Another outstanding compilation and commentary on what is happening in Ukraine.
With Putin apparently, at least on the surface, "moving the goal posts" back considerably from his original "de-Nazification" and "taking back Ukraine" justifications, perhaps in response to the domestic demonstrations and outspoken protests of some members of the business, professional, and intelligentsia classes, I want to express amassively hopeful thought:
In the post-USSR period, though the oligarchs certainly have thrived, the middle class has also grown, as have rising expectations - until the recent Putin shenanigans, Ukraine invasion, and crackdown on dissent. It's notable that middle-class rising expectations, along with working class strife (especially the massive loss of their sons in wars) has always been a recipe for revolution - especially in Russia. We could be witnessing such a historical process right now.
Another outstanding compilation and commentary on what is happening in Ukraine.
With Putin apparently, at least on the surface, "moving the goal posts" back considerably from his original "de-Nazification" and "taking back Ukraine" justifications, perhaps in response to the domestic demonstrations and outspoken protests of some members of the business, professional, and intelligentsia classes, I want to express amassively hopeful thought:
In the post-USSR period, though the oligarchs certainly have thrived, the middle class has also grown, as have rising expectations - until the recent Putin shenanigans, Ukraine invasion, and crackdown on dissent. It's notable that middle-class rising expectations, along with working class strife (especially the massive loss of their sons in wars) has always been a recipe for revolution - especially in Russia. We could be witnessing such a historical process right now.
Some middle-class & professionals are fleeing Mother Russia along with a few Oligarchs.
Thank you. This good news, and I hope that many gain hope and comfort from this. God bless you.