All these motions filed by tRump and his Kraken team of lawyers less concern themselves with the merits of his arguments, but stringing out the appeal process as long and as far as courts will allow. Competent attorneys-at-law recognize tRump's dodges for what they are, but if retainer fees are high enough, sure, they'll go to bat for th…
All these motions filed by tRump and his Kraken team of lawyers less concern themselves with the merits of his arguments, but stringing out the appeal process as long and as far as courts will allow. Competent attorneys-at-law recognize tRump's dodges for what they are, but if retainer fees are high enough, sure, they'll go to bat for their client, anything to push proceedings beyond November 5, 2024. And facts of law offer rich grounds for lengthly disputations concerning actual criminal liability, and combining that with tRump's unique status as defendant - despite judges' best efforts in trying to move these cases forward - tRump is expertly playing to his advantages as an ex-president, knowing full well that for the government to show that "no man is above the law", they really, really have to work at it.
In Fulton County, Georgia, Judge Scott McAfee already is expressing reservations on trial dates and how to divide up the defendants, while *Judge* Aileen Cannon in Florida has totally slow-walked proceedings there in the MAL docs case, siding with tRump's lawyers in pushing back on court dates because of tortuous CIPA arguments and motions advanced by the defense. Full props for Judge Chutkan and SC Smith for quickly dealing with the issues there in the Jan 6 case, but as one group of motions are dealt with, another lot are entered, with more pre-trial wrangling ahead. Frankly, it will be a true legal miracle if tRump would find himself on trial and in the dock vis-à-vis the criminal cases before next year's election, IMHO.
Which is why it's important that he doesn't win the election. Or any other Repugnant willing to pardon him and erase all the hard work that's been done. And yes I know they can't pardon the GA state charges but I feel it could start to get even uglier if one of his cronies is voted into office.
All these motions filed by tRump and his Kraken team of lawyers less concern themselves with the merits of his arguments, but stringing out the appeal process as long and as far as courts will allow. Competent attorneys-at-law recognize tRump's dodges for what they are, but if retainer fees are high enough, sure, they'll go to bat for their client, anything to push proceedings beyond November 5, 2024. And facts of law offer rich grounds for lengthly disputations concerning actual criminal liability, and combining that with tRump's unique status as defendant - despite judges' best efforts in trying to move these cases forward - tRump is expertly playing to his advantages as an ex-president, knowing full well that for the government to show that "no man is above the law", they really, really have to work at it.
In Fulton County, Georgia, Judge Scott McAfee already is expressing reservations on trial dates and how to divide up the defendants, while *Judge* Aileen Cannon in Florida has totally slow-walked proceedings there in the MAL docs case, siding with tRump's lawyers in pushing back on court dates because of tortuous CIPA arguments and motions advanced by the defense. Full props for Judge Chutkan and SC Smith for quickly dealing with the issues there in the Jan 6 case, but as one group of motions are dealt with, another lot are entered, with more pre-trial wrangling ahead. Frankly, it will be a true legal miracle if tRump would find himself on trial and in the dock vis-à-vis the criminal cases before next year's election, IMHO.
Which is why it's important that he doesn't win the election. Or any other Repugnant willing to pardon him and erase all the hard work that's been done. And yes I know they can't pardon the GA state charges but I feel it could start to get even uglier if one of his cronies is voted into office.
Listen to the podcast 'Jack', and it becomes clearer how much is just delay, delay, delay.