change and the incredibly destructive forces it unleashes.

They will be very unhappy to learn that they now live in an illiberal theocratic police state; one that they chose for themselves.

Finally, they will be incredulous to discover that when they try to vote the Republicans out of office they will have no power to do so; that victory is always declared before the votes are even tallied.

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Who will pick the fruits and vegetables? Who will clean hotel rooms, and work at meat packing plants? Currently, immigrants are doing the jobs that Americans don’t want to do. Everything will rot in the fields. They are very shortsighted when it comes to the repercussions of their draconian immigration policies.

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It is easy to be shortsighted when looking through the lens of a propaganda mill like Fox News.

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They don’t care. The rich will be fine. Or so they think.

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I've seen cases where their "fact checkers" are reporting "false statements" to social media so posts are taken down. We do have to be careful how we WORD things to avoid this. Not "cut Social Security" but "fail to show how the Manifesto plans to keep Social Security with sufficient funds, leading to the need for cuts."

Similarly they don't mention banning contraception but they are big at protecting the "baby" from conception on. Thus the Pill, which in part acts by thinning the womb lining, so there’s less chance an egg will attach to it, would be preventing life from continuing. So, needless to say, would most emergency contraception--anything that would keep the fertilized ovum from actually continuing to pregnancy by implanting. They oppose some drug (can't recall which) because it 'might be used as an abortifacient." If "abortion" includes prevention of implanting, then voila, Comstock act.

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Yes, they don’t say the silent part out loud. But we can say they want to ban contraception and explain how they will do it….and already are!

I follow Andra Watkins.She uses direct quotes and page #’s from P 2025. Christian Nationalists believe no man-made form of contraception should prohibit joining of sperm and egg. P2025 states we should prioritize the fertility based-awareness methods (aka rhythm method)and shouldn’t be supporting/funding male condoms under women’s preventative services. Pages 484-485

DeSantis has already twice vetoed funding for long-acting, reversible contraception (IUD’s +) at the request of the Fl Catholic Bishop’Conference which considers such abortifacients.


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So Christian Nationalists obviously believe their God is not Omnipotent and admit regular people can stop the joining of sperm and egg. And he also needs their help to start Armageddon. And their help entails ignoring Jesus' teachings and instead listening to the most morally corrupt, mentally sick Man available. Sorry for the religious detour but the "joining of Sperm and Egg" got to me. Are they going to make you have monthly wedding ceremonies for this?

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Thanks for the cite. Good lord, we won’t call it rhythm, we’ll call it FBAM and saying it is “cutting edge” without a clue about what it is. Taking your temperature?

Years ago I was an infertility patient, back before IVF was a gleam in a needle’s eye. If there is ANYONE who knows about fertility awareness, it is an infertility patient. Big takeaway—taking your temperature does no good.

I finally was able to have kids, but for reasons unrelated to trying to track my fertility.

As to condoms: heaven FORFEND that we do anything to mix up male and female. Next thing you know, Yale will be admitting women.

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Infertility patient for 8 years (no baby); but I agree about the temperature tracking. Waste of time.

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I urge every organization in charge of voter registration to create a one-page summary of Project 2025. We now have enough information to know that this is THE reason to vote for Democrats up and down the ballot.

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Our group Democrats Abroad is reading through and trying to summarize each section in a couple of sentences. If anyone knows of a one page summary we don't need to reinvent the wheel. Hope we are all sharing. I have read through Dept of Education, and am now Reading Office of the White House. It is a slog, but one can see that there is a lot of danger even in the apparently mundane things they discuss like the president signing documents in person or there is an AUTOPEN. Wonder who plans to use that? The Heritage Foundation and their fellow plotters, seem to think like the German elites that Hitler was going to be their useful idiot, but he turned the Tables, and I think Trump will too. But, then, there is his cognitive decline.

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Say hi to Ada if you know her!

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No I don't. We have just opened the link up from our small group in Northern Germany to wider Democrats Abroad Germany.

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How Project 2025 will ruin your life

By Andra Watkins breaks down each section and may be what you’re looking for. I found her here on Substack.

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Thanks Joan. I am looking it over now. I love the title. It is so straightforward.

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There are some good infographics on the interwebs on this. I don't happen to have one handy, though, sorry to say.

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Many of these have inaccuracies or are ambiguous because of the overlap between Project 2025, The Heritage Foundation, the RNC platform and the Trump Campaign. It’s a gish-gallop of horrifying plans!

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Jul 11Liked by Jay Kuo

So, the president of the Heritage Foundation basically said:

"Chill out peasants, the absolutely most horrifying things we plan to inflict upon this country once we have seized power aren't even on this 900 page list of horrifying things."

That's not as reassuring as he might think.

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Jul 11Liked by Jay Kuo

Shaking in my boots to think that the radical conservatives behind Project 2025 somehow figured that the parts they were willing to make public were LESS ALARMING than what has been withheld?? Oh. My. God.

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That’s always the way with the MAGA/GQP/WCN Extremist Cult and the self-entitled 1%. THEY'RE LIARS.

