MTG is a classic example of why we shouldn’t speak without a brain 😝

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She is cruising for a bruising. One of these days, someone is going to lose their temper with her and ruin her botox.

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Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard

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M3 - we need billboards in her area with this only biological parents have rights insanity. I mean I expect nothing less from someone who chased a child survivor of gun violence down the street.

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Gotta love grandma! :-D

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I’m still laughing about it, picturing that moment.

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The gift of color brought me to tears. Beautiful moment.

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An amazing moment of pure joy and discovery❣️ Wish we could all vanquish our blindspots in the same way.

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The grandma story made me snort! The welcome in Montana made me teary, and the rest of this was also just what I needed! Thanks Jay, I really appreciate you, especially as someone stuck in the hellscape that is FloriDUH! Edited to add: that fux newz chart made me wish that all news organizations were non-profit.

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I need to ask that Grandma if being “a little gay” is the same as being “a little pregnant”.🤷🏻‍♀️

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That "Real Women of Politics" ad has to be a parody, right? Someone tell me it was a joke.

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It appears to be real.

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I really hope it is parody! No-one could possibly take something that stupid seriously. I’m just waiting for Randy Rainbow to chime in. Or maybe I should watch SNL this weekend.

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No one? Have you seen/heard Greene, Boebert, Jordan, et. al.? And Tuberville holding up vital military promotions for equally stupid MAGAt reasons? In Robert Heinlein's "Future History" series of stories and novels, he postulated a period of time he called The Crazy Years. We're living it. He also postulated a fascistic theocracy to boot - and let us not forget, that's what a lot of these folks are unabashedly trying to bring about. Do not make the mistake of thinking it cannot happen. It can and it will if we take our eyes off the ball. Pay attention. Vote. Act upon facts, not emotions and definitely not on the words of charlatans and messiahs. Fight for your democracy or lose it - those are the real, true, actual stakes.

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Nope. They are perfectly serious. Stupid AF, but perfectly serious.

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Perfect! Thank you the lighter moments

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I had to read first. Now I’m clicking through to the videos 🫶😂😂😂

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Awesome to see such loveliness and humor amongst the stupidity and heartlessness of republicans.

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That might be a bridge too far even for MTG’s sycophants

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Nope. She lives in an echo chamber, filled with people who are just as ignorant and narrow-minded as she is. Remember - not only does she win her elections by double-digits, she has enough "Freedumb Caucus" cronies to be the power center in the House. Think about that - MTG is one of the top power brokers in the United States House of Representatives. And will be until McCarthy is jettisoned, and somebody can assemble a semi-bipartisan coalition to elect a Speaker who understands what needs to be done for the country. Possibly then she can be marginalized - but nothing will shut her up.

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The Colorblind people getting Enchroma glasses hit me in the feels EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Thanks Jay.

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Think this might be my favorite weekend bit yet. MTG never fails to amaze and this week she surpassed herself, Ron DeSanctimonius was the best bobble head EVER (watched it several times), Zooey Zephyr is a superstar and will go far, the panda shots were priceless, that one Exxon station is so safe from EVER giving out free gas, and the grandma segment was priceless. Thank you for encapsulating the week so well.

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Thanks Jay for the pandas ! They are adorable !! As for MTG that is a reason for birth control!!! She is a special , ahhhhhh ,something!! She keeps spewing forth her ignorance She is going to piss off someone that will fight back ! She is so hateful!! As for deathsantis he is messing with the Mouse , he will lose big time !! Bring it on ......Cheers to all !!

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Thank you this made my day I think I love grandma I already know that I MTG should never open her mouth and all these young representatives speaking out and the people they represent standing up for them make me happy that we still have people willing to put themselves out there for the betterment of others. Our youth definitely give me hope for the future

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Agree! I watched several of them in action last week and I told my hunny that I feel a little better about the future now.

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On what’s her faces parents’ comment: so no to abortions and now no to adoption…


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