Interesting that Trump argues that Presidential immunity must extend past the point of the Presidency. And yet, he is vowing to go after Joe Biden who will, presumably, be out of office if Trump is once again allowed to infest the Oval Office. Wonder how come Joe won't have absolute immunity, hmmm?

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Logic isn't former guy's, or his lawyer's strong point.

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Excellent point!

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The man is nothing if not inconsistent. Remember how he said the Senate shouldn't convict him because this was a matter for the courts? And now he's saying the courts have to clear him because the Senate did. Don't think we didn't notice, Don.

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I don't think he understands cause and consequence very well.

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That's for sure. Because he's never had a consequence.

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Makes me wonder how he was raised...

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Easy, Joe's a Democrat. The rules for Rs and Ds are different.

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What really seems to be lost on trump, his lawyers, and his cult followers is if the courts were to rule in his favor on presidential immunity, it would mean the current occupant of the white house could also abuse the office to stay in power. I don't think the courts are going to grant anyone the power to break the law or violate the constitution.

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Thank you, I saw elsewhere a statement about how tfg could use the Insurrection Act against protesters, but no mention about the current President actually having that power, it is shameful and harmful to our Democracy. Vote 💙.

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"...the judge had to explain it to Trump’s lawyers like they were twelve."

I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

I don't think even this SCOTUS will overrule this kind of stuff, but I'm glad you don't either, because you're more in tune with the legal aspects than I am. Also, they're basically normal people. I'm sure they (including those nominated by him for their position) are as sick of his theatrics as the rest of us are.

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Well, maybe eight do. The ninth has shown he doesn’t think much better than tfg’s lawyers and he’s made it abundantly clear he could care less what others think of his written decisions, bribes (excuse me, allowable gifts), and rich donors (excuse me again, casual friends). Just don’t hint he might go home for supper and let the mrs. ask “How was your day at work, dear.”

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Don't forget his buddy, Alito, who will sell out his mother to get some conservative thing done. But I don't think these guys like trump all that much. Helping him doesn't serve them.

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I definitely should have qualified my comment.

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Just came across this quote from the author,Terry Pratchett. Someone should convey to tRump: "Always remember, that the crowd that applauds your coronation is the same crowd that will applaud your beheading. People like a show!

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"it does not follow that “if the animal is not a cat, it cannot be a pet.”

Cat lovers punching the air right now.

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Cats are second only to ducks in the analogy pantheon.

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"... he had “absolute immunity” from civil liability over any of his conduct while serving as president..." The key word is "president" - not King/Dictator/Despot/Tsar. A mere president - a normal person who was ELECTED to the post and then UN-elected.

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Throughout all of this, at every stage the orange one is making it patently clear that he believes the President literally can do whatever he likes, with complete impunity.

America, are you listening?

When someone shows you who they are, believe them!

The man is aggressively arguing to establish a legal precedent for the USA as a dictatorship.

This is NOT only all about tactical delays. If he was to get a favourable ruling on this in the Supreme Court it would do some very scary things:

1. It would help the nutters convince many fence sitters that he isn't the evil criminal we all know he is. That increases his chances of being elected.

2. It sets up the position of President as completely above any reach of the law....and he wants to be that untouchable ruler.

3. He is arguing for it to extend beyond the term in office. Think about the implications of that.

He's arguing that his incitement was in the national interest.

He's still got people peddling the myth of the "stolen election". And he has all the gun nutters in bis pocket. He literally has a ragtag army of people willing to lay down their lives for him.

God bless and keep those judges who are holding fast to the law to protect all Americans (and the rest of us) from this despotic narcissist..

And please, America, get out next year and VOTE.

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Thank you, Jay, for these explanations. It becomes clearer as Trump keeps trying to make it murkier, tangled, and strung out, his seemingly apparent MO.

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Had to giggle on the line...”recognize, like one of Trumps own grandchildren.” 😂😂. Really appreciate this piece, laying it out so clearly. I won’t sleep well until this is all done. 🙄 Have a good week everyone!

