Whew! The headline had me worried!

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It’s all good!

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lol same! Happy thanksgiving everyone!

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Me, too!!! 😅

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My heart sank when I saw the title of this post, I feared the worst (generalized anxiety disorder)! Thank you so much Jay! Your articles are one of the highlights of my days, and I always look forward to your daily dose of truth, optimism and humor! You are truly a wonderful human being and an inspiration. I’m so thankful for you!

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We as a community are so grateful for you! I hope you can reach our youngsters on TicToc and re-inform them about the Truth, there are too many falsehoods on there! We stand behind you in guiding them to get out and vote for Democracy!

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Happy Givingthanks Day to you! In my small world I decided that this day is about giving thanks. So to you, who keep us all so well informed, optimistic, and sometimes even make us laugh, thanks for being you.

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I might add, and thanks for keeping us sane.

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We are thankful for YOU Jay!

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Yes , I thought it was going to be some more bad news , Jay , cuz I don't think I can take much more with the stress I am under right now ! So , great news for you and the rest of your admirers ! We definitely need your calm presence! I've ordered your Ma's book for myself for Christmas but I am sure that I will read it prior ! Thanks Jay for keeping us sane in this insane situation ! By the way , still waiting for my Friendsgiving meal! Did you forget to go to the airport , again ???😅🤣😂

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I am so thankful for your work keeping all of us informed and somewhat sane in these crazy times. But, hey, please don't scare us with titles like this one! I was almost in tears as I opened it. I really could not face the possibility that you were unable to continue being my daily dose of sanity!

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I should have made clear it was good news!

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Well well I guess I am a modest paid subscriber. At least for one year. After I cannot swear I'll still be around. Good luck and thanks for your much appreciated contribution. Please keep in mind: Fuck trump.

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Just be aware that it renews automatically unless you remember to cancel.

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Thanks, I was wondering if I needed to renew my subscription.

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Thank you!

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Starting my day with you and your writings is golden. Keep up the fight Jay and know your readers are with you. I routinely forward your email to my politically active kids and friends and they forward to their circles. The rings of your work are spreading broadly.

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Ditto forward to my sister. Turned her on HCR also. Sadly, my circle is mostly red. I don’t discuss. I just try to lead by example.

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So incredibly happy for you! I love your work and I’m happy it will continue this way 😊

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Happy Thanksgiving Jay. I enjoy your newsletters!

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When I read the headline, I should have known, you Master of the April Fool's Joke! This *is* a vibrant & unique community, for which I am grateful. The picture from your book reading captures that - surrounded by your family (MA did very well there) and enthusiastic fans, you look so happy. More to the point, look at the faces of your fans!

Maybe down the road you might think about a Status Kuo Conference for your subscribers. It could be a series of talks from you and other notables (heaven knows you have reach with plenty of them) on all the topics you are passionate about, maybe short performances from some of your plays to break up the mood (and maybe help move the development on Indigo along), a keynote speaker . . . I'd be willing to pay to attend something like that. I can even think of a perfect venue, even if it *is* in central Ohio. Just suggesting.

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Not a bad idea!

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Yes, please in central Ohio!

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Yeah, right? Google Denison University. This might be something that can be done.

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I am so very grateful to you, Jay for the insights and sanity you offer daily. With gratitude, Happy Thanksgiving!

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Congratulations Jay, you would have been missed, but recognizing life needs balance is a big step!

and I’m happy you are finding your balance!

Happy Thanksgiving.

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That balance is going to be tested but I’m up for it!

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take Sunday (or one day) off, please. we gotta learn this work/life balance thing from the kids. & as long as waiters and store clerks keep calling me Auntie instead of Grandma (which my own mother bristled at, even in her 90s), I'll be happy...

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I love your work! And I’m optimistic--me? WTF? who am I?--that I can continue as a paid up buddy of your work. You writing is wonderful! 💋💋

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As others have said, whew! Sooo happy for you, and for us, that things are looking up and we can look forward to both your help in understanding the fraught legal landscape, and your happiness in being able to move forward! 💖

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