‘Director pushed out’ means he has a new and hidden job setting up the rest of this coup-to-be. As Jay notes, P2025 is merely lying quiescent while the Heritage Foundation readies the rest of their plan. I’m also concerned that the MAGAts have a plan to do for our election what Maduro just did in Venezuela. Remember: MAGAts lie and the head MAGAt lies incessantly.
‘Director pushed out’ means he has a new and hidden job setting up the rest of this coup-to-be. As Jay notes, P2025 is merely lying quiescent while the Heritage Foundation readies the rest of their plan. I’m also concerned that the MAGAts have a plan to do for our election what Maduro just did in Venezuela. Remember: MAGAts lie and the head MAGAt lies incessantly.
‘Director pushed out’ means he has a new and hidden job setting up the rest of this coup-to-be. As Jay notes, P2025 is merely lying quiescent while the Heritage Foundation readies the rest of their plan. I’m also concerned that the MAGAts have a plan to do for our election what Maduro just did in Venezuela. Remember: MAGAts lie and the head MAGAt lies incessantly.