Don't forget the time factor. The more time they spend staring each other down (even it does result in raising the debit ceiling) is time not spent dealing with the Freedom to Vote Act. So FULL SPEED AHEAD!!
But, this isn't a movie and it's not a game. It's disgusting that McConnell and his cohorts, are even if office, let alone able to muck things up like this. Don't even get me started on Manchin and Sinema. Arrgh!
Don't forget the time factor. The more time they spend staring each other down (even it does result in raising the debit ceiling) is time not spent dealing with the Freedom to Vote Act. So FULL SPEED AHEAD!!
But, this isn't a movie and it's not a game. It's disgusting that McConnell and his cohorts, are even if office, let alone able to muck things up like this. Don't even get me started on Manchin and Sinema. Arrgh!
Good one, Jay.