There are so many things I can never forgive Trump for, the list is too long to contemplate. But saying "I like people who weren't captured" is very high on the list. My grandfather was a WWII POW. My grandfather was a hero and Trump can stick it where the sun don't shine on those remarks. What a 💩

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The turd emoji is perfect.

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I with there was a turd emoji with a mean pouty face like in his awful pictures 🤣

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He is the scum of the earth. He hates the military, hates our veterans and hates the police. He smiles and says he loves them; but he really doesn't. Thanks to your grandfather and all other members of your family who have served and are currently serving. The deserve our deepest gratitude and respect.

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Thank you to all the new paid subscribers who are doing the indictment rain dance with me!

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Let's not forget that he also said McCain was no hero, because he got captured. "I like people who don't get captured." I believe he fired a naval captain for trying to inform people that his crew was dying of covid. He overturned two convictions by a military court. And those are just a few that I remember. Oh, and he said that our generals and admirals were idiots, and that he knew more than all of them. The military survives only by the chain of command, and he corrupted that chain at every turn.

Correction, it was FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that Trump had fired just hours before he was eligible for retirement. I just read that he filed a wrongful dismissal lawsuit and won and they patched up his record and bank account as if he had retired normally back then.

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I just read that Texas Governor Abbott is taking over where the AG left off in corruption, by claiming that he can personally defend the Border wall because all of the immigrants are enemy invaders. He is apparently trying to wrest away the responsibility of defending and controlling our borders from the federal government and it is suspected that he would like to fight the Federal Government up to the Supreme Court, where the court is friendly to overturning set precedent for right wing causes. I hope it all backfires. I hope that people cannot find anyone to clean their homes, or nanny their children, or handle their gardening in states that act like this, like Texas. I hope that instead Blue states fly needed immigrants into their states and help them to realize their dreams just like all of the immigrants that have come here since people first started coming here have tried to do.

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If he wants to inherit the immigration problem and claim it as his own, he may regret it…

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Your lips to god’s ears.

All yours governor. Wade right into the morass. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy.

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YES -- how long have we waited for the rule of law to be vindicated, for justice and sanity to prevail. Hopefully, this step -- indicting Trump -- comes soon, as you predict.

I too have been dismayed that Biden hasn't always followed through on his climate promises. But he has made progress on other environmental fronts. The point about Biden remains that he is the ultimate pragmatist, the great negotiator and statesman. We SO need and have needed him. His accomplishments (including the adroit negotiations on the debt ceiling)-- under the most trying of circumstances — are amazing. Whenever I hear folks bemoan how old he is (and don’t we all — including Biden — wish he were younger), I ask/wonder: in comparison to what? And by the way, they are often folks who might recommend to me a book on the amazing wisdom of some elder of another culture/religion, but who fail to see the irony of how age is denigrated in our culture eg Biden is old so he must be washed up. We should all be so lucky to be that "washed up”. As of now and in the foreseeable, he’s our leader and an excellent one at that. Let’s keep reminding ourselves and others: less hand wringing about age, not always doing everything we want. We need to put all our energy into his reelection, keeping the Senate and retaking the House. I won’t be at all surprised at what more he and the Dems can do in those circumstances.

Your posts and presence are invaluable to me -- many thanks.

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525 days, 15 hours, 0 minute and as of this post, 0 seconds.

Prepare in advance, pack for the trip.

Bring plenty of Gen-Z's & millennial's

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Yes it would be a great start to the summer! 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻

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The most hopeful Monday I've had in a long time.

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Jay - I’ve come to really appreciate your straightforward take on the news and am happy to support your work. Thank you for what you do.

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Thank you so much!

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Unfortunatly, the deal includes the last of the permits for the very controversail Mountain Valley Pipeline. Communties along the pipeline route have fought valiently for years to stop this pipeline. The pipeline will bring dirty fracked gas across our beloved and fragile Applachian Mountians from West Virginia to North Carolina where I reside. The section already completed has had a tremendous negative impact on rivers and streams, and communties along the pipeline route with 139 violations of the construction permit and 46 water quality standards violations. This will harm biodiversity and lands held in public trust. You can't trust energy companies to do the right thing. The real kicker is we don't even need it. The per centage of gas it will supply is only 35%, and less IF we eventually cut the use of fossil fuels more. Biden betrayed us with drilling lease in the Artic, the Mountain Vallely Pipline..what is next in these fagile areas? Is Biden in reality any different from his Republican counterparts when it comes to fossil fuels? Please do use Debt Ceiling as an excuse for this tradgey.

