According to reports in Rolling Stone and election lawyer Marc Elias, more than 70 staunch maga ites (pronounce as maggots) have been installed as election officials in swing states. Any one if them could prevent state election certification by with holding poll results in a given district.
According to reports in Rolling Stone and election lawyer Marc Elias, more than 70 staunch maga ites (pronounce as maggots) have been installed as election officials in swing states. Any one if them could prevent state election certification by with holding poll results in a given district.
According to reports in Rolling Stone and election lawyer Marc Elias, more than 70 staunch maga ites (pronounce as maggots) have been installed as election officials in swing states. Any one if them could prevent state election certification by with holding poll results in a given district.
Also read today's (Aug. 1) Robert Hubbell post and scroll down to "The Republican plan to withhold certification of election results"