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We already know he could not recognize one of his own wives.

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Right! lol!

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Sometimes I have dreams that Trump will ultimately realize he is trapped, has no possible way to escape his fate and will throw himself on the mercy of the courts, plead guilty and hope for concessions. Then I wake up. Silly me.

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More likely - he'll choke on KFC when wolfing it down. His last words will be something like "arghh farfga graw..."

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Sounds just like ome of his campaign speeches 🤣

Or was it one of his responses to the COVI crisis? 😉

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All these motions filed by tRump and his Kraken team of lawyers less concern themselves with the merits of his arguments, but stringing out the appeal process as long and as far as courts will allow. Competent attorneys-at-law recognize tRump's dodges for what they are, but if retainer fees are high enough, sure, they'll go to bat for their client, anything to push proceedings beyond November 5, 2024. And facts of law offer rich grounds for lengthly disputations concerning actual criminal liability, and combining that with tRump's unique status as defendant - despite judges' best efforts in trying to move these cases forward - tRump is expertly playing to his advantages as an ex-president, knowing full well that for the government to show that "no man is above the law", they really, really have to work at it.

In Fulton County, Georgia, Judge Scott McAfee already is expressing reservations on trial dates and how to divide up the defendants, while *Judge* Aileen Cannon in Florida has totally slow-walked proceedings there in the MAL docs case, siding with tRump's lawyers in pushing back on court dates because of tortuous CIPA arguments and motions advanced by the defense. Full props for Judge Chutkan and SC Smith for quickly dealing with the issues there in the Jan 6 case, but as one group of motions are dealt with, another lot are entered, with more pre-trial wrangling ahead. Frankly, it will be a true legal miracle if tRump would find himself on trial and in the dock vis-à-vis the criminal cases before next year's election, IMHO.

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Which is why it's important that he doesn't win the election. Or any other Repugnant willing to pardon him and erase all the hard work that's been done. And yes I know they can't pardon the GA state charges but I feel it could start to get even uglier if one of his cronies is voted into office.

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Listen to the podcast 'Jack', and it becomes clearer how much is just delay, delay, delay.

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I hope you’re right also!

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Me too Jay, me too. Thanks for insight into legal logic and precedent. I once thought about being a lawyer but I realized I was not quite the detail-oriented person I needed to be. I’m glad you are.

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Same here. I also set myself a standard that I would have to get on the LSAT and I came in one point below it. I believe that was the universe sending me a message.

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I was an RN and Nurse Practitioner for 27 years. Suited me better than the law. However, I am fascinated by the law.

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Thank you, Jay. Let's hope SCOTUS will rule quickly and

not in Trump's favor.

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The only time the Supreme Court wants to do the right thing, is out of self interest. A president accountable to nobody isn’t accountable to the Supreme Court. They love being better than everyone else. Only Supreme Court justices are above the law. They’ll rule against Trump, because absolute power is best in the fewest hands, and 18 hands is just about right.

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I’ll be it’s 16 hands but whatever it takes…

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Ah yeah - I just threw in two hands per the nine justices, but it’s unfair to lump Jackson, Kagan & Sotomayor in with the destroyers of the American Experiment.

Edit: sorry- I’m brain dead. You were probably meaning Thomas was going to side with Trump. I don’t understand that guy. If politics were Dungeons and Dragons, his alignment would be the so called “stupid evil” meme take on chaotic evil that evils just because.

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Yeah, I’ve been wondering if they see the threat TFG represents to their power.

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'Because absolute power power is best in fewest hands' and with him in power he will have the 'best' hand and will only need to raise his.

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If only we were granted immunity from Defendant X45!

I realize this is small potatoes in contrast to the rest of his crimes, but I remain infuriated (blood pressure meds prescribed recently😆) that he and Morticia presided over the R convention at the White House!! Guess the Hatch Act applies only to Karine Jean-Pierre.

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