Happy New Year! Whenever fears & worries rise up inside of me, I calm myself down by looking at everything and everyone I am grateful for. You, Jay, your weekly Status Kuo, and your Facebook posts are always on top of my gratitude list. In other words, you help me sooth my anxiety and restore my sanity. Thank you! And I hold you in my heart over the loss of your powerfully beautiful MA. I am looking forward to the release of "MA IN ALL CAPS".

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The McCarthy Play (first act) will be Televised tomorrow. Reportedly there are 5 Never Kevins & 9 Let's Make-a-Deal(s). At this point, Kevin will take a "Present" but, not voting or the "Not Attending" for any reason, "I was sailing on the Potomic trying to get a family member to an Emergency Room" works. Santos? Who?

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Dance like nobody's watching, Jay. You go!!

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Wow! A cliffhanger! I haven’t heard that they would ramp up investigations!

Happy New Year!

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A happy cha-cha-cha to you and yours! :)

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Happy New Year. Your insights and analysies are appreciated.

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We certainly live in "interesting" times!

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Pamper yourself and rest up. Give Hudson lots of snuggles.

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Okay...I was lamenting the lingering holiday closures--ready to be done with it--but jumping back into politics can wait another day.

Glad you had fun! There is so little of that going around these days.

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