I can hardly read the news. Makes me so depressed.

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I hear you.

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I get you , I get so damn angry my blood pressure goes up.

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I, for one, can't WAIT to read this! Tulsi Gabbard has been an apologist for violent Hindu nationalist organizations in India as well as propping up Indian PM Modi. The video of her ring-kissing meetings with Modi are cringe inducing. And that's before we even get to some of the worst people on earth like Assad and Putin.

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It has been some 200 years since Americans lived under the rule of an autocrat. We have long ago forgorren what it was like. We are about to learn again.

It took a war to get rid of the last one.

Do you really believe that Trump will peacefully step down after 4 years?

I don't. The rules of our Constitution are meaningless to him.

He will simply refuse to step down and by then he will have turned the military into his own police force and Congress into his servant.

It may take another war to get rid of him.

Perhaps it is a good thing that there are more guns in civilian hands in America than there are people,

Lock and load.

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They'll take him out feet first, he wont survive 4 years. He's not healthy.

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That is the real why of the second amendment to refresh the tree of liberty 🗽 against tyranny.

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Smoking out sympathizers to assassinate? Idk, Just a guess!

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Jay, could you consider doing a piece on the calls for Biden to direct the National Archives to publish the ERA? It would be worth pushing for, if it is possible, but I haven't seen what I would consider to be a fact-based analysis of the issue.

Also, Gabbard would essentially destroy the US intelligence community--it could take decades to recover from the damage she would do.

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Thanks for all you are doing on our behalf, Jay....even on days I can't even read it!

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"Why are we even considering an apologist for Assad and a mouthpiece for Putin as head of our intelligence service?"

Well, why not? This is tRump's show, the Senate can always say NO, but how likely is that? So, I ask again, "Why not"?

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Our intelligence agencies rely on our current intelligence allies to supply information about activities of terrorist groups, drug cartels, for example. With Trump as president and Ms. Gabbard as DNI our current intelligence partners will no doubt cease to supply the US with any intelligence they may have. They have no assurance that the information they supply us will not be given away or sold. For example, in 2017 Trump told classified information from Israel to the Russians.


The US will be blind about the threats from outside of the US. We will have to rely on exclusively our own intelligence gathering. And that may be incomplete.

When these MAGA persons are gone will our current allies ever trust us again?

“Trust is like a vase.. once it’s broken, though you can fix it, the vase will never be the same again.” – Walter Anderson

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As a Canadian, I agree.

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From every moment that I gather, Tulsi Gabbard, is perfect for her assignment and her appointment. She will, as she has, protect life and our equal rights, which is the job of government, all along. The Democrats, in name only, chased her out of the DNC, for her purpose gets in the way of war and that is to set all people free.

False flags and narratives are running rampant to protect the guilty from being exposed to the way, the truth and the life without we share. Discern with your wisdom for all in love and more, is fair.

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Tulsi Gabbard is a fan-girl of Putin and Assad. she will help MangoMussolini sell our secrets to foreign dictators.

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Well yes, but only if you live in reality as this fan-person of hers doesn't!

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I believe it was Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, that sold the uranium to Russia and not Tulsi Gabbard.

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"In the face of repeated fact checks, the president's claims have not withstood scrutiny."


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I can fact check the spirit of what somebody is trying to say and who they are, without someone else's opinion cited, especially an opinion bought and paid for, financially biased opinion. You see, most of the stories that we live by are fed to us by the sponsors and owners of the media outlets. How much more trustworthy a source is your own mind and heart.

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What a cast Trumpistan has chosen. Patel for FBI, wanting to get rid of its investigative piece - brilliant! It's not as if an investigative department wasn't of value. It's just that Trump/Patel/the rest of the gang that couldn't shoot straight only target people who disagree with Trump. Remember that Trump threatened to throw Zuckerberg in prison for life because Zuck said something that didn't flatter Trump. Wow, big trouble there, n'est pas?

Gabbard, Putin's and al-Assad confrere for DNI. Damn good choice Don.

There is no one on Trumpistan's team that has a single qualification for the job they're "entitled" to (if the safety net critics in the GOP can misname things "entitled", so can I). Ah, gone are the days of Matt Gaetz. And yeah, Stefanik for U.N. Ambassador? The ONLY good thing I can say about her is that she no longer "represents" my district (no, she doesn't - no town halls, no local media access, just D.C. smear and creepiness).

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You did a masterful job, Jay!

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Looking forward to reading this.

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Hate to disagree on this. I have never actually heard anything specific, just general claims without any support. I suspect the real issue is that she is being smeared because she supports Snowden and Assange. As DNI, that is far more important. It should also be important for us as citizens.

What I did hear from her on foreign wars was consistent: she has always been opposed to US foreign intervention, period. That's something we should have heeded for decades; it would have kept us out of a lot of trouble - including our bloated defense budget and our domestic culture of violence.

I do believe she is going too far with that position (especially when it comes to Ukraine), but she's not fundamentally wrong.

For me, Tulsi Gabbard's nomination was a surprising breath of fresh air.

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