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Encouraging news from Michigan: According to today's Bridge Michigan (an independent, non-profit, non-partisan news source) over 1.5 million voters have requested absentee ballots for our upcoming August 4th primaries (a record number of requests). So far the state has already received nearly 179,000 ballots, "more than those returned leading up to the 2020 primary election". Fingers crossed that this portends record turnout for voting in November in crucial swing state Michigan!

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Trump says he doesn't know anything about Project 2025. He's either lying or too ignorant to be trusted. Or probably both since he's familiar with the writers and their ideas, but probably hasn't read anything as long as Project 2025 in his entire life.

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If his lips are moving, he's lying.

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Here is an initiative that I hope everyone follows through on. I got it from a friend yesterday, who got it off of Mastodon, and sent it to several of us. The Heritage Foundation seems to be violating their charter with the IRS, so here is a link to a form you can download and send or email to the IRS. I also got an update from someone who added in information to help fill it out that is from Jessica Craven at Chop Wood, Carry Water, below as well.

IRS complaint


Seen on Mastodon. At this link you can download a PDF form to file a complaint to the IRS, requesting that they revoke the Heritage Foundation‘s non-profit status. Fill out the form and mail it to: eoclass@irs.gov

This is what is suggested on the sample form to fill in:

Based on the statements of Kevin Roberst, the Heritage Foundation’s president, on June 11 and July 2, the foundation’s mission is no longer solely “research and education,” but now includes preparing for a possibly bloody revolution.

Specifically, in an interview on “The War Room” on July 2, Roberts stated that the Heritage Foundation has developed a prominent series of policy plans (Project 2025) to overhaul the federal government under a Republican president, and that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”

Sure sounds like Roberts and the other authors of Project 2025 are planning to start a bloody war as part of the Heritage Foundation’s mission.

The Heritage Foundation clearly and overtly supports presidential candidate Donald Trump. This show the organization is an 'action organization' and therefore violates the code allowing for tax exemption under 501(c)(3). This is fraudulent. Action must be taken.

See NYTimes reporting of this incident on July 3rd: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-policy-america.html

You'll need more information about The Heritage Foundation to be able to fill out IRS complaint form 13909. This information is from Jessica Craven, Chop Wood Carry Water:

The Heritage Foundation's street address is 214 Massachusetts Ave. N.E., city is Washington, state is D.C. Zipcode is 20002

Their tax ID/EIN was tricky to submit - you cannot have a hyphen so it's 237327730

You can name both John P. Bakiel (VP of Finance) and Kevin Roberts (President).

Jessica suggested saying something like:

The Heritage Foundation clearly and overtly supports presidential candidate Donald Trump. This show the organization is an 'action organization' and therefore violates the code allowing for tax exemption under 501(c)(3). This is fraudulent. Action must be taken.

I just completed my complaint and found that it is easy to submit electronically. No need to email. You'll get a download of your submittal for your records.

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The Heritage Foundation is a domestic terrorist organization.

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From what I've read and learned about Project 2025, the measures they plan to enact are extra-legislative. So they expect trump to use his authority over the bureaucracy to enact this part of the plan. But, make no mistake, the other extreme measures they advocate are coming.

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I would suspect the part they will reveal after we can't vote them out, is a Convention to Rewrite the Constitution.

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They already have a plan for that, but there are rules laid out in the constitution to be able to do it. They don't control enough state legislatures to accomplish that.

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I just convinced a coworker (who planned to vote down-ballot but not for the President) to vote for Biden. She had vaguely heard of Project 2025 but was unaware what was contained in Project 2025, so I needed info to send her. I appreciate all that previous commenters have posted here!

My young nephew (who is trans) just announced at dinner, to his very liberal parents and extremely conservative grandparents, that he’s voting for Biden and he’s excited to do so! Yay!

Meanwhile, my sister’s ex said quite a few young climate activists he does volunteer work with have stated they aren’t going to vote for Biden. He tries to sway them but he feels despair at hearing this, from people so concerned about the earth that they voluntarily work toward change, yet so naive that they don’t understand that a TFG presidency would doom our planet.

Am I worried, yes! Do I think personally engaging people on a 1:1 basis is helpful? Also, yes.

Have the conversation. Do it.

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Why is this not in the nightly news…. Seriously, nothing is more dangerous than this…. Everyone is being blinded by the Biden fiasco and Nutenyahu’s war against Hamas. The real issue is right here.

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It’s too hard for them to explain. These are the pretty faces we Americans like to see reading the news to us. And even better if they’re youthful!

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Hey, while you’re at HRC can you do me a favor? Ask them what’s up with the contradictory high index ratings they give corporations who have diversity policies in place and get all rainbowed up every June but then donate thousands or millions of dollars to anti LGBTQ+ Republican politicians and PACs. (As reported in the excellent Popular Information newsletter that did a fantastic job naming and shaming the most hypocritical organizations responsible for preventing progress and acceptance.)

You could say “Asking for a friend” if that helps. 🏳️‍🌈🦄❤️


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In light of this problem, we are adjusting the ratings system to now account for political support of anti-equality measures or officials.

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May I suggest that you examine the various uses of the word "discriminate" that are found in the Mandate For Leadership: the Conservative Promise. I have them listed in my most recent note.


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