Thank you Jay for all you do to keep us clear-headed and informed.

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Jay, what do you think the "little secret" between Trump and Johnson is that assures Trump a win? Do you think he's talking about Johnson refusing to seat the new congress or adopt the new laws, and ...., as was described a while back? Also, I'm worried these ballot box attacks were trial runs, testing their ability to get around the fire suppression systems. We have no laws to protect us from large scale ballot destruction, especially as the election grows nearer. I hope they have massive security on all ballot storage and transportation measures in key counties in all swing states. The guy doing it doesn't have to worry about the consequences if he succeeds, he'll just get a pardon, and probably a cabinet position as the new election security czar.

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It is really limited what they can do. The key people in a position to stop things are the VP, who chairs the joint session of Congress, and governors and SOSs of swing states, all but one of whom are now Democrats. It also helps that a Democratic takeover of the House will involve seats in California and New York mostly. Short of the Supreme Court pulling something ridiculous, they will mostly be screaming at the wind. I suggest that should Harris win, Democrats resist the urge to publicly gloat.

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Trump seems to think they have a way. He's apparently certain enough in the plan to announce his election fraud publicly. But Biden does have complete immunity and the insurrection act at his disposal if Trump tries a second coup.

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I agree, RON… I think it’s more troubling than his stunts for publicity… I think we need to keep our eye on the prize. There is no limit to the evil people can imagine.

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Who could possibly say if Trump actually believes that, and even if he does, whether it has an ounce of reality behind it. He probably is as easy to con as his cult by somebody with a hopeless gimick that will get them some Trump money from Trump donors. It's not really Trump's money anyway.

I mean, who knows, could they have some plot that no smart lawyer on our side ever thought of? I kinda doubt it, but I think folks are trying to think of anything possible. But if they do, they aren't going to post it publicly, unless exposing it makes it harder to do. But if there is a true legal loophole, they won't publicize it.

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But really, our biggest real risk might be large scale attacks on ballot boxes in blue voting areas.

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Really going to try hard NOT to read what I’m sure will be another incisive overview of our home grown, Putin allied fascists. We are deliberately out of the country (in South Africa) with no WiFi for 11 days starting tomorrow morning. You have broad shoulders Jay. Thank you for your life saving sanity saving carry thru these long hard months.

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The best thing to do right now is to vote Blue up and down. Make sure no one you know lacks a way to get to the polls if that is their option to vote. And, pray to who or whatever you want to get a trifecta win.

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Can you take a few more people with you ? I , for one , can't listen to any of the bullshit. My anxiety levels are increasing !

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More Americans need to be pushed out of their sheltered life so mayhap they can figure out why this man is so dangerous .

I had the misfortune of living in a dictatorship in the mid 1970's and it was heart breaking to watch so many suffer for no good reason .

Please everyone VOTE like your life depends on it .


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If anyone reads one thing besides The Big Picture today, read Thom Hartmann Report. It outlines the dystopian society we could experience if tfg is elected.

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I’ll echo what others have said- a BIG thank you for your work, your perspective, your words. I read Simon Rosenberg’s Hopium Chronicles for additional encouragement.

Now, perhaps an update on Miss Riley? There’s nothing better to keep one in the moment that a baby ❤️❤️!

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*than* a baby

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I read this morning that in Trump's choices for his transition team of he should be re-elected are Eric and Don Jr, two of the most unqualified nepotistic choices he could have possibly made. I'm sure this is a back door way to pay them obscene amounts of money that would doubtably flow right back into daddy's pockets. Looks like he plans on 4 more years of utter corruption and quid pro quo, just like his last term. No wonder all the rich folk vote for him. I'm sure he's promised them all something, too.

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Uday and Qusay ride again!

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Thank you for fighting the good fight.

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How about a link to "The Big Picture"?

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I’m truly terrified of a second term if he wins. I hope you will tell us how to fight back if he wins.

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