Amazing and depressing that Republicans don't want to raise the minimum wage so they can keep the poor poor, and don't want to do anything else to help them either. Just a bunch of heartless, greedy bastards. I think the Democrats should repeal all of the Republican's tax cuts for the super rich, then let the GOP know they found the money to pay for helping a lot of Americans instead of just the few, who never needed help to begin with. Democrats also need to get better at hammering their accomplishment home for the next year. People have short memories and need to be reminded, constantly, that it was the Democrats that voted to help and the Republicans, all of them, voted not to. We'll see.

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I raised 2 kids to adulthood and I can GUARANTEE that $7,200 a year would NOT have allowed me to stop working. Especially when you take into consideration saving for ridiculous college costs. Hell, one of my kids braces cost almost that much.

Ridiculous argument as usual. Smh

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