I’m really impressed by your concise presentation of the news. Thank you.

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NONE of the Wagner situation makes sense anymore. Prigozhin hasn't been seen or heard from for hours - not at all typical for him. Also, since when is he averse to bloodshed or confrontation? Since when does he listen to Putin's poodle Lukashenko? I don't care if Prigozhin and Lukashenko are pals - Lukashenko has been sucking up to Putin for AGES, and let's not forget those Russian nukes on Belarussian territory. Even Ukrainian sources are struggling to make sense of it all. BUT there is ONE big concern: now that it's been demonstrated that Putin does not have a firm hold on his own country and his own people, and with Ukrainian troops landing on the eastern bank of the Dnipro River, the situation for the Russians still in Ukraine might be desperate enough that they might do something REALLY catastrophically dumb at the Zaporizzhia Nuclear Power Station.

A few days ago, in response to criticism from the Western observers that the counter-offensive was moving too slowly, Zelenski (rightfully) snapped back that it wasn't a movie and they couldn't expect an overnight success. He also pointed out that Ukrainian military had information about the (then) upcoming terrorist act at Nova Kakhovka, which they handed over to the international intelligence services, asking for help. No help came. The dam was blown up, and we all know what happened next. NOW, Ukrainian military has some information that something might be up at the NPS, especially since Russians had landmined the area all around it. Once again, they had handed this information over to the international military and intelligence organizations, asking for help. So far? Nothing. Zelenski reminded everyone that radioactive fallout doesn't care about political borders, and that the station in question is the biggest in Europe. So...

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You are exactly spot on with this comment. So many unanswered questions and so much that doesn't make any sense. This whole situation stinks to high heaven!

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I am originally from Ukraine, my parents live in Zaporizhzhia. I have been covering events there since 9 - 1/2 years ago when Crimea was annexed, and putting together daily news summaries since the start of this latest invasion. I honestly can't figure out what the heck is going on. Another alarming thing is that Prigozhin's mercenaries were welcomed and cheered by people in Russia as they went through Russian towns. Like - WHAT?! The guy is a convict. His mercenaries are convicts. They'd spent literally years engaging in rape and pillage. And THAT's what people there see as their liberators?

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Wow. So you know firsthand all the complexities of the situation in that region. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. If this is puzzling and alarming to you, then the rest of us better pay close attention to how this develops.

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I talk to my parents every week, plus I go through Ukrainian, Russian, and European sources for information. BBC has great maps - if you are visual, they are a great aid. Specifically for the Wagner thing, The Telegraph and US's Associated Press both had great summaries, The Telegraph also provided a map of Wagner's route to go with the timeline. They both did well pulling together all the bits and pieces. On YouTube, Ukrainian Toronto Television is a great channel run by very talented young people, both are also from Ukraine initially and both have a very good grip on all the various complicated events. And this is my own playlist of daily news updates: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVN4cXVrwQCu8SaaaNdudf4mtqjkLBXCd

When I spoke to my parents this morning, they basically said: Wagner or no Wagner, Zaporizhzhia is getting shelled every hour. They have been taking turns sleeping in two-hour snippets for the last month and a half. And, like me, knowing the lay of the land and my dad being a former military man, they are concerned about the NPS.

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My heart goes out to your family and all Ukrainian's. My ancestors are from Ukraine and Belarus areas when the whole region was still Imperial Russia (pre Bolshevik revolution). My great grandmother came to the US in the early 1900's. This war weighs heavy on my heart.

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Serious question about venue re: Federal trials. I think I understand why they are brought in the location of the crime but why is the jury not selected from a broader area? After all they're US vs XYZ not Fort Pierce vs XYZ.

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Because then the courts would have to pay for people to move to that city and upend their lives to be a juror. No one is interested in the compensation that would require.

We would be better having professional jurors at that point.

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It's about convenience for the jurors essentially

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Excellent question! I was wondering the same. It seems that a federal jury should be a broader representation of the entire population.

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I don't take any of the Russia story at face value....did Prigozhin back down so easily for a big payout? If his assets were taken over by the state, he lost there.....his ego is huge, thinking he was a better military mastermind than Putins generals, he heads to Moscow? Something else is going on.....

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It could be as straightforward as Prigrozhin is a mad thug who felt cornered and abandoned, and he lashed out unexpectedly...

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Prigozhin may want to stay away from upper story windows! ;)

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Somehow....some way, Putin will have Prigozhin killed. He gave him a pass; but it was a sticky pass.

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Way too much news for a Sunday morning! I hope the Russia kerfuffle does not ignite new efforts with Putin putting forth even more misery for Ukraine, just to flex his muscle. And the possible Christmas gift we might get would be more than I could hope for. Will digest all of this further after breakfast. Thanks, Jay.

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It's a lot!

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It just shows that the Czar has chink in his armor. I only hope it gets bigger. As with the Czar, the Czar wannabe's armor is beginning to rust. It seems that more people are deciding to save their own a** and throw him under his own bus.

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This is the subject of my Monday write up!

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"Greed, hubris and corruption" -- the SCOTUS trifecta. Perfectly captured, Jay. Thank you!

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“Putin has not been heard from…” ? Maybe he’s the one that should stay away from windows and make his own tea. 🙄

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You beat me to that one!

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The oblique Brady Bunch reference just made me love you more. 😂

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The whole Russia drama: a play in Dyesyt (10) acts, smells of contrivance, although to what end is difficult to discern. Warlord careens towards target, when, abruptly, he pulls up short, and, with a curt "just kidding" tossed over his shoulder meanders off in another direction, muttering "squirrel....".....

Jack Smith, though, remains right on-point, as we cheer him along....

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It feels more like Prigozhin was hoping more generals and FSB types would join him but they circled the wagons instead

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I am looking forward to a nice Christmas present!

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I used to be of the belief that Trump would never get indicted. Now I'm of the belief that we may get two more indictments out of him this summer alone! It is such a relief to know he is being held accountable finally. Prison time would be icing on the cake.

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Clear and consist as always, Jay. Thank you!

I wonder if it’s all feint upon feint or will Putin be moving to Florida, too?

Jack Smith, though. Carry on.

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Apologies for the misspelling of “concise”. I am a consummate proofreader—I couldn’t figure out how to edit once posted. Happy Monday!

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Stellar work! Who knew Putin’s Chef has a friend? Or that the Belarus guy wanted to flip off Putin? So be it...or Soviet, as you perfectly and hilariously stated. I snort laughed. Thank you!

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Heavy stuff. Thanks for starting it off with a chuckle or two ... Soviet! Pun-ting is an artform that doesn't always get respect but that was good, Jay, Jay, Jay!

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No take backsides vs. no take backsies? I suspect autocorrect got you.

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I wondered about that and think you're right. An extra letter is easy to overlook especially when it's not a misspelled word. This morning, I had a go-round with my phone's autocorrect which I finally gave up on after 5 tries (hoping it would learn from the repetition, it has done in the past). Autocorrect kept replacing 'chevre' (as in goat cheese) with 'cheese'.

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