Excellent writeup here on Paxton's TX Senate impeachment trial, and the charges he faces:


Check out Kenny-boy's plea for "dismissal of all charges": The voters re-elected him, THEREFORE there's no substance to the charges! Get that? Sounds like tRump: "I'm leading in all the polls, so these indictments aren't justified".

TX Senate divides 19-12 R-D, with a 2/3 vote needed to convict, and IMMEDIATE removal from office. Need 8 courageous Rs to join the 12 Ds to sink this felonious reprobate...btw, Paxton's wife is a senator, but the TX Legislature barred her from voting in Hubby's trial ---LOL!

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“because, well the government would be shut down.” 😂

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As would FEMA. Florida left on its own.

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DeSantis refused to meet with Biden; apparently he wants Florida left on its own!

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Better the Freedom Caucus do that than Biden!!

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Thank you Jay, even on a day of celebrating our work force, you’re hard at work. I appreciate you and look forward to each article. Rest now!

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Resting! Well, listening to a podcast about desalination in AZ, which is my way of relaxing...

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Jay, if you're referring to The Daily episode from last week, that one was very interesting. I hope that company doesn't screw over that small town in Mexico, but I won't be surprised if they do.

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I am SO TIRED of the way these bozos throw around the term "witch hunt".... especially since I am a witch (solitary practitioner, cooking and garden magic, water and earth - if anyone wants to get together after work to summon demons for a game of poker, let me know). But seriously, REAL witch hunts involves people with pitchforks and torches, actual hunting dogs, unfair trials, confessions under torture, hangings, burnings, crushings with stones, drownings, etc. Since these people INSIST they are victims of a witch hunt, I am SO tempted to reintroduce those things just so those whining wouldn't be disappointed. As my favorite aunt used to say, "If you don't stop crying, I'll give you something to cry about. "

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Down for the poker, and the pitchforks....

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It's crucial we focus on these individual state's doings. The GOP has been light years ahead of democrats in setting the groundwork we are seeing play out today---remember the ALEC days? Ready-made bills that quickly passed GOP controlled chambers all across the U.S. Then, as we've been distracted by all things Donald, they have loaded local school boards with GOP party members. We need to keep the pressure on, stay informed and fight these folks.

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Thanks for providing clarity on all these impeachments. I'm still not sure on what grounds Marjorie whatshername is accusing President Biden of regarding impeachment. All of the problems our government could be working on and this is it.....😡

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That's because the Rethuglicans aren't really capable of actually governing. They're about as useful as teats on a bull.

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Thanks for your usual clear statement of what’s happening. It is also clear that the GOP is a party of liars.

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Thank you for this excellent write up on what’s upcoming this week.

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I would appreciate a look at https://www.project2025.org/. Scares the hell out of me.

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You're in luck! Our team covered this very subject in The Big Picture. Be sure you're subscribed! https://open.substack.com/pub/thinkbigpicture/p/conservatives-small-to-unlimited-government?r=1zr8b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you! Even more scared now. This sounds a lot like what Hitler did. He was a democratically elected leader after all. He ran on grievances (sounds familiar? That's how the pipe piper always gets people to follow him). What Hitler did afterwards with "cleansing" the judiciary and the executive cemented his power. It was all laid out in his book "Mein Kampf". Nobody took it seriously. Now here we are with a very similar manifesto and barely anybody is talking about it. What can we do? The chances are not bad that a Republican will be President after the 2024 elections. All we need is a No Labels' or independent candidate siphoning off enough democratic votes and boom there we are! What can be done?

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Suggestion for future article: If we are completely honest with ourselves, what is the likelihood that at least one of the criminal cases against Trump reaches a verdict before next year's election? 50%? 25%? 10%? I'm not talking about chances per case; I'm talking about the chances that even one of the four reaches a verdict. Look at each of the cases and identify every motion that Trump could make that could be taken up on an interlocutory appeal (that would freeze things in the trial court). Then assume he will file all of them, lose all of the motions, and appeal on all of them. That's how he's operated for decades. There is no reason to believe this time it will be any different.

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His ability to delay the DC trial past the election will be limited. Appeals of the judge's ruling generally will need to wait till after conviction, if any. I suspect there will be a trial before the election, probably completed by end of next summer.

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That likelihood is a real possibility. As is Trump and other are found not guilty, or there's a hung jury...?

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In Wisconsin, which justice does NOT have an opinion on redistricting?

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McCarthy is a puppet king. The Ultra-Right has him by the ****. The problem is is that the Ultra-Right don't think past their noses. There is no way what they want will happen. But like little children they will stomp their feet and whine and cry about it, threaten to hold their breath knowing in the end they will not get their way.

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If the Republicans do impeach President Biden, it may not even get through the House, and it has zero chance of passing the Senate. I suspect that it will be seen by a lot of voters as the retaliation for the (deserved) Trump impeachments, which it obviously is. So, I HOPE that it would backfire on the Republicans in 2024.

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It's an indictment of Democrat party think tanks that they allow MAGA Republicans to use the label "conservative." While the term does (mostly) rhyme with "thieves", that wouldn't have been true of the original conservatives in both major political parties.

The fight to save AG Paxton in Texas is a good example. His cause is being supported by West Texas billionaires, Trump, Bannon ... There's nothing particularly "conservative" about folks wanting to get or stay filthy rich using corrupt and corruptible public officials.

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Few things are more maddening than the fact that the TX GOP is still the majority there, and likely will continue to be. And that Paxton likely will survive this.

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The Turtle's brain-lock "freezing" is taking him out of active Senate Minority leadership, and one of the other types needs to give him a push back to his "Old Kentucky Home"...enough of this stuff.

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