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I agree with you on Biden being very disappointing when it comes to new drilling. I wrote about my disappointment over the Willow project earlier; it felt like a real cop out.

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I remember reading your response to the Willow Project. I remember thinking that I appreciated your stating you were disappointed. Many people follow you and your opinion matters.

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Why do I get the feeling these permits had something to do with ensuring Manchin's "yes" vote?

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To those three Republicans who say this is insanity and you can't make this stuff up, I say: Well, apparently you can. YOU got elected to office. Now let's talk about insanity.

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I personally have no faith that the agreement between McCarthy and Biden will pass the house. The freaks on the far right have a bloodlust for power and have dispensed with trying to disguise it. Jan 6th didn't work, so they're grabbing the country by the ... purse strings. As long as there remains a sliver of possibility that Trump could regain the Presidency, they will do this until he is actually *convicted* and imprisoned.

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I'm sure your feeling of despair is valid. But didn't we vote out tRump a couple years ago??? Yes, we collectively kicked his ass out of the White House a couple years ago!!! Wheels of Justice just turning slowly ..... rule of law still here (as I look at Texas Republican led impeachment going against Republican AG Ken Paxton). However, the fight is continuing. Democracy is fragile that will require constant vigil in defending. It's no time for the weary. I'm confident that TRUMP will get indicted, locked up, and convicted by Jack Smith in the end. And after this snake head got cut off, all his loyal supporters (some already got convicted after the J6 trials) including those Republicans will fade in the back like before.

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It is a multi-front war for women.

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“[I]f the Republicans are this unhappy about the deal, it can’t have been so bad for the Democrats.”

Maybe. Performative outrage has become the norm for Republicans, so they could get 95 percent of what they want and still throw a fit.

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Well done Jay I truly enjoy how you weave together the complexities of our Country.

For this Senior,It has been a good week, the rotten apples are beginning to fall from the political trees.

AG Ken Paxton, was impeached Saturday by a bipartisan vote of 123 members of the Texas House was a huge gift to Texas and this Country His nasty lies, corruption and incessant lawsuits have spearheaded the GOP power book play, throughout this Country.

Next up we all hope is Jack Smith who is almost ready to tee off on the former Pres. Trump...

I am proud of President Biden, he has proved himself to be a worthy adversary in the negotiating arena, with a minimum loss to our for future for those who are disappointed remember to not grouse about what was lost, (there’s time fro correct ahead).

What is important is that Country’s economy will remain strong!

Finally on this Memorial Day we honors and remembers our fallen Heroes, they are Patriots!

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> That would probably be better for the country, because the next in line likely would be farther to the right than McCarthy.

Hard disagree. McCarthy is either unable or unwilling to moderate his caucus; this has been obvious since at least as far back as February of 2020. The only thing his leadership does is create permission for moderates and centrists in both caucuses to hope that he might do something useful with his position, and provide political cover for Problem Solvers Caucus members to vote along party lines instead of acting as a real caucus. In all other ways it is equivalent to a hypothetical Jim Jordan Speakership.

Allowing McCarthy to take the gavel is among the worst decisions that Democratic leadership has made since the start of 2022, right up there with supporting Christian Nationalists and election deniers in Republican primaries. Every time Democrats are seen to do something like that, it makes it less likely that people like Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney (or even Mitch McConnell!) will put country over party when they're asked to - and we can be absolutely certain that choice is coming for what potential Romneys and Cheneys remain.

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I think Smith-Garland have long since weighed the political fallout -- i.e., the "timing" -- from indicting Trump for various federal crimes, particularly obstruction of justice. These are not stupid guys. They know how to prosecute. They are waiting until they've turned over every stone to make sure the case is concrete. My prediction is within 60 days. Maybe August, when the shoe finally dropped on Nixon. Wouldn't that be poetic?

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