The old dude with the overalls, work boots and ball cap -- That's me, except I don't wear overalls, work boots or a ball cap. But the attitude, that's definitely me. We need to remind people more about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Most of all, we don't say 'live and let live' nearly enough, or my personal favorite, "MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS."

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It brought tears to my eyes. I'd like to crack open a beer with that man

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Ben Franklin wanted the motto of the United States to be “mind your business”, and it was actually on one of the first minted coins.

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That was certainly a missed opportunity.

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The question is about what sort of "Transsexual" one is talking about. Which one is yelling and screaming and colling themselves activists. Who is trying to get power or become famous or abuse others? TRANS activism is deeply, deeply sick and violent. These are bad people. There could be good, normal Transsexuals. That would be about .1 % of the population as most. And G-d BLess them. But the activists you see looking for publicity are not honest. No, not at all. In fact, any sincere, genuine trans sexual DOES "mind their own business." This activism thing is a fraud and I cannot believe everyone has fallen for it. So, you could try to examine the next TRANS person screaming and accusing others and threatening to kill people. This is what persons do. They are nazis. Ask yourself what's going on. Still amazing: Nobody gets this. These are the most blatant kind of hypocrites. Also, as I said: publicity seekers. A REAL trans man or woman tries not to be "clocked," or detected. They don't stand around screaming at others persons. Nobody takes the time to think; that is the most shocking things of all. You people just really don't get it. You people just really don't know what is going on. Just think a little. That's all I am asking....

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I was gonna comment on this one... but I don't even know where to start. You are a very confused and misinformed individual, and I hope you somehow get straightened out. And I have no intention of engaging in conversation about this - so don't bother to @ me.

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Block and report them. It’s pure hate speech.

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May 17, 2023
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I am always looking for anyone who can understand my economics theories. Some persons might want to check out what I am saying about "capitalism." It's a little complicated, more than I thought; I guess so. If a few people might want to know the truth, you might want to look into you. You actually have to think, though. I might eventually be able to make money. But it is all free for now, including the hilarious record of me coming to terms with what in hell "Substack" is. Being an Autistic man I don't really get all the wrinkles of it.

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I wish I had known about the pollinators earlier - I wouldn't have shampooed my carpets yesterday.

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The pollinators are everything.

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Jay, you are the BEST pollinator I know ... of hope, knowledge, community, amusement at life's absurdities, and (of course!), DEMOCRACY!! Thank you a million times for the smart snark (😂) that renews our energy to tackle another week defending our country (💪)

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As long as I don’t cause allergies!

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Addictions to truth and knowledge maybe, but no allergies!

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There are antihistamines to counter that!

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💯 Thank you so much, Jay! 💗

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Just what I needed. My 4 year old granddaughter makes the same face Jim Jordan does, when she's not allowed to paint. Lol

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Perfect response 🤣😂

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Once again, you've made my morning

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Oh, that poor person with the sauce!!! Thanks for the round up, Jay!

I saw this story in my IG feed and just have to share it, this kid is so cool! https://people.com/parents/boy-says-he-was-gucci-past-life-goes-viral-dressmaking-exclusive/

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What a great story. I need a new dress!

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Thank you for sharing that link, Kate!

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You’re welcome!

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I'm in love with Walter Masterson!

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Follow him on IG if you don’t already!

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Actually Jordan still had the worst day. The tomato sauce guy can at least wash it off. The stink is stuck to Jordan forever. The old guy in the video is awesome; something my conservative Republican dad would have said.

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Pursuit of Happiness. Nailed it.

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Thank you for a very funny Sat. Morning post!

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I laughed out loud about the take home quiz, thank you Jay!

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Thank you very much for those! Part of George Santos problem is that he is missing demeanor entirely.

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Really whacked my funny bone today..!

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dude, I searched "no paywall" and when I got into your piece, my first by you, I like(d) it. I have got to say: this is a great idea. You are actually HELPING PEOPLE, not just ranting your own views. In my own case, however the views I rant are good enough for me to have some hope. So far, I have no paywall system as well. Again: good job. Finally, I get Rick Wilson in my twitter feed. I think he is a Drama Queen. Always gets so excited and always self-righteous. I am actually a bit tired of this at this point. And going through YOU MR. Kuo, may be the better way to keep up with the person (WIlson).

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